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    The Quality Of CSR Reports In China Is Not Optimistic.

    2008/12/11 0:00:00 10260


    In the first 11 months of this year, 121 Chinese enterprises have released social responsibility reports, which are nearly the sum of the past years, but the overall quality of the report is still not optimistic. The concept of sustainable development is gaining more and more recognition not only at the social level but also at the enterprise level, and Chinese enterprises are also paying more attention to their own social responsibilities.

    As of November 2008, 121 Chinese enterprises have released social responsibility reports, which have nearly doubled compared with the same period last year. This figure is also close to the sum of CSR reports issued by Chinese enterprises over the years.

    In December 9th, the above findings were published on the report of the sustainable development report of Chinese enterprises at the national environmental protection ministry's propaganda and education center.

    This study is the second report on sustainable development of Chinese enterprises, which was implemented by the Beijing business road and vertical crossing company in 2007 after the support of the Ministry of national environmental protection, the construction management department of Tsinghua University and the Oxfam of Hongkong.

    In recent years, with the impact of globalization on international political and economic development, government departments, international organizations and news media have raised the requirements of increasing pparency and credibility and undertaking corporate social responsibility in the face of challenges such as global climate anomalies, terrorist activities, trade disputes and energy crises.

    In response to this demand, Shell (China) released its first Chinese corporate social responsibility report in 1999.

    Since then, many enterprises including Baosteel, PetroChina, State Grid, Dongfeng Motor and Volkswagen China have released corporate social responsibility reports (some known as enterprise environment reports). The number of reports issued by Chinese enterprises has been growing continuously.

    This study covers about 150 social responsibility reports issued by domestic enterprises from May 2007 to November 2008 (Sustainable Development Report).

    At the same time, the project team interviewed more than 40 experts, company professionals and stakeholders, and conducted a telephone survey of 160 enterprises.

    According to research data, more than half of state-owned enterprises have been released, and the number of private enterprises has also increased.

    Most of the companies are large enterprises, about half of which are listed on exchanges, while industries are mainly concentrated in raw materials, non daily necessities and finance.

    However, the survey report also pointed out that there is much room for improvement in the average level of CSR reports.

    The study adopted the international sustainability scoring standard, and evaluated the quality of 40 sample reports from four aspects: Governance and strategy, management, performance statements, availability and auditing.

    The results showed that four indicators scored less than 50% of the full marks, and the quality was not satisfactory.

    Jia Feng, deputy director of the State Environmental Protection Ministry's propaganda and education center, called on Chinese enterprises to actively release CSR reports and further strengthen communication with stakeholders.

    According to "finance and economics" reporter, at this stage, China's export-oriented export enterprises demand the most urgent social responsibility report.

    As a "world factory", China has become an important part of the global capital and industrial chain, and the international social responsibility movement is also increasingly affecting these enterprises.

    For example, more and more multinational companies, such as WAL-MART, continue to raise the social responsibility standards for Chinese suppliers, requiring them to improve the working conditions of factories, protect workers' rights, and achieve full green products.

    Liang Xiaohui, chief researcher of the office of corporate social responsibility of the China Textile Industry Association, told the financial reporter that only when Chinese enterprises take out their CSR reports can they gain more voice in the process of formulating these standards.

    It is understood that next year in the textile industry, there will be ten enterprises released social responsibility report.

    Yang Jing: editor in charge

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