China Leather Industry Brand Awards 30 Strong List Announced
< p > August 6th 17:00, known as the industry "Oscar" "Haining China Leather City" cup Sixth China leather industry brand event selection 30 strong hot voting stage came to an end, the list of the top 30 Awards was hot. The awards for this year's brand events include 10 top awards, including ten famous personages, ten top leather enterprises, ten top leather enterprises, ten top fur clothing brands, ten top leather brand, ten top leather brand, ten top innovative enterprises, the most popular professional market, the most influential brand, and the Pioneer Award of electric business. Now, the Sixth China leather industry brand event will be selected by the 30 awards of all the awards, and it will be announced in the name of one-way social circles: < /p >
< p > < strong > sixth China < /strong > a href= "" > strong > leather industry < /strong > /a > strong > brand event "ten big names" 30 strong list < /strong > < > >
< p > Ren has laws, Shi Jihong, Zhang Sishu, Wang Maliang, Wu Huachun, Sun Yingli, Gao Jin Gang, Liang Guoshen, Deng Youcai, Deng Youcai, ",", "HAONY", "Hao Ni", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", ",", "P".
< p > < strong > the Sixth China leather industry brand event "top ten fur clothing brand" top 30 list < /strong > /p >
< p > Kumari, Mei Dan Road, baedi, LeiBao, bazaari, noe Mei, Sie Mei, Si LAN, Paris, Grammy, Qi, Asia, mink, Bai Shi Cheng, Mu Di, fan ya, Song Di Di ya, Carwell kava, Madame Meng Yi, Lei Shi Kun, Su ang, Catherina Yim legend, silver fir, San nun Jin run wei ni, yadili, Dai Shi legend, Ji Gao Si, Robert Ge Mei, sailolis, Xi man, Zong Hui Zi < /p >
< p > < strong > the Sixth China leather industry brand event "top ten leather brand" top 30 list < /strong > /p >
< p > Palisse, LAN LAN, Grammy, Tai Yao Hao, AOBINGLA Austria ice, LeiBao, osme, Dongming, Ying Da, kwaijoshi, Samsung Gao Zhao, king of beasts, burgher Borle Bchev, mealun, Sen Sai Yi, PFAFF, chosdie, monarch, bomeite, Duoshi, In see, BUTI porphyrin, Shulan, euro 100%, SimMan, Kaiser, Li Jialin, fulshun, Huayang /p >
< p > < strong > the Sixth China leather industry brand event "top ten leather brand" top 30 list < /strong > /p >
< p > daily, scarecrow, S G. P G, hippie, Ali Hunte ALIAFANT, Katie Paul, Hongyi, Tian en (toeon), Carany Cara sheep, Austrian king, Patty, Wanlima, Valentino dew, Deng Xi, Milan, box love, ABC, pearl, Zhejiang Ginza luggage Co., Ltd., famous flower, cartel crocodile, henden Lu Yi, POLOMEISDO, travel home, kangpao, Honggu, Al Pina kangaroo, Oya, ralos angel, fashion kangaroo, woodpecker (Group) Co., Ltd.
