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    Speech By Sun Ruizhe At The 19Th Joint Meeting Of China Finance, Trade, Light Textile And Tobacco Trade Union And China Textile Industry Federation

    2022/8/31 17:31:00 0

    Sun Ruizhe

    Speech at the 19th joint meeting of China finance, trade, light textile and tobacco trade union and China Textile Industry Federation

    Sun Ruizhe, President of China Textile Industry Federation

    August 30, 2022

    Dear Chairman Guangping and Chairman Wang Qian, leaders and colleagues of all China Federation of trade unions and China finance, trade, light textile and tobacco trade union

    hello everyone!

    For more than a year, geopolitical changes interweave with the impact of the new epidemic, and the "triple pressure" superimposes on the "beyond expected changes", and the economic and social development is under pressure. In the face of challenges, the textile industry has shown strong development toughness and played a constructive role in stabilizing growth, protecting people's livelihood and preventing risks. At present, the industry is in the key window to stabilize and recover. Industrial workers are the source of innovation, vitality and value. Giving full play to the wisdom and strength of industrial workers plays a decisive role in consolidating and restoring the development foundation and promoting the high-quality development of the industry.

    The joint meeting system with China finance, trade, light textile and tobacco trade union is an important way to promote the construction of industrial workers. At this critical juncture, leaders and responsible comrades of the all China Federation of trade unions and the finance, trade, light textile and tobacco trade union attended the meeting, which is a great support for the work of the industry. On behalf of the China Textile Industry Federation, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks!

    Next, I'd like to talk to leaders and comrades about the new progress made and the new situation faced by the construction of industrial workers.

    Progress in China's textile industry

    In the past year or more, under the leadership of the party, China Textile Federation has made new progress in the construction of industrial workers, providing strong support for the steady development of the industry.

    (1) strengthen party building and unite industrial workers

    China Textile Federation has always adhered to the party building work in the industry to guide the construction of industrial workers, to gather ideological consensus, and to stimulate the force to forge ahead. By studying and implementing the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the successive plenary sessions of the 19th CPC National Congress, we will promote the normalization and long-term effectiveness of the study and education of party history, and implement Xi Jinping's Thoughts on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era and the important exposition of General Secretary Xi Jinping on the textile industry into the industry service work. With the high political position of the association service, it will lead the development of the industry and the construction of industrial workers.

    China Textile Federation has continuously strengthened the ideological and political work for industrial workers, and earnestly implemented the party's will and opinions and the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on the working class and the working people into all fields and the whole process of industrial work. In the specific work, we should constantly explore and summarize the party building work experience of textile enterprises, colleges and professional markets, and enhance the political, ideological and emotional identity of the industry practitioners. Strengthen publicity and guidance, and provide reference for the whole industry to gather people's hearts and promote development by Party building with fresh and typical cases. The whole industry's faith in listening to the party's words, thanking the party and following the party has become more conscious and firm, and the cohesion, centripetal force and combat effectiveness of the industrial workers have been continuously improved.

    (2) promote stable employment and maintain the stability of industrial workers

    China Textile Federation has always regarded the stability of Posts and employment as an important concern of industry services, and promoted the formation of a positive cycle between the construction of industrial workers and the development of the industry.

    We should take stabilizing the main body of the market as an important work point to stabilize employment. We should give full play to the advantages of the organization and the role of the platform, and take various measures to help enterprises, especially small and medium-sized enterprises, to help them develop. We have continued to carry out precision and professional services such as industry guidance, supply and demand docking of industrial chain, and industrial and financial cooperation, effectively supporting the resumption of work and production and the peaceful and stable development of industrial enterprises. Around the "Xinjiang cotton", epidemic situation and other factors on the industry and enterprise operation and the stability of the staff to carry out research, to find solutions to the problem. The related work provides space for stabilizing and expanding posts.

    We will further develop employment services. Actively promote the implementation of the employment priority strategy and talent policy. The success of special network recruitment in textile and garment industry, special recruitment in large and medium-sized cities and industrial clusters has played an important role in ensuring the employment of college graduates, migrant workers and other key groups. More than 40 well-known enterprises in the industry, such as winner fashion group and Jiangsu Huajia group, were invited to settle in the online double selection meeting to provide graduates with rich and high-quality employment resources.

