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    Clothing Starts To Go To &Nbsp In The Off-Season; There Are Tricks To Clean Up Inventory.

    2010/7/29 14:40:00 161

    Clothing Inventory Adjustment

    Though it is still midsummer,


    Start cleaning up the stock.

    Look at the clothing discount from the mall to the small store, we know that cleaning up inventory has been put on the agenda.

    Many clothing stores are now promoting sales, so they can't clear up inventory and make preparations for the autumn.

    The most practical way to solve the problem of clothing inventory is to reduce sales on a large scale, but there are still some better ways to popularize.

    1. in time

    seasoning condiments

    When buying goods, insist on a small amount of money, and set rules for the shopping guide, so long as the new style is not inquired in 3 days or sold within 5 days, it will quickly return to the wholesaler to change other colors or styles.

    At present, the competition in the wholesale clothing market is very intense. Wholesalers usually allow other colors or styles to be replaced in order to sell as much as possible.

    For those wholesalers who are not allowed to change, they must not take the goods.

    2. clean up


    As early as possible

    Before August, some clothing stores began to clear the stock and sell goods.

    It is better to lose money than to press goods, which is a selling principle for the off-season garments.

    The operating capital of a small shop is mainly the money sold every month. If the goods are pressed down, it will not be able to sustain it for up to two months.

    The main reason is to keep the rent for two or three months and stick to the peak season.

    Therefore, the clothing store's profit is not good, wants to withdraw the fund, maintains the basic balance of payments, when cleaning up the stock, must be early.

    When it comes to cleaning up time with other shopkeepers, clothing is even more difficult to sell.

    3. shopping guide skillfully recommends Stock clothing.

    When customers select products, they often pick up two styles at the same time. At this time, the shopping guide should not encourage customers to buy the two models, because many customers can hardly choose the two ones, and they may not buy them at the end.

    The clever way is to sell the style to the customer. When the customer goes to the counter to check out, he tells the customer that the other one is selling well, and that it is already sold out. At that time, the customer will feel a sense of urgency, and it is more likely that the other one will buy it.

    It is unrealistic for any clothing store to achieve zero inventory. Therefore, we can master the rhythm and do some proper sales activities at the right time, such as group buying, VIP sale, issuing coupons, rush buying in time, holiday promotion and so on.

    Generally speaking, this method does not harm the reputation and image of the operator too, and it is not easy to affect the relationship with the supplier.

    5. exchange of goods


    Advertising can definitely enhance the reputation of the operator. If it is a franchised store, advertising can often get a certain degree of support from the supplier, and a lot of multimedia can be used to fill the advertising fee. This will help the operator's future business activities, and it will be used to exchange future gains with immediate losses.

    Clothing stores can also clean up stock clothing in this way.

    6. other tricks to clean up inventory

    Now many shopkeepers allow the shopping guide to take the goods out for sale.

    Usually after the shop is off duty, the shopping guide is encouraged to take part of his stock clothes to some crowded places or sell them in the night market.

    Of course, the price of clothing is cheaper, and it can give the guide salesman a base price, much more, and also a good way to increase the extra speed for the guide.

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