< p > < strong > the Sixth China leather industry brand event "the most popular professional market" top 30 list < /strong > < /p >
<p> 海寧中國皮革城、陽原國際裘皮城、平湖箱包城有限公司、烏蘭察布市集寧國際皮革城有限公司、辛集皮革城有限公司、南京祿口伊斯特皮草小鎮、廣州海印繽繽廣場、北方國際毛皮商貿基地、中國大營國際皮草交易中心、招遠皮革城有限公司、廣東時暢資產管理有限公司、廣州佳豪國際皮料五金城、獅嶺壹號(國際)皮具箱包交易中心、020國際皮具城、名商天地皮具材料龍頭市場、華斯國際裘皮城、華南城·哈爾濱·香港皮草城、合肥時尚皮革城、廣州白云世界皮具貿易中心、肅寧國際毛皮交易中心、獅嶺(國際)皮革皮具城、九江赤湖國際皮革工業城、江蘇沭陽海寧皮革城有限公司、無錫皮革城、獅嶺(全球)皮革五金龍頭市場、桐鄉世貿中心有限公司、中國濟南濼口皮革城、濟南海之寧皮革城、溫州信泰皮革鞋料市場、南臺國際箱包城</p>
< p > < strong > the Sixth China leather industry brand event "top ten leather enterprises" top 30 list < /strong > /p >
<p> 興業皮革科技股份有限公司、晉江新藝皮革制品有限公司 、甘肅宏良皮業股份有限公司、濟南魯日鈞達皮革有限公司、浙江南泰合成革有限公司、江門市蓬江區永澤皮革有限公司、晉江源泰皮革有限公司、浙江開元皮革有限公司、佛山市南海區聯港皮革有限公司、晉江市永建皮革制品有限公司、石家莊市華譽皮革有限責任公司、海寧瑞星皮革有限公司、東莞市力世嘉皮革有限公司、西藏自治區拉薩皮革有限責任公司、廣州市和為貴皮革有限公司、廣州新裕發皮業有限公司、廣州市花都區獅嶺歐潮皮革商行、廣州市六合皮革有限公司、廣州日月星超纖皮革有限公司、浙江大眾皮業有限公司、浙江通天星集團股份有限公司、福建寶利特集團有限公司、海寧市富升裘革有限公司、博爾塔拉蒙古自治州雪克皮業有限責任公司、嘉興祥隆皮革有限公司、廣州圣革皮 Leather Co., Ltd., Guangzhou Xun Yang Leather Co., Ltd., Hebei Dongming Leather Co., Ltd., Yulin Fuying tannery Co., Ltd., Guangzhou hung Ping Leather Co., Ltd. < /p >
< p > < strong > the Sixth China leather industry brand event "top ten leather enterprises" top 30 list < /strong > /p >
<p> 上海匯得化工有限公司、廣州市泉風化工科技有限公司、白銀普瑞特化工有限公司、海寧和平化工有限公司、浙江盛匯化工有限公司、四川達威科技股份有限公司、四川亭江新材料股份有限公司、廣州金瑪化工有限公司、桂林市科華精細化工有限公司、廣州麥凱貿易有限公司、北京泛博化學股份有限公司、山東力厚輕工新材料有限公司、廣州市惠昌化工有限公司、巴斯夫(中國)有限公司、廣東盛方化工有限公司、重慶川東化工(集團)有限公司、深圳市天之一科技開發有限公司、上海和盈化工有限公司、湖北振華化學股份有限公司、朗盛(無錫)化工有限公司、溫州市開泰化工有限公司、兄弟科技股份有限公司、蠡縣恒勝皮革化工有限公司、福建元發樹脂有限公司、皇獅化工(中國)有限公司、浙江東化實業有限公司、四川德賽爾化工實業有限公司、天津勝達瑞泰 Chemical Industry Co., Ltd., Huada Chemical Group Co., Ltd., Wuhan Tianma liberation Chemical Co., Ltd.. < /p >
< p > {page_break} < /p >
< p > < strong > the Sixth China leather industry brand event "top ten innovative enterprises" top 30 list < /strong > /p >
<p> 千順子皮草、華倫皮塑(蘇州)有限公司、辛集市歐伽慧<a target="_blank" href="">服飾</a>有限公司、浙江羅星實業有限公司、東莞市海波鐳射包裝有限公司、辛集市搏拓服飾有限公司、廣州多彩化工科技有限公司、浙江歐倫服飾有限公司、深圳雪代兒服飾貿易有限公司、河北長安塑膠有限公司、廣州市華灃裘皮貿易有限公司、海寧荻邦斯頓服飾有限公司、廣州綠北洋皮革制品有限公司、辛集市藝特鑫裘皮服裝廠、張家港市九鴻印染機械有限公司、河北恒興裘皮有限公司、蠡縣北江機械制造有限公司、廣州圣革皮革有限公司、北京海蘭絲服飾有限公司、宏博科技有限公司、寧波美蘭加丹皮草服飾有限公司、廣州市麥吉高分子材料有限公司、嘉興大鈺機械有限公司、京都皮草、雪妃國際(香港)時裝有限公司、海寧圣芭藜服裝有限公司、浙江愛芭 Na Fashion Co., Ltd., purple Xin Fur Clothing Co., Ltd., Haining Gregor Fashion Co., Ltd., Yancheng City world standard machinery manufacturing Co., Ltd. < /p >
< p > < strong > the Sixth China leather industry brand event "Pioneer Award" 30 strong list < /strong > /p >
