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    High Standard And High Demand To Build High-End Intelligent Textile Project -- Record Of Smooth Spinning Of Heng Tian Yongan Project

    2019/9/4 16:20:00 2

    Heng Tian YonganHigh-End Intelligent Textile Project

    Recently, on the basis of the highly valued and concerted efforts of Intelligent Company, the project of Heng Tian Yongan, one of the two spinning intelligent chemical plant projects in 2019, was successfully checked and accepted by three parties.

    Xiayi County of Henan province is located at the junction of four provinces of Henan, Shandong, Jiangsu and Anhui provinces. The radiation effect is very obvious. The smooth implementation of the project will bring good demonstration and impetus to the transformation and upgrading of the textile industry in Henan.

            High starting point, high standard and high demand, help upgrade the technology of products. In 2017, as an important action to carry out the national strategy of "quality, variety and brand creation", Heng Tian Group and Henan Xiayi county government and Xiayi Yongan textile company had friendly consultations, and decided to build a 1 million grade spindles unattended high-end intelligent textile factory in Henan area. In January 2018, the JWF1579EJM-1200 ingot prototype was installed quickly, and all the performance indexes met the technical requirements of customers. In July, the whole project of Heng Tian Yongan was successfully signed. The overall positioning of the project is high-end. The whole process adopts intelligent equipment with high latitude and high latitude, and is equipped with the whole process intelligent spinning system, including blowing carding, leveling drawing frame, three automatic comber, automatic doffing roving machine, active lifting electronic spinning frame, VCRO-E automatic winding machine, thickness and width automatic packaging system, longitude and latitude e system, automatic conveying AGV trolley, etc., all of which are the latest products and technologies advanced by the company on behalf of advanced and industry-leading industries.

       Configure high type and large variety to improve the ability to adapt to demand. In view of the complex configuration and personalized requirements of spinning frame, Gao Linyu, deputy general manager of Jingwei Intelligent Company, in September 2018, took the lead of mechanical and electrical designer and went to Yongan textile company of Xiayi to improve and improve the mechanical, electrical, and other aspects of the product. In 2018, when production and supply were very tight, in order to meet the user's supply requirements, production, procurement, marketing and other units were unified planning, close coordination, take precautions, rationally divide product batches types, and ensure the production cycle. The customers attached great importance to the project. In December, they sent a special person to the company to spot the quality of parts and components, and randomly installed a device to carry out the inspection. The company passed the customer acceptance with excellent product quality, and the first batch of products were shipped on schedule.

       We should cooperate with each other to enhance the level of project management. Heng Tian Yongan project is the "turn key project" built by the company. In order to ensure the overall performance of the equipment, Jingwei Intelligent Company strengthened the contract project management. In December 19, 2018, the project installation and start-up meeting was held. The project team was established, the responsibilities of each node were defined, the division of labor was refined, and the installation process and standard were determined. It was formally installed in December 26th. 6S management is strictly implemented at the scene. Parts are not landed and placed neatly and orderly. Technical service personnel have repeatedly trained users' technology and operators in their working principles and operation methods, and improved the level of customer management. At the same time, in strict accordance with the installation of technical standards for the implementation of batch acceptance of the delivery of users. In from June 18 to 28, 2019, the head of the technical quality department and the marketing center went to Yongan, Xiayi, to conduct the three party inspection and acceptance. The real car was fully equipped with no shortage of parts and no delay.

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