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    This Year, Jiangsu Dafeng Cotton Purchase Price Will Exceed The History.

    2010/8/24 11:12:00 51


    Dafeng City, Jiangsu province is Jiangsu.


    The main production area is the national cotton producing city (county). Although the cotton planting area has been greatly reduced this year compared with last year, the cotton planting area is still over 400 thousand mu, and the growth of cotton is better than that of the same period last year.

    At present, there is still about two months to go for cotton purchase. Therefore, this year's cotton purchase price has attracted much attention from all sides.

    Regarding the expectation of cotton purchase price this year, I visited cotton farmers in textile enterprises, cotton processing enterprises and villages and towns in main producing areas.




    Since the beginning of this year, especially in the two quarter, the operation of textile enterprises has been out of trouble. The price of raw cotton and cotton yarn has risen sharply, and the situation of purchase and sales has been flourishing. The profit has been the best in the past five years.

    The head of a textile enterprise said that the price of raw cotton increased by more than 3000 yuan / ton this year, while the price of cotton yarn increased by more than 5000 yuan / ton compared with the beginning of this year.

    Analysis of the current textile industry trend, it is expected that this year, the textile market steadily lower, that is, in nearly half a month, cotton and cotton yarn prices have dropped, sales also significantly lag in the previous period.

    According to the current situation, the price of lint reception in the next one or two months is below 18000 yuan / ton, that is, the purchase price of seed cotton is 3.50-3.80 yuan / Jin, not more than 4 yuan / Jin.

    Two. Cotton


    This year's cotton purchasing and processing enterprises are facing complex and foreseen contradictions in this year's cotton purchase.

    First, last year, the purchase price of cotton was low and high, and cotton seeds were high and low. At that time, profit margins were not clear. In order to avoid operational risks, most cotton enterprises adopted measures such as side sales and side sales. After the end of the acquisition, as long as cotton enterprises kept cotton, they were generally profitable. The result was that they sold early and had no money to make money and sold late to make big profits.

    At present, the price of lint before purchase is the highest level in history, so the subsequent market trend is hard to predict.

    Two, it is difficult to purchase cotton funds this year. The acquisition is very difficult, mainly due to the shortage of resources and high price. The phenomenon of buying and buying seed cotton is inevitable.

    It is estimated that the seed cotton purchase price will be above 4 yuan / Jin this year. Therefore, a large amount of fund will be needed.

    A person in charge of a cotton enterprise said: the loan to the pure cotton processing and purchasing enterprises by the banking department is only a way of asset mortgage, and it is more difficult for the enterprise to raise large amounts of money for the cotton purchase by the society itself.

    With regard to the purchase price of cotton this year, cotton purchasing processing enterprises hope that the purchase price of cotton will be low and high. The purchase price and sales price will rise to a higher level for the acquisition processing enterprises, but hope that the purchase price is still lower, the purchase price is high, the textile enterprises are hard to receive, the sales difficulty is increased, and the value-added opportunities are smaller.

    The price of seed cotton (standard grade) is estimated at 4 yuan / Jin this year.

    Three. Cotton growers

    This year's cotton planting is different from any other year. Cotton farmers' cotton planting has gone through the following process: they don't want to grow - they want to grow - they can't grow.

    Do not want to plant: because cotton farmers have high cost of cotton planting in recent years, cotton purchase price is low, grain and cotton price ratio is unreasonable, cotton farmers are generally losing money, cotton growers who have planted cotton for decades for decades are reluctant to grow cotton, and cotton area in this area has been decreasing in recent 5 years.

    Want to plant: because cotton prices rose sharply in the middle and late stages of cotton purchase last year, the cost of planting cotton, namely, the price of agricultural products, dropped sharply. The special crop, that is, the weak market of wax gourd, increased the cotton planting confidence of cotton growers.

    Not planted: this year in the spring sowing, cotton growers have high cotton planting, and the phenomenon of returning grain to cotton is widespread. The cotton planting area increased by 13% over the previous year in the survey of 50 cotton farmers.

    But during the cotton planting period, it suffered a history of nearly 40 days of low temperature and rainy weather, which caused a lot of cotton seedlings to freeze and freeze to death.

    According to the current situation, this year's cotton is gratifying, cotton main growth indicators are better than the same period last year, and now there is no special natural disasters, yield per mu seed cotton will reach 250-300 kg.

    According to the investigation of cotton seed purchase price this year, 50 cotton farmers at the contact point showed that the expected price of seed cotton purchase was 17 yuan in 4.60-4.80 yuan / Jin, 18 in 4.30-4.50 yuan / Jin, 15 in 4 yuan / Jin.

    According to seed cotton 4 yuan or so, cottonseed 1.10 yuan / Jin, lint 38%, standard grade lint at 18000 yuan / ton.

    A cotton grower reflected that the price of barley, wheat, rapeseed and special crops increased generally compared with the same period last year. The purchase price of barley was 0.90 yuan / Jin, up 30% over the same period last year. The purchase price of wheat was 0.95-1.00 yuan / Jin, up 25% from 0.75-0.80 yuan in the same period last year; the rapeseed purchase price was 2.05 yuan / Jin, 17% higher than that of 1.75 yuan in the same period last year.

    Cotton farmers introduced the Jiangsu Agricultural Commission's half month "farm get rich" Fifteenth journal in 2010 to issue an article entitled (cotton prices or continue to go up) article, which said that this year's cotton prices to 19000 yuan / ton sprint, therefore, cotton farmers this year's seed cotton purchase price of the highest expectations of 5 yuan / Jin.

    In short, this year's cotton purchase price is different from previous years. First, the local cotton planting area is the least in recent years. The local cotton seed resources are tight and the seed cotton purchase price is not low. Last year, two, the textile market is currently in a stalemate, sales slump in the previous period, the purchase price is high, the textile enterprises digest and increase difficulty; three, this year's cotton purchase price is the key to stabilizing the cotton area next year, if the purchase price is unstable, it will also hurt cotton farmers' enthusiasm for planting cotton.

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