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    Skilled Workers In Lanxi Textile Enterprises

    2013/3/6 9:13:00 11

    Textile And Textile Enterprises In LanxiLanxi Textile Industry

    < p > "rush to hire skilled lathe workers, frequent daily shifts, take a day off a week, and earn more."

    Although there are more than half a month after the start of the business, the gap still exists.

    Yesterday, Lanxi City Dragon Horse Clothing Co., Ltd., a Xu Xing personnel director told reporters that the company needs more than 180 skilled lathe workers after the year, at present only half of the recruitment.

    < /p >

    < p > it is understood that this < a href= "http://www.91se91.com" > textile enterprises < /a > for employees to pay "hardware", skilled labor wages can generally get around 2500 yuan, high or even get more than 6000 yuan.

    For new employees, the company launched the first 3 months salary subsidy system, that is, the first two months to subsidize the new staff salaries 50%, that is, the monthly wage of new employees reached 1000 yuan, the company issued 1500 yuan, third months as long as wages exceed 1500 yuan, the company rewarded 15% to 20%.

    Xu said that in the past, most of the employees came from Yunnan, Anhui, Sichuan, Guizhou, Henan, Hubei, Hunan and other places. Due to the improvement of employees' pay level and treatment, local people did not want to do any job in the past. Now some people have done so, and nearly 60% of the new recruits are local.

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    < p > > a href= "http://www.91se91.com" > textile and garment > /a > industry as labor-intensive industries. Due to high labor intensity and high mobility of workers, the gap of skilled workers has been relatively large.

    According to the staff of Lanxi employment management service department, Lanxi textile enterprises are in urgent need of 6000 workers.

    Reporters also learned that in February 18th, Lanxi held a special recruitment forum for textile human resources in spring in 2013. There were 33 textile enterprises participating in the recruitment fair, providing 300 jobs and 1565 posts. Only 132 people reached agreement on the spot.

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    Zhang Shugen, President of the Lanxi textile industry < /a > Association, < p > < a href= > http://www.91se91.com/news/index_c.asp > said that the most deficient textile enterprises are textile workers, especially skilled textile workers.

    At present, the monthly salary of textile workers in Lanxi is basically 3000~4000 yuan.

    < /p >

    < p > labor costs are rising year by year. How to solve the problem of employment? Insiders suggest that only by strengthening technological pformation can we improve the efficiency of production, reduce employment and get rid of the excessive dependence on labour force, and strive to pform from labor-intensive to technology intensive, so as to fundamentally solve the problem of labor difficulty. In order to achieve this pformation, we must start with equipment pformation, upgrading management and improving personnel quality.

    < /p >

    < p > < /p >.

    < p > < /p >.

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