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    Deep Excavation: New Policy To Promote "East Textile West Shift"

    2010/9/19 15:28:00 57

    Westward Movement Of East Textile

    In July 2nd, the Ministry of industry's "guiding opinions on promoting the pfer of textile industry" was conducive to the eastern region to break through the bottleneck of land resource scarcity, increasing environmental pressure and rising labor costs, and further enhance.

    textile industry

    National competitiveness

    Since 2009, under the guidance and promotion of the national textile industry readjustment and revitalization plan, the pace of pferring the textile and garment industry in the coastal areas to the central and western regions has been quickened.

    However, due to the lack of unified planning orientation and specific guidance, the overall progress of domestic textile industry pfer is still very slow.

    Experts expect that with the introduction of the Ministry of industry's pfer opinions, the textile industry "

    Westward movement of East Textile

    "It will develop rapidly.

    Breaking through the constraints of land, environment and manpower

    The opinions expounded the significance of the three aspects of textile industry pfer: first, it is conducive to bringing the advantages of talent, technology, market and information in the eastern region to break through the constraints such as shortage of land resources, increasing environmental pressure and rising labor costs, improving technological innovation, brand building and supply chain management capabilities, and accelerating the pace of industrial upgrading.

    Second, it is conducive to giving play to the comparative advantages of land, labor, raw materials and energy in the Midwest and Northeast China, and developing the economy and expanding employment through undertaking the pfer of textile and garment manufacturing industries.

    Third, it is conducive to making full use of the comprehensive advantages of China's vast territory and strong regional economic complementarity and further enhancing the international competitiveness of the textile industry.

    In response, experts said that

    financial crisis

    In the future, the urgency of industrial pfer is stronger both inside and outside the enterprise.

    At this time, the state has issued a comprehensive, guiding and programmatic document, which has important guiding significance for the future development layout of the whole industry.

    The tide of textile industry pfer is irreversible. Whether or not we can seize the opportunity of issuing opinions to achieve our own industrial upgrading has become a question that China's textile industry must answer.

    The Ministry of industry and Commerce believes that the long-term structural contradictions and problems in the textile industry have become increasingly prominent.

    In particular, influenced by the international financial crisis, the eastern coastal areas, which account for 85% of the scale of China's textile industry, are facing more and more restrictive factors. The cost has risen rapidly and the competitive advantage has been weakened. The comparative advantages of the central and western regions have not yet been fully realized.

    "After the development of regional economy to a certain extent, the adjustment of industries is a major trend.

    The pfer of textile industry can effectively allocate resources and develop the market, and selectively pfer the production and processing links to the relatively low cost or near the terminal market, which is the inevitable process of enterprise development.

    Insiders explained.

    To achieve "win-win" with the local

    For the textile industry out of the region, the opinion clearly requires: we must give full consideration to environmental requirements, strictly enforce the industry access conditions, pay attention to energy conservation and environmental protection, avoid pollution pfer.

    It also prohibits the pfer of production, technology, equipment and products that are included in the elimination catalogue, preventing the disorderly expansion of low level production capacity, enhancing the sustainable development ability of the latecomer regions, and realizing the coordinated development of regional economy and ecological environment.

    Insiders pointed out that the pfer of textile industry should not be blind. We should pay great attention to environmental protection, capital, technology and land use. We should study the advantages and characteristics of local economy, combine industrial pfer with highlighting our own advantages, and boost local economic development. We should further strengthen and improve the supporting mechanism for industrial undertaking, speed up the pace of hardware construction in industrial parks, and provide services for undertaking the pfer of textile industry.

    In the pfer of industry, a group in Jiangsu can be described as an "elder".

    As early as 2000, the Group invested 180 million yuan in Hubei to build the industrial chain.

    Company executives said that so far, the effect of industrial pfer is emerging, and the cross regional management capabilities and resource integration capabilities of enterprises have been improved, and the management concept has also undergone qualitative change, paying more attention to supply chain management and ecological characteristics.

    He believes that only by being honest and achieving a win-win situation with the local can we truly share the advantages of undertaking industrial pfer areas, thereby avoiding risks and achieving long-term goals.


    Simultaneous adjustment and emission reduction of pfer

    The guiding opinions clearly pointed out that "undertaking the region should give full consideration to the resources and environmental carrying capacity of the region, adhere to intensive development, and focus on upgrading the level of industrial technology."

    We should closely integrate the undertaking of industrial pfer with structural adjustment, energy conservation and emission reduction, formulate the undertaking threshold, and integrate the idea of resource conservation, ecological environmental protection and circular economy in the whole process of undertaking industrial pfer.

