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    Leather Chemical Industry Giants Take An Open Investment In Dongfeng

    2008/6/6 0:00:00 10263

    Chemical Industry

    As one of the pillar industries of the country, chemical and chemical industry plays an important role in the national economy, which is directly related to people's daily life, such as clothing, food, housing, and other issues.

    The rapid development of chemical industry and chemical industry in China has benefited from the continuous strengthening of China's economic strength and the strong support of multinational companies.

    Over the past 30 years, multinationals have continuously strengthened investment in China's chemical and chemical industries.

    At the same time, new technologies and R & D capabilities are accelerating to China.

    From a historical point of view, the modern chemical and chemical industry began in the British Industrial Revolution, and at that time China was shrouded in the shadow of the powerful feudal system, not only failed to develop modern industries including chemical industry and chemical industry, even the original traditional primitive industry sprout was destroyed.

    China's westernization movement began to take the lead. Some products with "Yang" began to appear, such as "foreign fire" and "foreign soap". However, China's chemical and chemical industry developed slowly. In the early part of this century, China's chemical and chemical industry began to develop momentum, and was interrupted by Japanese invasion of China, and then fell into a 3 year civil war.

    Since the founding of new China, the chemical and chemical industries under the planned economy have made great progress in both horizontal and vertical comparisons.

    However, the gap between the two countries is still quite large, and many important index products are not only lower than those of the developed countries, but also difficult to compare with the neighboring countries and regions.

    For example, as a symbol of chemical products in the new era, the output of ethylene has been much lower than that in Korea for a long time, even lower than that in Taiwan.

    Since the beginning of reform and opening up in 1978, the introduction of communication has promoted the development of chemical industry and chemistry.

    Production has initially established a market-oriented chemical production system including public, private, foreign investment and joint ventures. The competitiveness of the chemical industry has been enhanced, energy consumption output efficiency has been improved, and capacity expansion has been fast. By 2003, China's chemical and chemical market amounted to 970 billion 200 million yuan, reaching 10% of the total GDP in China, becoming the largest industry in China, and its sales profit margin reached a high level in October 2004.

    In 2007 1-8, the total profit of chemical and chemical products manufacturing industry reached 101 billion 613 million yuan, up 52.27% over the same period last year.

    China is becoming the largest chemical market in the world, and has huge potential for growth. Expanding cooperation with global and local customers in China is very important. The huge economic effect has driven foreign giants to focus on China's vast market and invest in China to seize business opportunities.

    In the 202 year history of DuPont, which produced gunpowder, China had to mention it.

    In 1863, the DuPont Co, which completed its first business in China with the then Qing Dynasty, reopened the Beijing office in 1985 and began a new journey of return.

    They started from some joint ventures and eventually set up bases in Pudong, Shenzhen and Shanghai. At present, DuPont has 39 sole proprietorship and joint ventures in China, and products and services involve many industries such as chemical industry, agriculture, food and nutrition, electronics, textile, automobile and so on.

    DuPont has invested more than 700 million US dollars in China.

    Germany's Basf Inc has a long history of business dealings with China.

    As far back as 1885, BASF, founded only 20 years ago, has sold the famous textile dyed fuchsin to China, making China the most important market for BASF magenta outside Germany.

    In 1982, BASF has established BASF China Limited in Hongkong, which is responsible for CO ordinating China's sales activities.

    In order to strengthen the operation of China's business, BASF set up a holding company BASF (China) Limited in Beijing in 1996.

    Today, BASF has a wide range of products, ranging from plastics, chemical fiber intermediates, fertilizers, industrial chemicals, fine chemicals and textile and leather chemicals.

    In 2007, the company had more than 6000 employees in Greater China, with 23 BASF wholly owned subsidiaries and 10 BASF joint ventures.

    Sales in Greater China are about 4 billion 400 million euros.

    It is estimated that by 2010, its Asian sales and profits will account for 20%, of which 50% will come from China.

    Dow Chemical started its business in mainland China in 1930s.

    Following the reform and opening up in 1979, the Dow Chemical Company, the first business office in China, was established in Guangzhou in 1979. After 30 years of Chinese travel, it has set up more than 10 production plants and joint ventures in Zhangjiagang, Zhongshan, Nangang and Tsing Yi.

    Today, Dow has set up a greater China regional headquarters in Shanghai, and has 5 business centers and 10 production bases in the Greater China region, with approximately 2200 employees.

    Dow's sales in the Greater China region amounted to $2 billion 700 million in 2006.

    The Greater China region has become Dow's third largest market, second only to the United States and Germany.

    Since the early 80s, AKZO NOBEL has begun to carry out extensive business in China.

    Initially, the company set up AKZO NOBEL China Limited to import products from its 5 representative offices in Beijing, Shanghai, Qingdao, Chongqing and Guangzhou.

    AKZO NOBEL China Limited acts as a bridge and service provider for various business departments and businesses in China.

    Today, AKZO NOBEL has made remarkable progress in China, and already has 20 investment enterprises in China, including joint ventures and wholly-owned subsidiaries.

    In addition, MITSUBISHI chemical, Sumitomo chemical and other more multinational chemical and chemical enterprises have settled in China.

    A phenomenon worth mentioning is that multinational chemical and chemical companies are actively setting up R & D institutions in China.

    According to the foreign affairs division of the Ministry of Commerce, China has become the first choice for overseas research and development of multinational companies worldwide. Up to 61.8% of the multinational companies regard China as the first choice for their overseas R & D sites from 2005 to 2009.

