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    President Sun Ruizhe'S Speech At The Video Symposium Of The Representatives Of The Two Sides Of The Textile Industry In 2020

    2020/5/16 17:00:00 80

    Sun RuizheTextile IndustryTwo Sessions

    On May 14th, 2020, the video conference of the representatives of the two sectors of the textile industry was held in the 9 level conference room of China Textile Industry Federation. Gao Yong, chairman of the CPC Central Committee and secretary general, Sun Ruizhe, Sun Ruizhe, Du Yuzhou, Wang Tiankai, former vice chairman of the China Textile Federation, Xia Lingmin, vice chairman of the China Textile Federation, Chen Weikang, deputy secretary and Deputy Secretary General of the Party committee, Wang Ji Xin, the Deputy Secretary of the discipline inspection committee, vice chairman of the committee, Mr. Xu Wenying, Zhang Li, deputy director Cao Xuejun of the consumer goods industry department of the Ministry of industry and commerce, Cao Xuejun, the two level inspector of the Party committee of the SASAC, Zhang Shuguang, the textile and light textile department of the national development and Reform Commission, the representative of the "two sessions" of the textile industry, and the vice chairman of the China Textile Federation, attended more than 90 participants.

    The meeting was presided over by Gao Yong, secretary and Secretary General of the China Textile Industry Federation. Sun Ruizhe, President of China Textile Industry Federation, presented the opening report at the meeting.

    Sun pointed out in his report that 2020 is the year of world history. The "new crown pneumonia epidemic" is spreading all over the world, from entity to psychology, from supply to demand, from economic and trade to politics, and at all levels of economy and society under tremendous pressure. Global trade cooperation is almost at a standstill; oil price slump is more dramatic in the stock, debt, remittance and commodity markets; major economies generally experience the lowest growth rate since record keeping; and the risk of world economic recession is constantly accumulating. The superposition of "epidemic" and "election" makes the whole situation more complicated.

    The 2020 is the year of textile. This year is the key year for China to build a well-off society in an all-round way and achieve its first hundred years' goal. It is also the year when textile industry becomes a strong textile power. Facing the grim situation of epidemic prevention and control and the serious shortage of epidemic prevention materials, the textile industry has gone all out to fight against epidemic situation. As the pillar industry of the national economy, the textile industry has played an important role in the battle of the outbreak of the epidemic as an industry that is deeply integrated with the global industrial chain.

    In analyzing the current situation and situation of the domestic textile industry, Sun said that the start-up load of textile industry is gradually recovering, but affected by the epidemic, the utilization rate of capacity is below the normal level. According to the National Bureau of statistics, in the first quarter, the utilization rates of textile and chemical fiber industries were respectively 67.2% and 74.4% Slightly better than the national manufacturing industry. 67.2% The level of capacity utilization was lower than that of the same period last year. Ten point five and Eight point eight A percentage point. In the whole industrial chain of textile industry, the demand for epidemic prevention products is increasing only in the manufacturing industry of textile products. 11.5% The other sectors are negative growth.

    Since the outbreak of the epidemic, the domestic sales of textile and garment products have dropped significantly, and the export situation of the industry has been grim. According to the National Bureau of statistics, the average per capita clothing expenditure per capita in the first quarter was 369 yuan, down from the same period last year. 17.8% It accounts for the proportion of per capita consumption expenditure. 7.3% , down from the same period last year. Zero point eight A percentage point. In 1~4 months, the export volume of textiles and garments in China was Six hundred and sixty-six point two The US dollar decreased by 10% compared with the same period last year, the decrease narrowed by 8 percentage points compared with the first quarter. At the same time, the textile industry is also facing the problem of shrinking investment scale and deteriorating economic efficiency.

    According to the survey of China's key textile enterprises, more than 90% of the textile and garment enterprises have started production, but enterprises are generally facing serious shortage of orders. The first is to respond to the national call for steady employment. Two is to stabilize the workforce in order to improve the market. Affected by the sharp reduction in orders, some small and medium-sized enterprises once again fell into a predicament, and some small and medium-sized enterprises began to be reduced.

    At present, the main problems facing the production and operation of textile enterprises are:

    1. insufficient market demand

    At present, the impact of the epidemic on the market is continuing to ferment. The consumption of textile and apparel terminal has been shrinking dramatically and the terminal demand is weak. Overall, consumer demand in the developed economies of the US, Europe, Japan and other developed countries is not improving in the short term. US retail sales declined in March, according to the US Department of commerce data. 8.7% To $483 billion 100 million, sales of clothing, clothing and footwear were only One hundred and ten point nine Billion dollars, down compared with the same period last year 50.7% The biggest drop in history.

    2. market order

    Under the impact of the epidemic, the rhythm of the whole market has been disrupted, and the market order of the industry is being tested. Under the background of low demand, the pressure of inventory in textile enterprises has been increasing. In order to recover funds as soon as possible, the phenomenon of low price competition is increasing. Many export orders are faced with the problem of cancellation, delay and price reduction.

    3. difficulties in capital turnover

    Under the epidemic, profits are shrinking and cash flow is tight, which makes enterprises face pressure. Capital turnover difficulties make many enterprises, especially small and medium enterprises, face a crisis of survival. Overdue and default on corporate loans increased.

    Sun emphasized that the world is in a great change in the past hundred years, and the situation facing the industry is unprecedented and complicated. We must see the essence through change and follow the trend. In his report, sun chairman analyzed the trend of production pattern, market structure and industrial structure in detail.

    The trend of industry development is mainly reflected in the following: the global noise chain's decoupling is increasing, and the localization and diversification of the supply chain has become an important direction.

    The trend change of market structure is reflected in the following: Global sluggish demand will become a long-term existence; trade regionalization is an important feature of current globalization; the importance of domestic demand market is continuously strengthening.

    The trend change of the industrial structure is reflected in the product reengineering with function as the core, the reengineering of production with quality and efficiency as the core, and the reconstruction of the channel with value as the core.

    The trend change of development paradigm is reflected in the following aspects: the change of value creation mode, the change of enterprise development mode, the change of strategic management mode, and the change of risk coping style.

    In the long run, reducing dependence on Chinese manufacturing has become an option under the influence of many factors. This means that China's textile industry has less and less space to develop its original position in the global value chain, and it is the only way to upgrade the high-end industry chain.

    Based on the above situation, sun chairman put forward some policy suggestions to promote the steady and healthy development of the textile industry. If we implement policies and measures such as exemption from social security, reduction of industrial electricity prices, loan repayment, repayment of principal and interest, and so on, which are promulgated by the state and local governments, combine the new changes after the globalization of the epidemic situation, reasonably extend the duration of preferential policies, effectively reduce the burden on enterprises, reduce the threshold of credit loans and reduce the procedures for examination and approval, and provide loans for interest reduction and interest free subsidies. We should speed up the promotion of shopping malls, markets and physical stores to resume work, thereby stimulating domestic demand, promoting consumption recovery and potential release.

    Finally, Mr. Sun said that the great era has endowed the textile industry with a glorious mission. We must not forget the mission of the industry to serve the country, remember the mission of the powerful nation and enrich the people, and highlight the heroic nature of the textile industry in the hardships and hardships. We need to stick to the industrial orientation of "science, technology, fashion and green". Let us work together and make progress with pragmatism. Do not waste a crisis, enjoy the pain that we can not avoid, lay a solid foundation for the development of the industry in 14th Five-Year, and make a new contribution to building a well-off society in an all-round way.

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