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    Taking Quality Party Construction As The Guide To Further Promote The Standardization Of Party Building In Textile Industry

    2020/5/25 17:52:00 0

    Textile IndustryParty BuildingStandardization

    China spinning joint letter [2020] 20

    On the guidance of high quality Party Building

    Further promoting standardization of Party building work in textile industry

    All provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government include textile (Garment) industry associations, member units, and textile and garment industrial clusters all over the country.

    2020 is the year of building a well-off society in an all-round way and ending the "13th Five-Year" plan. It is also the key year for the textile industry to deal with the epidemic crisis scientifically and to ensure the high quality development.

    In order to further implement the party's nineteen decisions and arrangements concerning party building in the new era, promote the standardization of Party building work, enhance the standardization level of Party building work in the textile industry, push the party to manage the party, and comprehensively and strictly manage the party, deepen the quality development of the textile industry with high-quality party building, firmly develop confidence and deal with the severe and complicated international epidemic situation and the world. The economic situation brings about a long time of ideological preparation and work preparation for changes in the external environment. After studying, the Federation of China textile industry continues to carry out standardization work in the field of Party building in textile industry.

    The relevant matters are hereby notified as follows.

    I. guiding ideology

    Guided by Xi Jinping's socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era, with the implementation of the general requirements of the party building in the new era as the main line, with the party's political construction as the lead, and the perfection of the party building standardization as the starting point, we should promote the organic integration of the party building work mechanism and the modern enterprise management system in textile enterprises, and constantly enhance the cohesiveness, combat effectiveness and appeal of the party organizations. Forget your heart, remember your mission, transform crises into opportunities, actively respond to the new challenges and opportunities of the new environment brought by the new crown epidemic, and provide strong political guarantee and organizational guarantee for leading a comprehensive textile power.

    Two. Work theme

    Improving the quality of Party building work by standardization

    Three, work content

    (1) highlighting the standardization of political functions. Accurately grasping the party's political construction is the profound connotation of the fundamental construction of the party, and runs the political standard through the standard construction of Party building in enterprises, so as to improve the quality of Party building in enterprises.

    (two) standardize the party constitution according to the party constitution. Closely linked to the basic system and basic tasks of Party building in enterprises, we should promote the standardization of Party building around the center of enterprise's technological innovation, green responsibility, fashion communication and production and operation.

    (three) carry out investigation and Study on Party building in the industry. Combined with the current development of the industry, we select some enterprises and institutions and actively promote the standardization of the party construction work in the textile industry cluster.

    (four) excavate experience and recommend advanced. Textile and garment enterprises and institutions across the country can be recommended by the professional associations of the China Textile Industry Federation or the local textile and garment industry associations and the relevant local industry management departments in accordance with the recommendation of the advanced enterprises (units) in the textile industry of the whole country (Annex 1). Textile and garment enterprises and institutions across the country may also introduce themselves. The applicant must fill out two copies of the recommended form (Annex 2) of the advanced enterprises (units) of the national textile industry in the national textile industry. After consulting the local Party committee's organizational departments and the opinions of the relevant party committees, it will report to the China Textile Workers' Ideological and political work Research Association (the leading group office) before July 15th and submit the electronic version of the declaration materials.

    (five) tree selection is typical and summary is promoted. We have organized the "experience exchange meeting on the work of Party building in the national textile industry". We have thoroughly exchanged and promoted the experience of advanced Party building work, and selected and named a group of "advanced enterprises (units) of Party building in the national textile industry".

    (six) strengthen publicity and create an atmosphere. Edited and published the "compilation of advanced models of Party building in the textile industry", using "Oriental Enterprise Culture" and the media inside and outside the industry to vigorously publicize innovative initiatives in textile enterprises' Party building, and create a good atmosphere for public opinion.

    Four, job requirements

    (1) strengthening political leadership. Define the political and political functions of the party organization. Taking a clear-cut view of politics and guiding Xi Jinping's "soul" in the development of enterprises with the socialist ideology of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, he guides the "Outline" of all kinds of work, and transforms the party's political leadership, ideological leadership and mass organization strength into the core competitiveness of promoting the development of high quality enterprises.

    (two) strengthen responsibility. Through the implementation of the standardization of Party building, Party organizations at all levels should abide by the responsibilities of the party, undertake the main responsibilities of Party building, Party building and Party building; the leaders of Party organizations at all levels should conscientiously assume the responsibilities of the first responsible persons; the leaders at all levels should carry out the "one post and two responsibilities" in place and grasp the party building work in the field of management; party workers at all levels should further improve their ability to perform their duties. We should standardize the work of regular party building.

    (three) strengthening Party building at the grass-roots level. We should enhance organizational strength, highlight political functions, and build up a grass-roots bulwark for high-quality development of enterprises. We should standardize the work of the branch work, clarify the responsibilities and tasks, grasp the basic methods, standardize the work process, grasp the key points, strengthen the weak points and make up the short board, strengthen the basic organization, the basic ranks and the basic system construction, strengthen and improve the ideological and political work of the staff and workers, and give full play to the exemplary role of the party members.

