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    Classification Of Sports And Related Industries (Trial)

    2008/7/30 0:00:00 10334


    First, purpose and function: (1) in order to implement the requirements of the State Council on accelerating the development of the service industry, we should set up a scientific, unified, comprehensive and coordinated statistical investigation system for sports and related industries as soon as possible, and formulate the classification of sports and related industries (Trial Implementation).

    (two) this classification provides a reference for defining and standardizing China's sports and related industries, and lays a foundation for improving the statistical system of sports and related industries.

    This is of great theoretical and practical significance for the scientific development of sports and related industry development policies, actively cultivating sports consumption market and promoting the sustainable development of sports and related industries in China.

    (two) the scope of classification (1) this classification is based on the classification of national economy (GB/T 4754-2002), which stipulates the scope of sports and related industries in China, and applies to the classification of sports and related activities in statistics and policy management.

    (two) sports and related industries specified in this classification refer to activities that provide sports services and products for the public, as well as a collection of activities related to these activities.

    (three) sports and related industries mainly include: 1. sports organization management activities; 2. 2. sports venues management activities; 3. sports fitness leisure activities; 4. sports intermediary activities; 5. other sports activities; 6. sports goods, clothing, shoes and hats and related sports products manufacturing; 7. 7. sports goods, clothing, shoes and hats and related sports products sales; 8. 8. sports venues construction activities.

    (three) the principles of classification (1) are guided by the guidelines and policies of the Party Central Committee and the State Council.

    This classification is guided by the principles and policies of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on sports and sports industry.

    (two) take account of the characteristics of department management and sports activities.

    This classification not only meets the needs of sports system reform, but also takes into account the management needs of government departments, taking into account the characteristics of sports activities.

    (three) based on the classification of the national economy.

    The main content of this classification comes from the classification of the national economy, and according to the characteristics of sports activities, the relevant categories in the classification of industries are regrouped.

    Therefore, this classification is also a derivative classification of the classification of the national economy.

    (four) classification methods: (1) according to the classification principle, the classification of sports and related industries is divided into 3 levels.

    The first layers are divided into 8 broad categories, which mainly reflect the basic characteristics of department management and sports and related industry activities.

    At this level, each big class uses Chinese character number one or two...


    The second tier is further divided into 24 categories, which mainly reflects the relationship between the upper and lower levels of the industry chain of sports and related industries.

    Each class in this tier uses Arabia figures 1, 2...


    The third level is the specific category of activities in sports and related industries classification (Trial Implementation), which consists of 57 sub categories.

    The small category is all the industry category that is engaged in sports and related industry activities in the classification of national economy. It is also an industry class level of the third level. No serial numbers are set at this level. In order to correspond with the classification of the national economy, the codes of these 57 subcategories are shown in the corresponding industry code table.

    (two) the special processing part of this classification is as follows: 1. extension layer.

    The sports and related industries classification (Trial Implementation) has added an extension layer to the third industry divisions which are divided into smaller industries. The purpose is to scientifically, accurately and completely describe the sports activities included in such industries.

    The category of extension layer does not have code and sequence number, and is represented by horizontal line before "category".

    (2.) the industry category that contains some sports activities.

    The classification of national economy is divided according to the principle of homogeneity of activities. But from the perspective of sports, some industries are not entirely sports and related industries.

    In order to accurately distinguish activities that do not belong to sports and related industries in statistics and management, we should mark these industries in the classification of sports and related industries (Trial).

    五、體育及相關產業分類(試行)表類 別 名 稱國民經濟行業代碼一、體育組織管理活動 1.體育行政、事業組織管理活動 社會事務管理機構* -體育社會事務管理機構 體育組織(指專業從事體育比賽、訓練、輔導和管理的組織的活動) -各種職業體育俱樂部 -各種運動隊 -各種群眾性體育組織 -各種專項性體育管理組織(如體育協會、中心) 2.其他體育組織管理活動 專業性團體 * -體育社會團體服務 其他社會團體 * —體育基金會 —其它未列明的體育社會團體 二、體育場館管理活動 1.體育場館管理活動 體育場館(指可供觀賞比賽的場館和專供運動員訓練用場地的管理活動) -綜合體育場 -綜合體育館 -體育訓練基地 -游泳比賽場館 -足、籃、排場館 -

    網球、羽毛球、乒乓球場館 -棋牌比賽場館 -其他未列明比賽場館三、體育健身休閑活動 1.體育健身休閑活動 休閑健身娛樂活動(指主要面向社會開放的休閑健身娛樂場所和其他體育娛樂場所的管理活動) -綜合性體育娛樂場所(游泳、保齡、球類、健身等一體的綜合性健身中心) -保齡球館 -健身中心(館) -臺球室、飛鏢室 -高爾夫球場 -射擊、射箭館(場) -滑沙、滑雪以及模擬滑雪場所的活動 -驚險娛樂活動場所(跳傘、滑翔、蹦極、攀巖、滑道等) -娛樂性軍事訓練 -體能訓練場所 -其他未列明的休閑健身娛樂活動四、體育中介活動 1.體育商務服務 其他未列明的商務服務* -運動員的個人經紀代理活動 -體育賽事票務代理活動 -運動會籌備、策劃、組織活動 -其

    他未列明的體育商務服務 2.體育經濟咨詢服務 社會經濟咨詢* -體育經濟咨詢活動 3. 體育經紀服務 其他體育 —體育經紀服務五、其他體育活動 1.體育培訓服務 職業技能培訓* -武術培訓服務 -其他體育項目培訓服務 2.體育科研服務 社會人文科學研究與試驗發展* -體育科學研究服務 3.體育彩票服務 其他娛樂活動* -體育彩票 4.體育傳媒服務 圖書出版* -體育圖書出版服務 期刊出版* -體育類雜志出版服務 音像制作* —體育類錄音制品制作服務 —體育類錄像制品制作服務 音像制品出版* —體育錄音制品出版服務 —體育錄像制品出版服務 廣播* -體育類廣播節目制作服務 —體育類廣播節目播出服務 電視* -體育類電視節目制作服務 —體育類電視

    節目播出服務 —體育類電視節目出口服務 —體育類電視節目進口服務 5. 體育展覽服務 會議及展覽服務* —體育用品展覽服務 6. 體育市場管理服務 市場管理* —體育用品市場管理服務 7. 體育場館設計服務 工程勘察設計* —體育館房屋建筑工程設計服務 —健身用房屋建筑工程設計服務 —室外體育設施設計服務 8.體育場所保潔服務 其他清潔服務* —體育場所保潔服務 9.體育文物及文化保護服務 文物及文化保護* —民族體育運動保護服務六、體育用品、服裝、鞋帽及相關體育產品的制造 1.體育用品制造 球類制造 體育器材及配件制造 訓練健身器材制造 運動防護用具制造 其他體育用品制造 2.體育服裝及鞋帽制造 紡織服裝制造 * -運動類服裝 制帽 *

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