    (3) strengthen personnel training and optimize the good ecology of industrial development

    We will continue to improve the professional skills and expand the scale of relevant technical work. We should actively explore new vocational education models such as comprehensive education of professional groups, integration of post courses, competition and certification, and modern apprenticeship practice. Deepen school enterprise cooperation and integration of production and education. Focusing on the new development and new needs of industrial transformation and upgrading, constantly enrich and expand the contents, channels and means of industry training. Under the guidance of the Energy Conservation Department of the Ministry of industry and information technology, a series of online training activities were carried out for 85 enterprises. Jointly hosted 2022 "golden and blue collar network university" in cotton textile industry and the quality improvement training course for skilled talents in China's clothing industry with China finance, trade, light textile and tobacco trade union. The 2022 annual meeting of China National Garment Industry Association was held. The establishment of the alliance provides a platform and channel for talent training. The association also carried out online cutting, clothing matching and display courses and professional evaluation.

    Labor and skills competitions are more diversified and specialized. In 2021, China Textile Federation, China employment training technical guidance center of the Ministry of human resources and social security, and China finance, trade, light textile and tobacco trade union jointly held two professional skills competitions (national competitions) for clothing plate maker and sewing worker (filter bag); In 2022, CFA will continue to cooperate with China finance, trade, light textile and tobacco trade union to carry out the national textile industry weavers (water jet looms), silk reelers and weft knitting workers and other professional skills competitions. The green development labor competition of textile industry, with water saving and efficiency increasing, energy saving and low carbon, and resource recycling as its content, has been included in the national leading labor and skills competition project library of the 14th five year plan. In March 2022, a special labor competition on water saving and efficiency enhancement will be launched, and a special labor competition on energy conservation and carbon reduction will be launched in July. In 2021, China Textile Federation also held the second national textile industry labor skills competition. To gather talents by competition and fully display the wisdom of industrial workers; To promote learning and application through competition, and improve the technical skills of solving practical problems based on posts.

    The work of vocational skill appraisal was promoted in an orderly manner. In the first half of this year, 51 batches of vocational skill level recognition have been completed. Cooperate with the China finance, trade, light textile and tobacco trade union to carry out the investigation of skilled personnel evaluation system. Improve the textile industry vocational skills evaluation standard system. We have completed the revision of the occupations in the textile industry in the "classification of occupations of the people's Republic of China". The career development channel of high skilled talents and professional and technical talents in the industry is more smooth.

    Create the "four glorious times" and carry forward the "four glorious times"

    We will vigorously promote the spirit of model workers, the spirit of labor and the spirit of craftsmen. The glorious work and precious skills, the creation of great values and the dedication to excellence will be more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. The national textile industry advanced collectives, model workers and advanced workers commendation meeting was solemnly held, and a number of advanced models of the times stood out. With "China Textile model worker canon" (2021) and "Chinese craftsman pattern art" as the carrier, the advanced deeds of model workers are widely publicized, and the rich connotation, spiritual essence and practical requirements of the "three spirits" are profoundly interpreted. Preparing for the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the founding of Hao Jianxiu's group, the special film "pay homage to Chinese textile" is being produced. The selection and cultivation of advanced collectives and individuals have been strengthened. The activities of "learning from Deng Jianjun's scientific research group · building and creating new teams" and the recommended learning activities of "Chinese textile craftsman" continued to be carried out to encourage workers and collectives fighting in the industrial front line to inherit skills, improve skills and innovate and create.

    Help the growth of talents in the industry. China Textile Federation and all professional associations and associations attach great importance to the cultivation and development of high-end talents in the industries of entrepreneurs, scientific and technological workers, designers, engineers, etc., and increase the efforts of excellent evaluation and commendation, so as to pool innovative strength for the high-quality development of the industry. It has organized the nomination of mulberry and hemp scholars, the most beautiful scientific and technological workers, and the Chinese Young Female Scientist Award. Excavate and launch new design strength to escort excellent designers to the international stage.

