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    The Textile Industry Is Developing Rationally Without Significant Fluctuation.

    2015/10/17 17:06:00 31

    Textile IndustryRational DevelopmentMarket Quotation

    "170 million of the textile industry of the employed population is now closing down" and "2015 clothing brand shops are closing shop." recently, news about the textile and garment industry has emerged in an endless stream, which has aroused the concern of the society.

    As the traditional pillar industry and important livelihood industry of the national economy, what is the operation of the textile and garment industry? The relevant leaders of the China Textile Industry Federation recently interviewed and analyzed the current industry situation.

    "Industrial added value has a growth rate of 6.7%. Compared with most industrial sectors, the textile and garment industry can enter the top five. It should be said that the growth rate is relatively normal," Gao Yong said.

    He believes that the main reason affecting the development of the industry is the decline in overall demand.

    Domestic consumer goods grew less than the previous two years. In the 1-8 months of this year, the total retail sales of social consumer goods increased by 10.5% compared to the same period last year. The retail sales of textile industry were only about 9%, and this figure has always been two percentage points higher in the past.

    "Small and medium sized export enterprises are more affected than others. The small cotton spinning, knitting and chemical fiber enterprises are indeed related to the phenomenon of stop. After China's economy enters the new normal, the main task of economic development is structural adjustment, but there is no industrial fluctuation, and the overall operation is relatively normal," said Gao Yong, vice president of the China Textile Industry Federation.

    National Bureau of statistics data show that this year

    Textile and garment industry

    The indicators of economic operation are basically stable or speed up.

    In the 1-8 month of this year, the industrial added value of textile enterprises above designated size increased by 6.7% over the same period last year, down 0.7 percentage points from the same period last year, and the retail sales of clothing increased by 10.5% over the same period last year, a slight increase of 0.1 percentage points over the same period last year. The growth of fixed assets investment was 15.8%, higher than the 1.9 percentage points of the same period last year.

    In terms of category,

    Chemical fiber

    The momentum of development is good, maintaining a 10.24% growth, especially

    Polyester fiber

    An increase of 11.35%.

    The reason is the reduction of international commodity prices, especially the decline in oil prices of major raw materials, and the increase in profits and output.

    On the international front, the negative growth of exports in the first 1-8 months of 4.5% has been negative for three consecutive months.

    The US market is still relatively normal, increasing by 1.89%, and the negative growth of Japan's European Union is also affected by the exchange rate in addition to the slow recovery of the market.

    However, compared with the export volume of China's commodity goods trade, it is still at a normal level, and there is no big ups and downs.

    In terms of fixed investment, fixed investment in the first 1-8 months reached 739 billion 800 million yuan, an increase of 15.77%, which is higher than that of main business, but it is also a low point.

    "This speed is more rational. The annual growth rate of 30% in the past is actually a kind of overheating. If we can maintain such a speed in 13th Five-Year, the industry will be more rational and normal."

    Gao Yong said.

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