The Cape Of Princess Kate Accidentally Spawned.
< p > Princess Kate let the tide hat become < a href= "" target= "_blank" > clothing < /a > brand press.
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< p style= "text-align: center"; > img src= "/uploadimages/201406/26/20140626021741_sj.JPG" align= "center" border= "0" style= "style="; "
<p> 一些經典的鴨舌帽、淺頂軟呢帽、棒球帽、寬檐帽、太陽帽、無邊禮帽、黑高帽等等,已經疲軟低迷多年,然而,2011年威廉王子和凱特王妃在劍橋舉辦盛大的英式婚禮以來,王妃有可能是看到婚禮現場碧翠絲公主戴的那頂造型夸張、備受矚目的<a href="" target="_blank">帽子</a>后,心里受到極大的震撼,所以,后來經常戴帽子亮相許多公開場合,有可能是女性那種在艷麗上的爭強好斗的心里在推動凱特王妃這樣做,但是,凱特這樣做,卻激發起一些帽子<a href="" target="_blank">設計師</a>的興致,再加上英國皇家愛斯科賽馬會不再允許戴羽毛帽,進一步促進了帽子設計的需求,也即如何做一頂漂亮好看的帽子呢?于是,潮帽就順水推舟出現了。
I believe that the tide hat allows the hat to design salted fish to turn over and suppress the a href= "" target= "_blank" > shoes > /a > at the same time. When many people walk together, shoes are basically covered up, and the top hat becomes the first target of entering the line of sight. Even if you are behind the crowd, any gorgeous a href= "" target= "_blank" > clothes "no" will be concealed, but the top hat will not be concealed. On the contrary, the appearance of the hat will make you stand out and attract attention and eye-catching objects.
Therefore, the author said that the tide hat became the major brand of the clothing brand.
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Philip P, the world's leading hat magician, said that when he studied at Royal College of Art, many people said hat was prepared for old women, so he wanted to overturn this view.
However, as a hat designer, there are also some important domestic opportunities, that is, environmental opportunities that can change the view of hat. Princess Kate's wedding jacket is deeply stimulating the princess, so the princess is jealous of others than herself, so she wears various hats on public occasions. This is Tracy's "environmental opportunity to change her hat view" - thousands of years.
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< p >, as Gina Cui Forster, who has 12 years of hat design experience and production experience, became the highlight of the British Royal Scot club in mid June, and gave birth to Philip, Trish, Stephen and Jones.
It is obvious that the Jockey Club has become a driving force for the design of hat.
Similarly, Kate's frequent public market has also given rise to tidal caps.
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Shortly before P, Princess Forster visited New York wearing a red tubular hat, which was designed by Goldstein. Professor Goldstein of the New York fashion technology institute once designed ice cream ball cap. The American hat maker Kelly Christie designed the hat for fashion brand Christie and Cynthia lore. Her works were exhibited at Cooper's Hewett Museum in New York.
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During the fashion week September this year, the British Fashion Association held a "hat hat" exhibition during the London Fashion week. One of the entries of Gore, a designer who grew up in England, Hongkong and India, was an ice cream cone shaped hat with ostrich hair balls designed for the Royal Jockey Club.
Hat designer Gabriel will print the hat through 3D.
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< p > who can design Chinese fashion week? < /p >
< p > > the author thinks that any Chinese designer who is willing to enter the British hat design can come to the author to ask how the hat can embody the Chinese flavor, the trend of the world style and the magnificent beauty. How will the tide cap become a man's tie and match with the costume, and how to prepare different colors, styles and decorations of some tidal caps? I believe that the national culture, corporate culture, personal characteristics, the trend of world complexity and the tide of British culture must be launched in the fashion week of England in September.
I would like to be a behind the scenes strategic promoter to help Chinese hat designers.
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< p > above all, I believe that the "a href=" "tide cap > /a" is the inevitable result of the drama of the clothing brand. This is the Kate's jealousy and the inadvertent rush of the tide cap.
China's clothing brand designers and clothing companies will face the fate of being thrown into trash cans by the times if they ignore their hats.
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