    (four) strengthening work integration. The standards of Party building should be effectively linked with the promotion of Party building responsibility system and production and management responsibility system. It should be deeply integrated with the responsibilities and the focus of work of the production and operation. It should be closely integrated with the fulfillment of corporate social responsibility, the construction of harmonious labor relations, and the sharing of reform and development achievements. Through the entire process of enterprise production and operation, the unique advantages of Party building work can be transformed into an enterprise coping with difficulties. It is difficult to turn danger into danger.

    Five. Organization

    Sponsor: China Federation of textile industry

    Undertaking: China Textile Workers' Ideological and Political Work Research Association

    Set up a leading group for standardization work in the textile industry to promote party building. The leading group is composed of the leaders of the China Textile Industry Federation and the China Textile Workers' Ideological and Political Work Research Association. The leading group set up an office to undertake daily activities, and the office was set up in the China Textile Workers' Ideological and Political Work Research Association.

    Six. Progress of work

    1. survey and study: February 2020 - April

    2. notification mobilization: May 2020

    3. recommended declaration: July 15, 2020 deadline

    4. preliminary examination: July 2020 - August

    5. comprehensive determination: before the end of September 2020

    6. General Assembly recommendation: four quarter 2020 (meeting time and location)

    Seven. Contacts and contacts

    Zheng Guofeng 010-85229677 13552439979

    Zhang Shuo 010-85229576 13811358041

    Address: room 807, China Textile Industry Federation, 18 Chaoyangmen North Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing (China Textile Workers' Ideological and Political Work Research Association)

    Receiving mailbox: Zfqw85229524@126.com

    Appendix: 1. national textile industry Party building advanced enterprise (unit) recommendation standard

    2. national textile industry Party building advanced enterprise (unit) recommendation form

    China Federation of textile industry

    May 25, 2020

    The China Textile Industry Federation office issued in May 25, 2020.

    Annex 1:

    Standards for advanced enterprises (units) of Party building in textile industry of China

    First, promote the standardization of organizational system.

    The 1. Party's organizational system is sound, so that we should build up, set up norms and adjust in time to realize the full coverage of Party organization and the full coverage of Party members' management.

    2., in accordance with the principles of pragmatism, streamlining and efficiency, we should be equipped with the party's working bodies, and strengthen the full-time and Part-time Party cadres, so as to realize the full coverage of the party's work.

    3. carry out the general election on schedule.

    Two, promote the standardization of leading bodies.

    1., we must persist in putting the party's political construction in the first place, firmly adhere to the "two maintenance", take a clear-cut view of politics, and adopt political standards and political requirements throughout the work of Party building standardization. The political standing is high, political sensitivity, political discrimination and overall concept are strong, forming a distinct political guidance, and promoting the quality of Party building in an all-round way.

    2., highlighting political functions and clearly implementing the statutory status of Party organizations in the corporate governance structure.

    3., we should strengthen the training and practice of team members' political ability, be good at analyzing and judging the areas and problems faced by the units and departments from the political perspective, and effectively enhance the ability to grasp the direction, grasp the general trend and grasp the overall situation.

    4., we should focus on enhancing the overall function of the team, innovate the training and selection mechanism, and select and strengthen the leading bodies of the grass-roots party organizations, especially the secretaries of Party organizations.

    5., we should adhere to the leadership system of "two-way entry and cross appointment", integrate into the central work, and implement the political responsibility of governing the party at all levels.

    6., strengthen the rotation of Party cadres and business cadres, and implement the same treatment policy with the rank.

    7., we should fully implement the party organization secretaries for Party building review and enhance the overall function of the team.

    Three, promote the standardization of Party member ranks.

    1., in line with the requirements of the party constitution, we should improve the system of Party member management and promote standardization and standardization of Party members' management.

    2., in order to give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of Party members, we should constantly expand the way for Party members to play their roles.

    3., develop party members strictly according to the conditions, optimize the structure of Party members and improve the quality of development.

    4., we should seriously carry out the activities of democratic appraisal of Party members and properly handle unqualified party members.

    Four, promoting the standardization of organizational life.

    1., we must uphold the socialist ideology of socialism with Chinese characteristics in Xi Jinping's new era to arm the broad masses of Party members and strengthen their ideals and convictions.

    2., stress the party spirit education, strengthen the daily education and management of Party members, normalize and institutionalize the study and education of "two learning and one work", persist in learning and using together, and enhance the "Four Consciousnesses".

    3. strengthen Party member education and training and practical training, strictly implement the "three sessions, one lesson", democratic life meeting, organization life meeting, dual organizational life and other internal party living system, have a complete record of activities, enhance the political, contemporary, principled and militant nature of the party's political life.

    4. regular education measures are implemented, including arrangement, inspection, assessment and regular activities.

    5., we should vigorously carry forward the values of loyalty, honesty, fairness, honesty, honesty and integrity, and foster healthy and healthy political culture within the party.

    6., we must strictly observe the party's political discipline and political rules, strengthen regular discipline education and warning education, safeguard the seriousness and authority of the party's articles of association, principles, systems and arrangements, and constantly implement discipline and rules in Party building practice.

    7. carry out activities of "striving for excellence first", and carry out a commendation campaign annually.

