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    "12Th Five-Year" Energy Plan Finalized &Nbsp; Breaking Monopoly And Pushing Price Change Is The Main Direction.

    2011/6/23 16:32:00 39

    Energy Planning Monopoly Pricing

    The opening year of 12th Five-Year will be more than half. The special energy plan for 12th Five-Year will be announced soon, and some key indicators will become more and more clear.

    On the opening of the 22 China Clean Energy Forum on the opening day of the year, two authoritative experts in the industry have been able to give very clear related goals.

    But for all concerned, the 12th Five-Year energy control target is the National Energy Agency.

    Energy conservation

    Li Ye, director of the science and technology equipment division, told reporters yesterday in the gap between the forum that the target is still under discussion and has not yet been determined.

    But Han Wenke, director of the Energy Research Institute of the national development and Reform Commission, stressed that China will rely mainly on market economy measures to assist in controlling the total energy consumption by means of administration and other means.

    Han Wenke revealed yesterday that the main task of the 12th Five-Year energy sector is to gradually achieve energy development while ensuring supply.


    Specifically, it is necessary to coordinate the two overall situations at home and abroad, with the basic starting point of ensuring energy supply and safety, speeding up the development of non fossil energy and clean energy technologies, vigorously adjusting and optimizing the energy structure, and further promoting energy conservation.

    Improving energy efficiency

    We should further strengthen the protection of the ecological environment, further enhance the technological innovation capability of the energy, further improve the institutional and sustainable development policies, and build a clean, safe and efficient energy system to meet and serve the economic and social development.

    He disclosed that at the end of 12th Five-Year, the annual hydropower output will reach 900 billion kwh, equivalent to 3 million tons of standard coal, and the annual output of wind power will reach 190 billion kwh, and the standard coal will be 60 million tons.

    In addition, the total amount of solar energy (including power generation and water heaters) will be equivalent to 50 million tons of standard coal.

    He said that by then, the annual utilization of non fossil energy will be 4.6 billion tons of coal, accounting for 11%~12% of primary energy.

    Han Wenke said that the relevant figures have not yet been published and should be based on the published figures.

    Ouyang Changyu, Deputy Secretary General of China Electric Power Enterprise Association, revealed that by 2015, the country will form 284 million kilowatts of hydropower installed capacity, 42 million kilowatts of nuclear power, 100 million kilowatts of wind power, 5 million kilowatts of solar energy, 30 million kilowatts of natural gas and 917 million kilowatts of coal and electricity.

    Ouyang Changyu is the leader of the "12th Five-Year" planning research and development working group.

    He said that by then, the proportion of non fossil energy installed will increase from 27.08% at the end of 11th Five-Year to 33.08%, and the proportion of non fossil energy to primary energy will reach 11.48%, which is higher than the 11.4% target given by the 12th Five-Year plan.

    With the continued development of renewable energy in China, the two ratios will probably continue to rise to 35.8% and 13.58% by 2020. This will be lower than China's commitment to reach 15% of the proportion of non fossil fuels to primary energy by 2020.

    Ouyang Changyu said that at that time, hydropower installed capacity will reach 330 million kilowatts, nuclear power will reach 80 million kilowatts, wind power 180 million kilowatts, solar energy 20 million kilowatts, natural gas 40 million kilowatts, coal power 1 billion 150 million kilowatts of electricity pattern.

    Han Wenke also said that during the "12th Five-Year" period, the reform of the system and mechanism in the energy field will take two main directions. One is to promote the reform of monopoly industries, and to break the monopoly in the energy sector is a gradual process. The direction of reform is to introduce market competition as far as possible, further increase the supervision of monopoly industries, increase pparency, and vigorously develop the private sector of the economy.

    The other direction is to actively push forward the price reform of resource products.

    However, the official announcement of the 12th Five-Year special energy plan and special electricity plan may still be waiting for some time.

    Han Wenke yesterday told the first financial daily, "12th Five-Year" energy special planning and power special planning in the first half of the year is unlikely.

    At the beginning of this month, Xu Yongsheng, director of the power division of the State Energy Bureau, said that the two special plans will be introduced in the first half year.

    In this regard, Han Wen Ke said that the two special plans have been completed, and should be released at the end of the month as planned, but for now, there may be some delay.

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