    According to the author's understanding, most western provinces and cities have not yet promulgated special policies to undertake the pfer of textile and garment industry. However, some key counties and cities and parks have introduced preferential policies for the projects, such as the industrial development fund of the Three Gorges Reservoir Area in Kaixian of Chongqing, the post subsidy of immigrants, and the return of local taxes.

    In the central province of Shanxi, the policy of textile industry pfer has not been formulated.

    "It should be said that Shanxi should play a certain role in the national textile industry, but no relevant policies have yet been seen.

    But we will put forward our opinions and individual parks have their own policies. "

    Li Jinwang, director of Shanxi textile industry management office, told the author that the opinions of the Ministry of industry on the pfer of industry were forwarded by the Shanxi Provincial Commission of letters, which had been handed over to the relevant departments a few days ago.

    But he said that the location of the central region has been preliminarily seen, and that Shanxi is not yet there.

    On the one hand, the textile industry in Shanxi is very small; on the other hand, the focus of Shanxi's industrial development is not there.

    It is a strategic consideration for China to optimize the layout of textile industry step by step to guide the textile industry to the central and western regions, which has created a rare opportunity for Chongqing to undertake the pfer of the southwestern province.

    "We hope that in the future there will be more textile end products enterprises located in Chongqing, focusing on the development of clothing (including knitted garments), home textiles, industrial textiles, knitted, chemical fiber and new textile fiber materials, so that the total economic output of Chongqing textile and clothing will be doubled on the basis of existing 3-5 years, and 8-10 new jobs will be added."

    Chongqing Municipal Commission of letters said.

    Cotton production in Xinjiang occupies 1/3 of the total domestic output all the year round.

    In recent years, in the tide of industrial pfer, a number of cotton spinning enterprises have been "westward" and settled in Xinjiang, the largest cotton producing area in China.

    To build high-quality cotton yarn, cotton fabric and cotton textile production base has become the development goal.

    However, Sun Huaibin, spokesman of the China Textile Industry Association, believes that there are two modes to introduce the industrial chain: one is to retreat from the source; the other is to push forward from the finished product.

    "According to the actual situation in Xinjiang area, I think we should learn from the development mode of Zhejiang textile, push it from behind, from clothing to fabric, to yarn, and finally to cotton.

    Because the development risk of garment industry is relatively low, it can make the development of the whole industry chain more stable.

    Industrial pfer is entirely "market behavior".

    "The announcement of the Ministry of industry and industry has set a tone for at least the development of China's textile industry in the next 5 years.

    We can see from the detailed reading opinions that the state has made a more detailed exposition of the location and layout of the textile industry in the eastern, western, central and northeast regions, and there has been a clear division of labor among different regions and provinces.

    The experts told the author that the pfer of textile industry was not put forward until now. It has been mentioned for many years. In the last few years, the industrial pfer is not so urgent because the overall external environment of the industry is relatively good.

    With the occurrence of the financial crisis and the continuous appreciation of RMB, pfer has become an urgent matter for enterprises.

    He stressed that we must not regard industrial pfer as a government act. "We must be clear about industrial pfer. It is more of a market behavior and enterprise behavior. The state and the government only give a general direction and a big policy. Whether it should be pferred or pferred to a specific enterprise depends entirely on the development of the enterprise itself and its judgement on the development trend of the industry.

    If an enterprise develops in the eastern region, if it does not encounter serious problems in its operation, it can not be so urgent to shift to the Midwest. "

    What the government is doing is just a unified layout. This is also a big background for the state to introduce this policy.

    For enterprises, if it wants to carry out industrial pfer now, there will be a clearer direction in view of its opinions. It will choose the pfer target according to the business type and development direction of the enterprise.

    From the development of foreign countries for nearly 100 years, the textile industry is shifting to low cost areas.

    At present, the overall profit of the industry is very low. The industrial pfer of the textile industry as a labor-intensive industry has been going on all these years, but its progress is slower than we expect. Of course, there is also an inherent reason for this slow.

    The comprehensive cost of industrial pfer includes not only the price of land, housing, labor, but also other factors such as industrial support.

    For example, for the enterprises in the eastern region, if the central and western regions do not form a complete set of industrial clusters, the comprehensive cost of industrial pfer will not be reduced, even higher than that of the original.

    If the central and western regions fail to make breakthroughs in the matching of industries, these factors will surely become a stumbling block for the pace of industrial gradient pfer.

    He said.

    However, the shift is not to abandon all. The East is to develop high-end sectors, designs, brands and other links in the textile industry. The main way to pfer is processing and manufacturing, thus forming a complementary and rational layout in the central and western regions, and ultimately cultivating new industrial clusters and upgrading the existing industrial clusters.

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