    Five, promote the standardization of work carrier.

    1. Party organizations and Party members at all levels are closely related to serving the staff and workers, paying attention to humane care, taking party members' satisfaction as the guidance, constantly strengthening and improving ideological and political work of workers, laying stress on solving practical problems of workers and building harmonious labor relations.

    2., take the role of Party members' vanguard and exemplary role as the focal point, focus on the central work, and widely utilize the working posts of Party members' duty posts, Party members' pioneer posts and Party members' technical tackling teams, etc., to demonstrate and promote the masses of workers and services and promote the development of enterprises.

    3., we should adhere to the mass line and constantly enrich the activities of Party members, such as commitment, implementation, poverty alleviation, volunteer service, partnership, and advice.

    Six, promote the standardization of work mechanism.

    The 1. party organization's rules of procedure and decision-making procedures, the incentive and assessment mechanism for the learning work of the leading group members, the sound operation and restriction mechanism, and the strict implementation;

    2. there will be no fewer than 2 Party committees to study party building every year.

    3. Party organizations at all levels should have clear responsibilities, strong leadership, orderly operation and adequate safeguards.

    4., we should set up a special report on Party building work, a work mechanism for reviewing and appraising work, improve the implementation of Party building assessment and evaluation standards, and consolidate the responsibilities of Party building work.

    5., we must uphold the party's unified leadership over mass work and support enterprise unions, Communist Youth League and other mass organizations in carrying out their work in accordance with their respective regulations so as to give full play to their functions.

    Seven, remarkable achievements have been made in Party building.

    The 1. Party organizations have fully played the role of political core and political guidance, and the party's line, principles and policies and decision-making arrangements have been effectively implemented in enterprises.

    2. the Party committee is responsible for the main body, and the responsibility system of the party discipline and clean government is effectively implemented by the Discipline Inspection Commission.

    3., the party building work is deeply integrated with production and operation, and the high-quality professional cadre team and talent team have been gradually formed, which has made remarkable achievements in enterprise management innovation, technological innovation and development innovation.

    4. the party building in the enterprise has made both hands and hands hard in promoting epidemic prevention and control, resuming work and resuming production. It has achieved obvious social and economic benefits and has been effectively transformed into firm and high quality development.

    5. actively cultivate the corporate culture guided by the socialist core values and conform to the reality of the enterprise and identify with the broad masses of workers and staff members.

    6. in the past five years, there has been no major accident of safety in production.

    Eight, distinctive features of Party Building

    1., adapting to the requirements of the new era, constantly summarizing and exploring the experience and rules of Party building and putting them into the standardization system of Party building in enterprises, improving, perfecting and innovating the work of Party building, constantly solving outstanding problems in Party building at the grass-roots level, and constantly improving the quality of Party building;

    2., we must adhere to the building of the Communist Youth League with Party building, and improve the system and working mechanism of the enterprise unions, the Communist Youth League and other mass organizations.

    3. party building work has its own characteristics and highlights. It is affirmed by local Party organizations at the municipal level and has the value of promoting the whole industry.

    Annex 2:

    Party building in the national textile industry

    Advanced enterprise (unit) recommendation form

    Name of enterprise (unit) (Gai Zhang)

    The nature of the enterprise is the following:

    Filling time: month of 2020

    Fill in the form

    1. This table is a table for recommending advanced enterprises (units) for Party building in the national textile industry.

    Two. Please go to China Textile Economic information network. Www.ctei.cn ) or the website of China Textile Workers' Ideological and Political Work Research Association. Www.zfqw.com.cn Download, use the song song Xiao 4, and digitally use the Arabia number.

    Three, the name of the cover enterprise (unit) is affixed with official seal. The name and address of enterprises (units) should be filled with the full name. The names and duties of the responsible persons must be accurate. The nature of the enterprises refers to state-owned enterprises, state holding enterprises or non-public enterprises.

    Four. The recommended units refer to the professional associations of the China Federation of textile industry, the textile and garment industry associations and relevant departments in all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government; in the opinion of the higher level party organizations, the state owned and state holding enterprises are filled out by the party organizations of the SASAC; the non-public enterprises are filled out by the party organizations at or above the county level.

    Five, industry categories refer to industries such as cotton textile, wool textile, hemp spinning, silk, chemical fiber, printing and dyeing, knitting, home textiles, filament weaving, industrial textiles, textile machinery and equipment, clothing and so on.

    Six. What kind of commendation has been received in recent years refers to the recognition of Party building work and the recognition of other prefectural level or above commendation awarded by enterprises at the county level or above, and a copy of the certificate of honor that has been commended and rewarded.

    Seven, the main advanced deeds can be referenced in the work requirements of this notice and the Annex 1. The requirements are highlighted, the methods are original, demonstrative, and the number of words is about 5000, which can be attached separately.

    Eight. This form is submitted in 2 copies.

    ? ?? China textile joint venture (2020) 40 notice on the standardization of Party building in the textile industry with the guidance of high quality party building,.Doc

    China textile joint venture (2020) 40 notice on the standardization of Party building in the textile industry with the guidance of high quality party building,.Pdf

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