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    The Fund Hawking Bank Financial Products &Nbsp; The Starting Point Is 1000 Yuan.

    2012/4/5 22:35:00 7

    Fund Dividends

      Pure debt fund "upgrade"

    Wells Fargo Fund announced that rich countries "Xintian Feng" regular open fund will be officially launched in the near future, which is the first industry. Open regularly The fund. The only difference from the "rich country Tianfeng" is that "xintianfeng" does not turn to LOF after the end of the 3 year closed period. Instead, it provides an open day for the purchase and redemption of funds, and then continues to operate in accordance with the 3 year closed period.

    In addition to the rich country's "Xintian Feng", the South Jinli regular opening of the debt base has also been approved and is about to issue. ICBC Credit Suisse, Jiashi, Yi Fangda and other fund companies also reported regular open bond funds.

    "The current regular open-ended debt base is pure debt fund, with a closed period of 1~3 years." Lu Huitian, a researcher with good fund, said that in general, the annual yield of closed debt basis is about 1 percentage points higher than that of open debt basis.

    "This product can be said to be closed. Debt basis The upgraded version. A bond fund manager in Beijing told reporters that the closed debt base closed to LOF after the expiry of the closed fund, which caused a large amount of capital redemption, which caused a great impact on the scale of the fund. "The advantage of regular opening is that it can be rolled continuously."

    In addition to the 1~3 regular open debt fund, some fund companies also plan to launch funds for short-term financial products, such as huitianfu's 30 day financial debt basis, huitianfu 60 day financial debt basis, Huaan Yue Xin Xin short-term financial debt base, Huaan Ji Ji Xin short-term financial debt base and Everbright Baode Xin Tian Li currency regular open fund.

    "At present, most of these products are also positioned as pure debt funds." Wang Fang, an analyst with Huatai joint securities fund, told reporters that the short-term decision made it unlikely that the portfolio would be more likely to join the riskier equity assets, so it would be more prominent in debt. The monetary fund itself is a cash management tool. If it is closed, it may lose the original meaning of the IMF.

    Many analysts point out that the 1~3 only pure debt fund may not be much different from the IMF. "A period of one month or a quarter is basically similar to the Monetary Fund." Lu Huitian pointed out that, because closed operation, investment strategy does not consider the liquidity of funds, the yield will be slightly higher than the ordinary Monetary Fund.

    "The term is too short. Direct investment bonds are not easy. They may pay more attention to some upcoming bonds." The above bond fund managers also pointed out that, or configure short financing, buy back, more likely to make agreement deposits with banks. "However, if the product is classified as a pure debt fund, it will be more flexible than the Monetary Fund in terms of the maturity and credit level of the bond investment."

    It is understood that in accordance with the provisions of the fund investment bonds must be within a year deadline, if the credit rating of investment credit bonds must reach more than AAA level, the pure debt fund does not have such restrictions.

      Strengthening dividends?

    At present, several short-term financial debt bases are still in the state of being audited, and the design of relevant contractual provisions and clauses is still not clear.

    According to industry sources, the product plan submitted by Huaan is a fixed portfolio of short-term financial products with "agreed expected revenue", and the "agreed expected rate of return" and "fixed investment portfolio ratio" are its two major characteristics. Prior to this, in addition to the classification fund category a additional, regulators do not allow public fund products have agreed expected yield.

    However, the Huaan fund did not directly confirm this statement to reporters. The Huaan Fund said that its products are still being reviewed by the SFC, and the details of the products are not disclosed.

    Whether the short-term financial bond base will take the agreed yield rate is not clear, but Wang expects that regular dividends may be a major feature of this type of fund. "If there is no scheduled period A bonus The development of short-term financial debt basis will be similar to that of the existing ultra short debt fund and short and medium term debt fund in the market, which is lower than the longer term bond fund in the expected earnings, and at the same time, it will lose money to the Monetary Fund on flexibility.

    "And the short-term financial debt foundation should compete for the short-term financial products market of the bank, so we need to make regular dividend payments." Wang Fang pointed out that because the fund investment is bound to fluctuate in performance, short-term financial market competition is stable income expectations.

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