The Fourteenth Istanbul International Packaging Industry Exhibition 2008
展會時間:2008年10月23日-26日 展會地點:伊斯坦布爾TUYAP展覽中心 主辦周期:每年一屆 展品范圍: A :1包裝機械及配件:真空包裝機,糊盒機,制袋機,填充、灌裝、封口、封箱、貼標機械,包裝機械,日化用品包裝機械,塑料軟包裝設備,藥品包裝機械,塑料機械,各種模切刀具配件等;2瓦楞蜂窩紙板設備,紙箱機械,紙盒,紙帶,紙漿等;3 包裝材料:共擠復合、拉伸吹膜、發泡片材、紙板紙筒、鋁箔鋁材、膠粘帶、熱熔膠加工機械,塑料包裝材料,金屬包裝材料,食品包裝材料,藥品包裝材料,綠色環保包裝材料等;4 包裝容器:塑料包裝容器,金屬包裝容器,玻璃包裝容器,綠色環保包裝技術、包裝防偽科技、包裝設計、包裝工藝、包裝出版媒體等 進入土耳其的七大理由: 1) 土耳其被列為全球十大新興市場國家之列,經濟實力列世界第十六位。
2) because of its proximity to Europe and Asia, it is close to Eastern Europe, the Middle East and North Africa, providing the best access to the world market.
3) officially became a member of the World Trade Organization in March 26, 1995.
4) the customs union, which joined the European Union in January 1, 1996, implemented the same foreign trade policy as the European Union.
5) a large number of preferential policies A) general preferential policies: exemption from customs duties and fund taxes, investment allowances, machinery and equipment imported and locally purchased for investment, exemption from value-added tax (VAT), exemption from all kinds of taxes and fees; B) preferential policies for underdeveloped areas: preferential treatment of half price electricity, and free use of land.
6) since the adoption of the free zone act in 1982, 10 free zones have been built, and another three are being planned.
Goods entering the free zone do not have to pay any tariff. The activities in the free zone are exempt from the quota and are not subject to the restrictions of the license and the regulations.
Income generated in the region is exempt from income tax.
7) the pportation of Turkey is convenient, and all major cities in the world have regular flights to Turkey International Airport.
A train from major European cities can enter Istanbul.
Besides, the roads in Turkey are accessible to all Asian and European countries.
Past review: Turkey international packaging machinery and equipment exhibition is held annually.
In 2006, there were 900 exhibitors from 35 different countries (Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Czech, Denmark, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, Hongkong, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Slovenia, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Holland, Turkey, Britain, the United States and so on).
In addition, the exhibition attracted 30000 visitors from 56 countries, including 32% of the packaging industry, 18.2% of the food industry, 6.7% of the plastics industry, 5.4% of the machinery industry, 4.5% of the paper industry, 4.2% of the printing industry, 3.7% of the glass industry.
The position of the visiting business is 43.2% of the general manager and 27% of the department heads.
Among these visitors, male visiting businessmen accounted for 79.8%, female visiting merchants accounted for 20..2%, of which 98% were satisfied with Turkey international packaging machinery and equipment exhibition.
Turkey international packaging machinery and equipment exhibition, founded in 1994, has a history of nearly thirteen years, and is the oldest professional packaging industry exhibition in Turkey.
The exhibition has been recognized by the global Exhibition Association (UFI certification) and has been supported by the Turkey packaging industry association.
It is the best way for Chinese packaging enterprises to enter the Turkey market.
General agent of China: Shanghai International Advertising Exhibition Co., Ltd.: No. 218 Hengfeng Road, Shanghai, 21 floor, Shanghai modern traffic business building, zip code: 200070 contact: Mr. Jiang Zhiyi mobile phone: 13761802453: 021-51276768-8300 Fax: 021-51276766 MSN:xiaojiang_0@
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