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    Geely'S New Energy Dilemma

    2020/5/19 16:06:00 2

    The electric transformation of Geely Automobile failed to continue its market advantage built in the fuel vehicle era.

    According to the latest data of the Federation of passenger transport unions, in April this year, the wholesale volume of Geely's narrow passenger vehicle has returned to the 100 thousand mark, a slight increase compared with the same period last year. 1.5% 。 Under the impact of the epidemic, the Chinese independent brand head car company has been squeezing in the market environment, and has increased its market share.

    However, Geely's new energy vehicle wholesale sales in April were only 1543, down from the same period last year. 79.9% In April, the total sales volume was 3831, down year by year. 86.1% 。 At present, the pure electric vehicle type sold by Geely is only geometric A, imperial EV, imperial GES three cars. The total sales volume of the three cars in April this year is only 2871, which is nearly 90% lower than that of the same period last year. If we talk about sales of pure electric vehicles alone, in April of this year, Geely has been surpassed by many new car drivers, such as Wei Lai, Xiaopeng, Wei Ma and ideal.

    In 2015, Geely released the "blue Geely action" in a high-profile fashion, and announced the transition to electrification in its own brand. In Geely's new energy strategy, we should consider three technologies, including hybrid power, plug in hybrid electric vehicle and pure electric vehicle, and develop hydrogen fuel cell vehicle and methanol vehicle at the same time. At that time, Geely's goal was that by 2020, the sales of new energy vehicles accounted for more than 90% of the overall sales of Geely. Among them, the sales of plug-in hybrid and hybrid electric vehicles accounted for 65%, and that of pure electric vehicles accounted for 35%.

    Over the past 5 years, the pace of development of new energy vehicles is much slower than originally envisaged. In 2019, the total sales volume of new energy and electrification models of Geely Automobile is Eleven point three 000 vehicles, which account for total sales volume. 8.3% 。 It sold only in April of this year. One point four Ten thousand vehicles, which only account for the total sales volume. 4.6% 。

    Geely, of course, is ambitious for the new energy vehicle market. In addition to Geely Group's geometry, Volvo Electronics Group's pure electronic brand Polestar (polar star), Geely and Daimler joint venture brand new smart is also in preparation. Recently, the low end pure electric car brand of maple leaf automobile, which is under the auspicious technology group, was also born. It released the first electric vehicle. If we add the remote cars and electric cars of the Geely new energy commercial vehicle group, there are 6 new energy brands under Geely holdings.

    But the reality is that although Geely has already allocated new energy business, it has not yet become the mainstream of the market. Entering the 2020, Tesla made rapid progress after its domestic production, and the new power of the new car in the head made its way. The competition in the domestic new energy vehicle market became more and more intense, leaving the market space and time for Geely to be quite urgent.

    The dilemma of breaking the board

    In 2017, Geely launched a new brand leader, which broke through the bottleneck of China's own brand and achieved initial success in the market.

    Such a path is applied to the strategy of Geely's new energy vehicle. Geely hopes to set up a new pure electric platform to participate in the market competition of new energy vehicles. In 2017, polar star was independent of Volvo and became an independent pure electric brand. Its main competitor was Tesla. In April 2019, Geely released a new brand of pure electric brand in Singapore and released its first vehicle geometry A. In Geely's system, geometric brand is parallel to Geely brand and collar brand, and belongs to Geely Automobile Group.

    Two new brands are still growing, and products, brands and long-term strategies are just beginning. However, the rapid production of Tesla's Shanghai factory and the new force of car manufacturing emerge one after another. The time window of China's new energy vehicle market is slowly closing.

    Not long ago, polar stars and geometry experienced personnel changes. In March, Gao took over Wu Zhenhao as president of polar China, preparing for the delivery of polar star products. In April, Liu Zhifeng replaced Zheng as the new general manager of geometric car sales.

    In May 10th, Liu Zhifeng appeared for the first time in a geometric cloud conference. That night, the geometric car released the geometry + platform, announcing the opening of the four major technical fields: driverless, intelligent network, three electric technology and industrial design.

    "Geometry car is open and open with technology, and is committed to making the geometric car an interesting Internet pure electric brand." Feng Qingfeng, vice president of Geely Automobile Group, said at the cloud conference.

    The Internet is accelerating convergence with cars and changing the use of cars. This is the gene that has been emphasized by Internet users in cross-border vehicle manufacturing in recent years. However, insiders pointed out that although Geely has been in the intelligent layout and flexible marketing techniques, it has never been able to get rid of the inherent impression of consumers on traditional car companies.

    However, in the absence of obvious improvement in several brands, Geely released a new brand of new energy, maple leaf automobile, in April of this year.

    Although maple leaf car is a new brand, it is actually related to Geely. Maple Leaf automobile parent company is maple Automotive Technology Group. It is known as "conti Electric Vehicle Group Co., Ltd.". Its shareholders include Geely Technology Group Co., Ltd. and Zhejiang Kang Di Vehicle Industry Co., Ltd. The qualification of conti electric vehicle comes from the Shanghai Huapu automobile of Geely Automobile.

    Maple Leaf cars aim at the middle and low end market. The first brand of the brand, the small electric SUV maple leaf 30x, has been officially unveiled and opened for sale. After the subsidy, the price range is pre-sale. Six point eight eight Wan - Seven point nine eight Ten thousand yuan.

    Geely has been developing towards high-end and globalized in recent years. The location of maple leaf automobile is obviously contrary to it. However, maple leaf cars can take advantage of the resources already available to conti, and Condi is also good at low-end products. In May 18th, the industry insiders familiar with Geely told reporters on twenty-first Century economic report.

    Advantages and disadvantages of radical expansion

    From the point of view of brand tonality, polar star faces high-end market, geometric positioning is biased towards the high-end, in the low-end market, Geely Automobile also has several "oil to electricity" electric vehicles, maple leaf automobile positioning is more low-end, Geely Automobile in the pure electric market from luxury to the entry-level card matrix has begun to take shape.

    Geely has launched a multi brand strategy in the field of electric vehicles.

    At present, the organizational structure of Geely Holding Group is more complex. It has five major business branches: Geely Automobile Group, Volvo automobile group, Geely technology group, Geely new energy commercial vehicle group, and Ming Tai Group. If you add maple leaf cars, there are 10 vehicle brands. Among them, 5 new energy brands belong to 4 different groups.

    In the industry, the advantages and disadvantages of multi brand strategy are obvious. The advantage is that it can locate different brands according to different brands, and better develop the market. The disadvantage is that the new brand needs resources, manpower and time. Although Geely can enhance efficiency through internal collaboration, it can not concentrate resources.

    The huge system is one of the reasons for the slow development of Geely's new energy vehicle in recent years. "At present, Geely still puts more investment on the collar. After all, energy is limited and there is no way to balance more resources into other new brands or technologies. " The industry insiders familiar with Geely told reporters.

    It is noteworthy that in the pure electricity aspect, the lucky new models launch slowly. Geely new energy launched the imperial EV model in 2015. It was silent for two years. In 2018, the imperial GSe was listed. The two models were "oil to electricity". The geometric GE platform is actually not a brand-new pure electric platform built from scratch.

    Born lucky GE2.0 The geometric C of the exclusive platform will be launched this year. After the geometric A market is flat, the new car will be an important vehicle for re examining the geometry of the automobile market. It will also be a new start for Geely to cut into the pure electric market.


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