Us Fur Label Implementation Takes Effect In March 18Th
President Obama signed 2010 in December 18, 2010. Fur The real Labelling Act makes it a law. This Law amends the original fur product labelling law, stipulates that all fur garments, regardless of value, must be accompanied by labels.
According to the existing fur products Labelling Act, animal clothing with small or low price fur (equal to or less than 150 US dollars) is not required to be labelled as a trimmed garment.
Delaware, New Jersey, New York, Massachusetts and Wisconsin have stipulated that all genuine fur and Fur Trimmed garments sold in their territory must be labeled as "real fur", and all garments made of fake fur should be labelled "artificial fur".
The legislation also includes an exemption from non
The fur products sold are exempt from the fur products Labelling Act.
The characteristics of these fur products are:
(1) animal fur is obtained through trap capture or hunting.
(2) negotiated pactions in residential, handicraft market or other temporary or short-term establishments established by hunters.
Profits are not the basic source of income for hunters.
The Federal Trade Commission also revisited guidelines for fur product names before March 18th.
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