    (5) promote the construction of responsibility and protect the real rights and interests of industrial workers

    In order to adapt to the profound changes of industrial workers and the profound adjustment of labor relations, China Textile Federation has continuously promoted the innovation and improvement of social responsibility management system, and the pertinence and effectiveness of relevant work have been continuously enhanced. Learn from domestic experience, uphold international vision, guide Chinese enterprises to actively practice responsible business behavior at home and abroad, promote the establishment of national textile labor relations harmonious enterprises, and ensure the healthy development of the industry.

    We should guide industrial enterprises to safeguard the core concerns of industrial workers, such as labor remuneration, labor protection and women's equal employment, and accelerate the formation of an inclusive and sustainable industrial pattern. Carry out 2021 national textile labor relations harmonious enterprise building activities. We should pay close attention to the development trend of "Xinjiang issue", strengthen international communication and coordination, and resolutely safeguard the "labor rights" and "development rights" of textile workers. Strengthen the communication and exchange of technical personnel between the East and the west, and promote the technical level of enterprises and employees in Xinjiang and other regions. We will further explore the era value of Miao embroidery, Chaoxiu embroidery and other national skills and intangible cultural heritage culture, so as to drive more craftsmen, especially women, to achieve employment and entrepreneurship, and constantly consolidate the achievements of poverty alleviation.

    Pay attention to the needs of industrial workers in physical and mental health, spiritual culture and other aspects. Actively carry out national photography, calligraphy and painting, sports and other activities with industry characteristics, and constantly enrich the spiritual and cultural life of the majority of workers. Participated in the photography team of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games, collected exhibition works with the theme of "ice and snow" and "fighting the epidemic together", and launched the fourth China Textile photography art exhibition.

    Second, the new situation of textile workers in China

    At present, the construction of textile industry workers is facing profound changes.

    On the one hand, the textile industry has entered a new stage of high-quality development on the basis of achieving the goal of a powerful textile country. The arduous and complex transformation task puts forward higher requirements for the structure and quality of industrial workers. On the other hand, China's population is becoming less and older, and the total population is about to enter a negative growth stage. The distribution structure of labor resources has changed significantly, and the construction of industrial workers is facing long-term and systematic pressure.

    We should keep up with the pace of the times and promote the reform of the construction of industrial workers to adapt to the new situation, new challenges and new goals.

    (1) it is necessary to adapt to the changes in the mobility of labor resources

    With the rapid development of economy and society, people's value judgment, employment preference and work intention are undergoing dramatic and profound changes. The mobility of labor resources among industries and regions has continued to increase. The loss of labor from manufacturing is accelerating. Sewing workers, cutting workers, and spinning workers are increasingly difficult to recruit, and have continued to be on the national list of 100 "most short of jobs". The "regional preference" of labor factors is also strengthening. The siphon effect of labor resources in economically developed areas is significant, the outflow of population in underdeveloped areas and counties is prominent, and the regional talent gap is widening. In order to adapt to the changing trend, we need to strengthen publicity, guide the establishment of a correct outlook on employment and career selection, and strengthen the cultivation of the background color of labor spirit. At the same time, we should promote the optimization of industrial layout and format, and guide the orderly flow and reasonable distribution of workers.

    On the other hand, from a global point of view, with the in-depth development of platform economy and digital economy, odd jobs economy has become an important form of employment. At present, China's "flexible employment" Group continues to expand to about 200 million people. Affected by the impact of the epidemic and the uncertainty of the external environment, the unemployment rate of the population aged 16-24 in July 2022 will reach 19.9%. Under the pressure of social employment aggregate and structure, the phenomenon of transitional employment is more prominent. The improvement of industrial workers' skills needs a long time of accumulation. With the increase of the mobility of workers and the increase of short-term workers, the "difficulty in recruiting" is more manifested as "shortage of skilled workers". The lack of continuous practice and accumulation of workers poses a huge potential risk to the continuous improvement of industrial productivity. It is an important task to improve the stability of the industry.

