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    NEW SUMMER SUMMER Fashion Small Fish 61 Equipment In Place, Strictly Prohibit Low-Key!

    2018/5/31 15:20:00 72

    Fashion FishChildren'S WearSummer


    It's June 1 children's day.

    Mud as a kind of cake

    Do you want to give your baby something?

    Ah... Still want to have a low key festival?

    The little fish said, "no!"

    If you want to celebrate the festival, you must make a big one!

    Moreover, it is the annual "childhood event".

    How can it be perfunctory?

    New product Preview



    New summer fish

    The national synchronization sale!

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    Compared with other types of factory products, Asian button products have the advantages of high precision, good appearance, stable product strength, fast delivery time, and more than 11.5% of raw material processing.   

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