    Throughout the 30 years of reform and opening up, the development of China's chemical and chemical industry has been gratifying.

    According to statistics from the petrochemical industry association, in 2007, the total chemical and chemical industry achieved a total sales income of 10456 billion yuan in 1-5 months, an increase of 32.72% over the same period last year.

    The total profit in 1-5 months was 62 billion 700 million yuan, up 75.42% over the same period last year.

    The average sales profit in 1-5 months was 6%, much higher than the 4.54% level in the same period last year.

    Under the new situation, reform and opening up bring both opportunities and challenges.

    It should be noted that the early stage of major development is mainly the release of power under the accumulation of the economic system, but it has also brought a great impact on the protection of resources and environment, thereby affecting the sustainable development.

    As we all know, there are many problems associated with the chemical and chemical industries, some of which are quite prominent, such as environmental pollution, resource shortage, low efficiency, the weakness of national brands, the decline of independent development capability, and many important areas have been monopolized abroad.

    Implementing the strategy of "going global" is an inevitable choice for China's chemical and chemical industry to become mature. Under the protection system, how the Chinese chemical and chemical industry will face this difficult problem and how to make it stronger on the basis of the rapid development of total volume is worth thinking deeply in the chemical industry.

    Bass J Bass J is the world's leading chemical company.

    The company's products range from crude oil and natural gas, chemicals, plastics, specialty chemicals, agricultural products to fine chemicals.

    By providing high-value products and intelligent solutions, BASF plays an important role in tackling the global problems, such as climate protection, energy efficiency, nutrition, pportation and mobile communications.

    In 2007, BASF had more than 95000 employees worldwide, with sales of nearly 58 billion euros.

    The origin of BASF and the Greater China market can be traced back to 1885. Since then BASF has been a loyal partner of China.

    It is one of the largest foreign investors in the field of chemical industry in China. In 2007, the company had more than 6000 employees in Greater China, with 23 BASF wholly owned subsidiaries and 10 BASF joint ventures.

    Sales in Greater China are about 4 billion 400 million euros.

    Over the past 2001-2005 years, BASF has invested about 2 billion euros in Greater China. The main investment projects include Yangzi Petrochemical BASF limited and Shanghai BASF polyurethanes Co., Ltd. and Shanghai union Heng isocyanate Co., Ltd.

    BASF not only strictly abide by China's environmental regulations, stipulates the limits of exhaust emissions, water discharge and solid waste, but also clearly sets the monitoring system.

    Every year, BASF collects data from various production bases and releases reports on responsible care.

    These data are used as the basis for continuous improvement. Every production base of BASF is committed to implementing the annual environmental goals and implementing them.

    Dow Chemical Dow is a multi-element chemical company, using science, technology and the power of "human elements" to continuously improve the basic elements of human progress.

    Sales amounted to US $54 billion in 2007.

    Dow provides a wide range of products and services to customers in 160 countries and regions around the world, and runs the principles of sustainability through chemistry and innovation, enabling customers to provide better products for all consumer markets, including pure water, food, medicine, paint, packaging and personal care products, construction, home and automotive.

    As early as 30s, Dow has already launched its business dealings in Greater China through agents.

    Dow Hongkong and Taiwan offices were established in 1957 and 1968 respectively.

    In 1979, with China's reform and opening up, Dow set up its first business office in Guangzhou in China.

    Today, Dow has 5 offices in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Taiwan and Hongkong in Greater China.

    Dow Chemical (China) Investment Co., Ltd. was established in 1998 to manage Dow's all investment projects in China.

    In August 2004, Shanghai officially became the headquarters of Dow China.

    Through years of economic and trade cooperation, Dow Chemical has established close ties with regional customers, distributors, governments at all levels and related units.

    In China and global markets, the goal of Dow is to master customer's business needs, keep abreast of changes in the market and provide comprehensive solutions.

    Dow is firmly convinced of the principle of sustainable development, while promoting economic growth, and is committed to protecting the environment and contributing to society.

    Since 2000, Dow has been named "sustainable development leader" in the global industry by Dow Jones Global Sustainability Index.

    DuPont, founded in 1802, is a DuPont Co dedicated to creating sustainable solutions using science to enable people around the world to live better, safer and healthier.

    DuPont Co operates in more than 70 countries and regions around the world, with a wide range of innovative products and services covering many areas such as powder coatings, agriculture, nutrition, electronics, communications, security and protection, home and construction, pportation and clothing.

    Since 1980s, DuPont Co has been actively involved in promoting China's economic development.

    At present, DuPont has 3 branches and 21 sole proprietorship / joint ventures in China, with a total investment of over 700 million US dollars, with about 3500 employees, and over 10 kinds of technology pfer applied to 18 research institutes and production facilities in China.

    While supporting China's industrial and economic development, it also promotes the development of Chinese society and the improvement of people's living standards by introducing and promoting DuPont's high technology and quality life products.

    DuPont regards environmental protection as its responsibility, and implements "enterprise environmental philosophy" in its business activities, actively supports environmental protection campaigns and sustainable development strategies, and participates in the discussion and formulation of environmental policies.

    At the same time, DuPont realized that its leaps and bounds can not be separated from the positive interaction with the market environment, so it strives to make contributions to every market and community that has business dealings, "take it from society, use it in the society", eagerly care for public welfare and repay society.

    AKZO NOBEL AKZO NOBEL headquarters is located in Amsterdam, Holland.

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