    (2) to adapt to the change of knowledge structure and ability structure

    Driven by a new round of technological revolution and industrial revolution, the industry's scientific and technological innovation and fashion creativity are deeply integrated, and the digital and green transformation is accelerated. With the evolution of industrial ecology and the change of factor structure, the connotation and extension of industrial workers are undergoing profound changes. The proportion of knowledge work is increasing, and new occupations and posts continue to emerge. The newly revised "occupational classification canon of the people's Republic of China" has added 15 sub categories such as digital technical engineers and technicians, and 155 occupations such as carbon sink measurement evaluator. At the same time, there is still a large gap of innovative, skilled, specialized and compound talents in China's manufacturing industry. By the end of 2021, the proportion of skilled personnel in the total number of employed personnel was only 26%, lower than that of Japan, Germany and other manufacturing powers. The problem of talent training system is very prominent in textile industry. The construction of industrial workers in the industry should focus on building a skilled and learning society, establish and improve the development mechanism to promote the formation and accumulation of human capital, and promote the overall quality of industrial workers to adapt to the new changes and demands of economy, technology and employment structure.

    (3) to adapt to the diversified demands of industrial workers' interests

    Respecting human rights, protecting human rights and promoting the all-round development of human beings are the consistent values and unremitting pursuit of textile industry. The core of human rights is the right to survival and the right to development.

    Employment quality is directly related to people's quality of life and development space. Employment is the biggest livelihood. Affected by the external environment, the current economic recovery foundation is weak, and the task of stabilizing employment and ensuring people's livelihood is prominent. The industry should continue to work hard on stabilizing employment. We will vigorously help enterprises to relieve the difficulties, improve the industry's ability to absorb employment from the source, and promote higher quality employment with high-quality development of the industry. Industry is an important force to promote rural revitalization and prosperity and stability in ethnic areas. We should spare no effort to overcome the adverse effects brought about by the "Xinjiang problem", and provide the migrant workers and ethnic compatriots with development opportunities and life security with the healthy development of industry.

    People's all-round development is the fundamental goal of industrial development. With the improvement of the quality of life, people have a higher level of expectations and yearning for work. The majority of employees pay more and more attention to the realization of their own value, fairness and justice, and the balance of work and life. We work hard to improve the sense of belonging and security of our employees. It is necessary to promote the creation of a diversified and inclusive employment environment and corporate culture, meet the actual needs of employees in income distribution, career development, rights and interests protection and spiritual respect, and enable the high-quality development of the industry with harmonious labor relations.

    Third, the new task of the construction and reform of China's textile industry workers

    This year is the year of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and a key year for the implementation of the 14th five year plan. The new era picture is opening, and the new journey of high-quality development of the industry has begun. In the new era of meritorious achievements, the construction of industrial workers is the key. Based on the industry, China Textile Federation will promote the reform of industrial workers team construction with practical work and in-depth cooperation, and constantly consolidate the strength of high-quality industrial development.

    (1) take party building as the guidance and build a solid ideological foundation for the common struggle of the broad masses of workers

    In the industry work, we must adhere to Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era as the guidance, and do a solid job in the ideological and political work of the industrial workers in the new era. We should continue to promote the industry to study the spirit of the 19th CPC National Congress and the 19th plenary session, and carry out the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China throughout the party building work of the industry, promote the deepening and practical implementation of the party history study and education, and promote the effectiveness of theoretical study and education into industrial practice.

    First, we should continue to promote the standardization and standardization of Party building in the industry. We should constantly improve and improve the publicity and promotion mechanism of good practices and good experiences of advanced models, expand publicity channels, and promote the construction of high-quality industrial workers with high-quality party building. We will continue to pay close attention to the party building work of new business forms and new employment groups.

    Second, we should actively adapt to the new changes and new characteristics of the contemporary staff team, especially the youth team, innovate the working methods and carriers, and improve the ability and effectiveness of Ideological and political work. We should enhance the sense of historical mission and responsibility of industrial workers, and enhance the sharpness of thinking, the foresight of work and the effectiveness of implementation. We should stimulate the sense of ownership of the majority of industrial workers, guide them to consciously safeguard and serve the overall situation, and contribute the wisdom and strength of the industry to the economic and social development.

    (2) taking ability as the core, striving to build a high-quality and high skilled labor force

    General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "the contingent of skilled workers is an important force supporting made in China and created in China." We should pay attention to promoting the quality of talents in the industry and optimizing the structure. Focusing on the frontier knowledge, technological progress and development needs of the industry in the new era, we should accelerate the construction of a multi-level education and training system with enterprises as the main body and school enterprise cooperation as the basis, and focus on training industry science and technology leading talents, high-end innovative talents, professional and technical talents and vocational skilled talents. In the field of cotton textile industry and other fields, explore the construction of "textile industry craftsman College". Improve the skill formation system construction of industrial workers, and let the concept of lifelong learning become popular in the industry. Relying on the diversified and diversified platform, we can create equal opportunities for workers to grow.

