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    "Four Forces" Escort To Help Shoe Enterprises And Brands Grow Gradually

    2011/11/29 15:08:00 31

    Shoe Brand Market

    Enterprises in the right


    When using and using, we must combine


    Demand and enterprise strategy should be popularized step by step. We should pay close attention to consumer demand, from cognition to goodwill, and gradually form brand barriers in the minds of consumers, so as to get the lasting vitality of brand communication.

    Nowadays, people's understanding of brand has risen to an unprecedented height. Many enterprises are struggling to build brand power.

    Some enterprises have a large number of products, sales are good, profits are considerable, but consumers are very low brand recognition rate.

    Although "manufacturing" and "intelligent manufacturing" are one word difference, the development strategy of enterprises is totally unequal.

    To a certain extent, sales have nothing to do with brands.

    Although the shaping of brand power is closely related to market strategy, the growth of brand is not just about this, but simply from trademark to product, from product cognition to promotion of loyalty, which has a long evolution process.

    Trademark is the foundation of brand. We can find the basic path of brand growth through the original discussion of trademark design. The growth of brand can not be separated from four forces.

    Insight: the commanding height of brand extension

    Every trademark wants to become a brand, and a brand wants to be famous.


    The desire is good, but there is a premise that whether the trademark of the enterprise has become a brand gene. Nowadays, many enterprises' trademarks do not possess such excellent factors. Many brands of products are originally designed for the sake of survival. They are simple in conception design, rough in lines, insufficient in words, lack of meaning and imagination in the whole design, and the cultural appeal and Lenovo force of the trademarks are limited, which will inevitably restrict the tension of the brand.

    The market has proved that good trademarks will naturally enter the market, and some trademarks with obvious geographical characteristics and design connotations and product positioning will become the resistance of promotion.

    In this regard, the owner of a shoe company shared the same feeling. His initial trademark was registered in his own name without considering the industry factors. Customers generally did not understand the meaning of the trademark, so the final product could hardly be recognized by the market.

    To build brand power, we must start with good trademarks. Trademarks must be forward-looking. They can not be simple. They are only registered in order to get a legitimate brand. We should give full consideration to future market positioning and development.

    Trademark logo should be consistent with the product. It should reflect the development direction and future prospects of the industry, take into account the consumers' cognitive ability and brand demand. It is important for the enterprise to hope how far the trademark can go, if it becomes the brand of the industry, how to locate it, and whether it has substitutes and extensibility.

    Discernment: the primary concern of customers' senses

    The design of trademark should be based on the principle of simple and visible, and it can reflect the brand power and the atmosphere.

    Trade marks are not diamonds. The more they cut, the better. Good trademarks do not require much intension research. They only need to grasp product positioning, industry demand and consumer psychology. Their primary purpose is to identify and differentiate (individuation).

    We can take a look at the trademarks of many famous brands in the world, such as Nike, McDonald's, Kidki, SONY, IBM, BMW and Mercedes Benz.

    Is it all very simple and easy to remember? Like McDonald's, only one "M" will be popular all over the world.

    On the other hand, some brands in China are trademarks, some are marked with factory buildings, others use founder symbols, others use pictures and texts, others use symbols and characters. They look like flowers. They are not like dragons or Phoenix. They are full of festive and Chinese flavour, but they can not be remembered.

    Such as Lining, Mengniu, Erie, strong wine......

    Is it also very simple? Trademark can not represent products, if the burden of appeal is too heavy, it will weaken the influence of trademark dissemination.

    Trademark is not only a symbol, it not only has aesthetic design, but also has individuation, can reflect product characteristics, can represent enterprise culture, and can also guide and advocate a spiritual belief, imaginative and expansibility.

    The trademark that ordinary consumers can imagine and draw will have the potential to become brand trademark.

    Communication: reading the hearts of customers

    A good trademark can speak, because its first appeal is visual, it does not require a large number of text annotated and media promotion, it stands at the front door of the brand, and enterprises can only play a catalytic role.

    Trademark is the "identity card" of the product. It serves the consumers. When we design, we must conform to the product positioning and carefully consider the consumers' sensory psychology.

    Now, some companies have changed their labels, that is, they want to stick closer to consumers. Brand names always go ahead of the times, and they guide and stimulate consumer demand.

    For example, in February 18, 2003, Coca-Cola implemented the global "update image and change packaging" action. The Chinese company announced that it started to use the new brand logo so as to enter the consumer's line with a brand new image and let people feel the new red vitality of Coca-Cola.

    This is the redesign of Coca Cola Co to better build the Chinese market to cater to the aesthetic and psychological needs of Chinese consumers and curb its declining sales decline.

    Good trademark is not only a visual symbol system, it helps enterprises and products and consumers establish a good interaction relationship, such a trademark has market value and brand value.


    Control power: guarantee of brand vitality

    In fact, many brands in China can become brands or even big brands, but in the process of growth, products are delisting, let alone brand value.

    I remember that there was an ice tea called "rising sun". As a result, it disappeared in a few years, and how brilliant the sun god was at the moment.

    The "three strains" oral liquid swept through most of China and collapsed when it was just ready to exert power.

    As for some of the old brands that moved and yearned for the Chinese people in 80s, they became history.

    Some people say that the strange market, some people say that strange foreign capital, in fact, the market has always been there, even without the involvement of foreign investors, the demise will die.

    Trademarks are faced with the danger of aging. They need to be built and nursed. Now, some enterprises are still using an old trademark for decades. Some enterprises believe that trademarks (i.e. brand power) are diversified, and that they should exert their market potential as much as possible. Some enterprises are obsessed with domestic development, and trademarks are scrambling for lawsuits abroad.

    Why are some potential brands not growing up? This is because businesses ignore the importance of brand control. Domestic enterprises talk much about brands and do little. In order to profit, everything can be abandoned.

    The growth of brands requires rhythm and progress. It is not just a matter of quantity. When enterprises are using and using the brand, they should combine with market demand and enterprise strategy to promote in stages. They should always pay attention to consumer demand, from cognition to goodwill, and gradually form brand barriers in the minds of consumers, so as to get the lasting vitality of brand communication.

    As before 2002, Lining's advertising themes varied from "the hope of the new generation of China", "leaving the wonderful to myself" to "I exist in sports," and "the beauty of sports".

    In 2002, Lining began to realize the importance of the unity of individuality. After putting forward the slogan "anything is possible", Lining strengthened the "possible" personality spirit through various channels. The advertisements after that were designed around the idea of "everything is possible".

    The brand with control can always extend the business strategy of the enterprise, constantly endow the product with new value connotation, keep pace with the times, constantly enrich and improve the brand connotation, and endow the brand with lasting vitality.

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