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    Selling Wild Flowers To Sell Cars And Houses

    2011/1/24 10:33:00 60

    Wildflower Car House

    In July 1999, Zhang Yu, 21, became a tour guide.

    In the summer of 2000, Zhang Yu led the group to Hainan. She ate some local fruit at the roadside shop. However, she did not expect to cause food poisoning. She was unconscious for hours. Later, after rescuing, she was out of danger, but food poisoning damaged her brain. Later, she appeared blurred vision, dysphasia, dyspnea and other symptoms. Zhang Yu felt more and more helpless about the work of tour guide. In October 2000, she resigned reluctantly.

    Zhang Yu wants to change a job which is relatively easy and conducive to physical recovery. But when the employer learned about her health condition, she refused. After many twists and turns, she found a job as a shop assistant in a bookstore.

    In March 2001, Zhang Yu returned to his hometown in the countryside. The mountains are covered with mountains and beautiful scenery. Zhang Yu breathed fresh air in the mountains and felt a lot of happiness. She picked many wild flowers on the mountain and prepared to take them back to the city and put them in the room.

    After returning to the city, Zhang Yu's friends like these wild flowers very much. They surrounded Zhang Yu to let her explain the names, kinds and growth of these wild flowers. Zhang Yu happily told them about it for a long time, and sent them a few sticks.

    Zhang Yuyou, a friend in the florist's office, picked up a bunch of flowers and decided to try it in the flower shop. Li Xia,

    On the second day after work, Li Xia rushed to find her, saying that the wild flower was bought by a girl at a price of 30 yuan in the afternoon. She also said she should buy it frequently. With the 30 yuan handed down by Li Xia, Zhang Yu moved: did wild flowers really have such a good consumer market? So she asked Li Xia to go and pick some wild flowers to come back for sale at the weekend. Sure enough, hundreds of wildflowers sold out in a week, and the boss kept her going to collect wild flowers and how much he bought. Apart from the discount to the florist, she earned more than 700 yuan, which is equivalent to her monthly salary in the bookstore. With this "windfall", Zhang Yu began to realize that a rare opportunity came.

    Wildflowers are popular, smart girls quickly catch business opportunities.

    Seeing the market response is good, Zhang Yu wants to take the road of selling wild flowers. However, collecting wild flowers is not so easy. On the one hand, wild flowers are found in the mountains and fields. It is difficult and dangerous to gather flowers. On the other hand, the florescence of wild flowers is also inconsistent. She wanted to keep the wildflower business for a long time, only to plant wild flowers, then sell them regularly to florists.

    Surely she resigned decisively and returned home with thousands of dollars saved. I heard that she was going home to grow wild flowers, and her friends and parents persuaded her to dispel the idea. In their opinion, few people could make a career on wildflowers.

    Zhang Yu is a girl with a strong mind. She believes her idea is right and her parents have to "surrender". Zhang Yu quickly expanded and transformed his father's nursery, expanding the original nursery with only one or two Mu to five or six acres and pulling up a fence wall. She transplanted many wild woody plants from the mountain, and also collected some wild flower seeds for planting. The villagers in the neighborhood laughed at her idea after knowing her idea.

    Zhang Yu ignored the irony of others and kept busy. Although she launched her parents to gather wild flower seeds, the manpower was not enough. She's here. In the village The advertisements for wild flower seeds and wild flower seedlings have been produced. Mountain people have lived in luxuriant mountains for generations. They have heard that these wild flowers and wild weeds can also sell money. They no longer laugh at her. They soon collected many flowers for Zhang Yu and dug many wild flowers and plants.

    Zhang Yu planted the seeds in different fields and transplanted some woody plants such as Rhododendron Rhododendron and wild rose into the basin. Because the vitality of wild flowers and plants is very vigorous, after transplantation basically survived, but she still did not dare to carelessly, weeding, fertilizing, watering, she was meticulous and conscientious. A few months later, the plantation was full of wild flowers such as chrysanthemum, violets, dandelion, Pulsatilla chinensis, arrows, etc.

    Zhang Yu picked some flowers to sell. Considering that some shopkeepers were unwilling to accept wild flowers, she ordered some plastic wrapping paper and wrapped wild flowers in different colors. Xi'an Promote. She printed several boxes of business cards, put flowers first in a dozen florists and sold them to others. If she could sell them and call her again, many shopkeepers would receive her flowers with puzzled eyes. As expected, after she had just released her flowers, she received a call. The wild flowers were soon bought by young men and women who were keen on fashion and pursuit of sentiment. She signed the contract with the florists and offered them a bunch of wild flowers every week.

    With a fixed sales, Zhang Yu's energy is even greater. In order to ensure that flowers are sold in winter, she has built up. heat preservation In order to ensure the success of the experiment, she went to Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University to consult experts and learn to plant wild plants and keep warm in winter.