    First We should promote the promotion of technical skills through labor skill competition. We will extensively carry out industrial labor and skills competitions, and build an important platform and carrier for industrial workers to show their skills and exchange skills. Around the new direction and format of the industry development, we will continue to innovate and expand the content, form and coverage of the competition. We should further stimulate industrial workers' innovative potential, enhance their awareness of innovation, encourage innovation and efficiency, and promote the industry to actively integrate into the wave of technological revolution and industrial change.

    Second, smooth career development channels. We should improve the national standard system of vocational skills in the textile industry, improve the training, use, evaluation and assessment mechanism of industrial workers, and optimize the growth environment and rising path of industrial workers. We should do a good job in the selection and selection of outstanding talents, mobilize their enthusiasm, initiative and creativity, and make full use of innovative talents. We will further improve the treatment of skilled personnel, and promote more people who work more and those with higher skills.

    (3) take value as the yardstick to promote the construction of spiritual culture and the protection of rights and interests

    "Love, benefit, benefit and safety are the four ways out." The industry will focus on the actual needs of industrial workers to promote work, so that the majority of workers' sense of gain is more sufficient and happiness is more sustainable.

    First, we should thoroughly implement the strategy of giving priority to employment, help enterprises develop steadily and healthily, and realize stable and expanded posts. We will promote the docking of enterprise employment resources and promote high-quality employment and Entrepreneurship of college graduates, migrant workers and other key groups.

    Second, we should do a good job in the selection and commendation of model workers and craftsmen, publicity and education, and management services. We carried out the selection work of "national textile industry innovative team", held "national textile industry innovation team experience exchange meeting" and "new era national textile model worker Summit Forum". "Celebration of the 70th anniversary of the establishment of Hao Jianxiu group" was held. Launch the first batch of "most beautiful textile workers" push tree activities in the national textile industry. We will promote the creation of innovative workshops for textile model workers and craftsmen, and give full play to the exemplary leading and leading role of model workers. We should promote and improve the policy of model workers, improve their status and implement their treatment. Expand media publicity to show the outstanding achievements of industrial workers in innovation and master style. The spirit of "big country" and "adoration of the peach industry" will be formed to promote the emergence of a "big country" and "peach industry".

    Third, deepen the construction of social responsibility of the industry. Keep up with the pace of the times, improve the management and evaluation methods and tools of the industry social responsibility. We should promote the construction of harmonious labor relations in the industry, pay attention to the progress of the "Xinjiang issue", and ensure the safety of the industry in the field of labor. We should guide enterprises to play the main role of industrial workers team construction and reform. Promote enterprises to speed up the digital, intelligent, green transformation, optimize the working environment; We should consciously safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of industrial workers, guide the construction of family friendly enterprise culture and system, and promote the realization of decent work and all-round development of industrial workers. Vigorously publicize and promote the advanced model of corporate social responsibility in the industry, and form the demonstration leading effect.

    This joint meeting is a review and summary of the construction of the industrial workers team before the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. It is also a mobilization and encouragement to stimulate the new era and forge ahead in a new journey.

    As an important platform and link for the party to contact employees in the industrial system, the all China Federation of trade unions and the China finance, trade, light and textile tobacco trade union play an important role in protecting the rights and interests of employees, condensing construction forces, and promoting industrial development. Facing the future, under the guidance and support of the all China Federation of trade unions and the China finance, trade, light textile and tobacco trade union, China Textile Federation will further deepen cooperation and carry out work in the fields of workers' ideological guidance, skills improvement, and corporate social responsibility practice, so as to comprehensively promote the construction of industrial workers' team and gather the majestic strength of industrial development.

    The only way to prosper is to get people. If all the forces are combined, there will be no sufficient opportunities for them; if they are used wisely, their achievements will not be enough. Let's work together to the future, unite and lead the vast number of textile industry workers, make new textile contributions in tackling difficulties, and write a splendid new chapter in pioneering and enterprising!

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