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    Liang Boxin: A Strategy To Teach You To Quickly Unpack.

    2015/3/4 17:56:00 19

    Liang BoxinUnwindingInvestment Strategy

    The strategies of unwinding strategy are divided into two types: initiative unblocking strategy and passive unblocking strategy.



    Unwinding strategy

    1, when it is discovered that buying itself is a very serious mistake, especially when buying the peak price of Bull Stock in the early stage, we must take the determination to cut the fat and cut the meat in time.

    Only in this way can the car be saved and the capital will not suffer heavy losses, and there will always be countless opportunities in the stock market.

    2, when the stock is held in the stock market and is in a weak position and there is still a downward trend, if we accurately judge that the stock market of the other stock will rise more strongly and the trend will be stronger than the one in its own hand, we can make a decisive change in stock and offset the loss of the former with the profit of the new variety.

    3, disguised shorts may be considered.

    Chinese stock market

    For the time being, it is wrong not to be short and short.

    In fact, the stocks of quilts can be sold out in disguise.

    When it is discovered that it has been deep set and can not be cut off, it also confirms that the market or stock market still has a further drop in space. We can use the short selling way, that is, we should first sell the stock and buy it back in a lower position, so as to achieve the goal of effectively reducing the cost.

    4, the T+0 of the stock market can not do T+0 according to the existing system, but the stock held in hand has the precondition, so we must make full use of it.

    We need to know more about the stocks in our competitors and grasp the short-term opportunities.

    Passive unwinding strategy

    1, flat out when buying.


    If you are not very high, or you will be optimistic about the future market, you can choose flatten skills.

    The funds of ordinary investors can only stand up to one or two times of flatten. Therefore, the most important thing is to choose the right time to smooth out.

    2, when the stock has been fully stored, it can not be cut, or unable to make up the warehouse.

    As long as the money invested in the stock market is not borrowed, it is time to digest the short term risk of the stock market.

    However, the fundamentals of stocks that are intended to be held for a long time should be carefully analyzed and identified.

    At the same time, each unpacking strategy has its own characteristics, and the timing of application is different. Investors need to adopt different solutions in different stages of the stock market to achieve the desired results.

    The stop loss strategy applies to bear market at the beginning, when the stock index is at a high level, the adjustment time in the market is long and the adjustment range is deep. Investors at this time decisive stop loss can effectively avoid the investment risk of bear market.

    The short selling strategy is applicable to the Chinese stock market in the middle of the bear market. The Chinese stock market is not short yet. However, the exception to the stocks is that the investors can sell the stocks in the middle of the bear market with a sharp downward trend, and then choose to buy when the market is running to the low position, so as to minimize the losses caused by the hold up.

    The stock strategy is applicable to the end of the bear market when the stock price is approaching the bottom area. Blind short selling and stop loss will bring unnecessary risks or losses.

    The strategy of leveling is suitable for the bottom area to spread. It is a passive solution. If investors fail to grasp the opportunity to flatten out, they will not get out of the market sooner rather than later.

    The replacement strategy is applicable to the bull market. In the early stage of the bull market, the replacement of stocks will only increase the losses.

    Selectively stock some stocks that are not active, large plates, lack of subject matter and imaginary space, and sell some stocks with new funds.

    Only when the market environment and hot spots are constantly pformed, can investors update their portfolios in a timely manner so that they can get out of the market early and get profits.

    When the stock market is in decline, many investors will be trapped in the mire of quilt.

    Although these investors make every effort, they hope to relieve and avoid quilt in the stock market, but they have little effect.

    They are always trapped in the vicious circle of "quilt, relaxation, and quilt". They are constantly wandering in the fate of the bull market and the bear market.

    As a matter of fact, if investors want to truly get caught in the stock market, they must be mentally and psychologically not caught, especially if they can not be locked up by the bondage of the soul.

    When investors are locked in, they should not be confused. They should think calmly about whether they have done wrong, where they are wrong and how to respond.

    Do not emotionally break the pot, or blindly fill in the warehouse, or easily cut the meat to make a mess.

    If investors want to lift the pain of stock market, the most fundamental way is to unlock the lock of the soul.

    Mentally forget the existence of lock up, investors can assume that they are not locked up, assuming that the current stock price is the cost of buying.

    In this way, investors can judge whether the stock has the value of holding continuously from an objective point of view, and can also calmly decide what kind of solution should be adopted.

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