    At the end of 2001, Zhang Yu spent the past half a year counting her account. She found that she didn't earn much money in half a year after spending all kinds of expenses. When she was depressed, she began to analyze the reasons. She used to sell wild flowers as a disposable consumer goods. This method is not very reasonable. On the one hand, wild flowers have long growth cycle and short flowering period. Once they are cut, they can only be re planted. During this period, she has no flowers to sell, and her natural business is also affected. On the other hand, wild flowers are much more bother than ordinary flowers and plants, but the price is almost the same. After analyzing all this, she decided to plant wild flowers in batches in the coming year, so that wild flowers could be opened every month. But how can we increase the "gold content" of wild flowers and sell wild flowers more expensive?

    Wild flowers get rich. She wants to carry wild flowers to the end.

    After careful deliberation, Zhang Yu decided to change his business ideas and turn wild flowers from "disposable consumer goods" into works of art and souvenirs. She first thought of making dried flowers like small flowers, such as lavender and not easily fading, and placed them indoors as decorations. After repeated screening and comparison, she picked out a number of wild flowers suitable for making dried flowers. The first batch of dried flowers went on sale in early 2002, and these dried flowers showed strong sales momentum when they first appeared on the market.

    In the first battle, Zhang Yu started a new exploration. She thought that many children in the city did not have the chance to come to the mountains. Some wild plants they had learned in the classroom could not be seen at all. If they could make some specimens of wild flowers and weeds, their names, scientific names and English names should be noted by their children. In addition, if a picture frame is added to the dried specimen, it can also be used as an ornament to hang on the walls of the room. Many people in the city are longing for the pastoral scenery. The wild flowers and weeds with the earth smell can bring them visual enjoyment.

    Zhang Yu was very excited about her idea. She made specimens, made some frames of different sizes, and put these specimens into frames. She took dozens of specimens to Xi'an. Several primary schools were very interested in her specimens. One school ordered hundreds of specimens at a price ranging from 50 yuan to 200 yuan. These specimens were also fired at the gift shop. Adults and children who bought specimens were happy to keep the owner of the gift shop happy. In order to accelerate the pace of production specimens, Zhang Yu went home and organized dozens of villagers to help her make specimens.

    Meanwhile, some of the plants she transplanted can also be released. She asked his father to estimate the price of each pot of ornamental plants. He contacted a friend in a flower trading market and asked him to help him sell it. After a month, he sold 100 pots and earned more than 5000 yuan.

    In order to reduce the sales link to increase profits, in September 2003, she left his home plantation to his father and opened a flower shop in Xi'an. Her flower shop is very special, not only selling wild flowers, but also dried flowers, potted plants and bonsai, and the wildflower business is booming. She bought a lot of books about flower arrangement, carefully studied flower arrangement, flower and leaf collocation. She regarded many people as wild weeds, dandelion and dog tail grass as flowers and flowers, and created many beautiful and beautiful flower arranging works with wild flowers.

    She gave these works good names: birds to Phoenix, beautiful ladies, stars to light. These flower arrangements make people an eye opener. Zhang Yu also arranged a flower arranging training class to teach flowers to women in the shop for free, and try to create a good consumption culture, so that people can accept wild flowers. Her efforts were not in vain. Most of the women who attended the study became loyal consumers. They introduced the distinctive shop to their acquaintances and friends, so more customers went to her florist shop.

    In 2003, Zhang Yu's flower shop entered a stage of rapid development. Her dried flower products have formed more than 10 series, and the specimen frame has also been enriched to more than 100 varieties. This year, as people continued to join in the chain, she opened 5 chain stores in a row, and she unified the supply of goods. After the opening of these florists, their business conditions were relatively good, and their incomes began to increase exponentially.

    In 2004, she set up her own flower and craft products company. By participating in the national agricultural fair and trade fair, dozens of foreign merchants represented her dried flower products and specimen frames.

    Now, Zhang Yu's plantation has expanded to 50 mu, and has planted several hundred species of wild flowers, such as plum blossom, red handle, white plum, Yin Lumei, yellow flower forest, four flower and primrose. With the popularity of "self driving tour", more and more city people are driving to the mountains on weekends. Zhang Yu has been able to capture this business opportunity. She transformed her plantation into a free visiting plant sightseeing garden, and made no mistake to put forward the concept of "flower DIY", so that people in the city can visit their plantations to see the steps and process of planting flowers, and provide them with flowers, seedlings and soil, so that they can grow flowers and flowers by themselves, and teach knowledge of flowers. The move attracted many townspeople to visit her plant sightseeing garden. Naturally, they would not forget to buy a few potted flowers to go home to feed them.

    Now, Zhang Yu bought a house and a car by selling wild flowers. She thinks that her success is very simple, only to turn her thoughts into reality step by step, not like many people, although there are good ideals but no action until they bring their thoughts into the grave.

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