<p> 悠客行、廣州市花都區獅嶺歐潮皮革商行、廣州市三拾七度皮具有限公司、廣州喜登露易皮具有限公司、濟南森峰科技有限公司、廣州圣革皮革有限公司、廣州紅谷皮具有限公司、浙江愛美德旅游用品有限公司、廣州昊王皮具有限公司、廣州奧王箱包實業有限公司、廣州市澳鼠皮具有限公司、河北亞洲貂裘皮服飾有限公司、廣州登喜米蘭皮具有限公司、東莞市康派皮具有限公司、烏蘭察布市集寧國際皮革城有限公司、新秀集團有限公司、深圳雪代兒服飾貿易有限公司、廣州市歐凡卡蒂皮具有限公司、深圳市泰戈爾皮具有限公司、桐鄉市大眾裘皮制品有限公司、廣州正誠皮具廠、廣州市約奇貿易有限公司、賽蒂、廣州鴻圖裘革制衣廠、廣州市欣馳皮革有限公司、辛集市萬福服飾有限責任公司、浙江紹興東泰聚合材料有限公司、廣州市俏皮匠皮具有限公司、 Haining camland Trade Co., Ltd., seven wolf wolf leather company, < /p >
"P > < strong > sixth China leather industry brand event" the most influential brand "30 top list < /strong > < /p >
< p > Xingye science and technology, leisurely guest, legendary luxurious mink, Royal violet, first lady, CIKK, snow leopard, IMU yaco, Shuguang, Siqi home, Zhongtian, Chuang-tzu, Kaiser, Beijing yuan long fur leather Co., Ltd., non ferret, Bratu, Mmonu, beast king, Samsung Gao Zhao, Volkswagen, Carany Cara sheep, Hsin Chi, enouga, O Faith Tina, Red Valley, tieni DiTieNi, Guanghui leather goods, an Hui Zi, Jin Xue, WMS /p.
The release of the list of the top 30 industry in the P annual election means that the 30 tier companies will receive more rigorous expert review sessions. It is reported that the experts attending the meeting are experts in the leather industry of China, and the evaluation opinions play an important guiding role in the development of leather industry in China. Expert review meeting is an important part of this brand event. The final result of the review is the combination of comprehensive voting scores and experts, buyers, media and Internet users, and users' research with HC. Finally, the most influential person and corporate name of the year is selected. < /p >
In principle, we should abide by the rigorous selection system of the 6 stages: the "enrollment stage", "the 50 strong primary stage", "the 30 strong selection stage", "the expert buyers review", "the awarding ceremony" and "the late promotion". We will select the new top ten enterprises, brands and figures of the year for the industry, interpret the image of Chinese leather enterprises and enhance the brand influence of enterprises, carry forward the recognition of those who have made significant contributions to the development of leather leather industry in China, have important brand influence and industry driving force, help enterprises build brand advantages, effectively enhance the vanguard influence of famous enterprises and the cooperation rate of buyers, and add powerful weights to the domestic brands for the right to speak in the international market, so as to promote the healthy development of leather leather industry in China. < p > < a > href= > > brand > /a > grand event selection. < /p >
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