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    Discover New Textile Quality And Strength · Research Trip | Through The Cycle With Innovation! Practice Of Taihe New Material To Cultivate New Quality Productivity

    2024/8/1 13:23:00 2

    New Quality Productivity

       Opening words:
       When the world returns to business, the wind and clouds rise and prosper. The journey of further deepening reform in an all-round way has begun, the new prospect of Chinese modernization is opening up, and the formation of new quality productivity is accelerating. We need to grasp the breaking point of developing new quality productivity in the new era journey.
       Textile and Garment Weekly specially set up the column of "discovering new textile quality and strength · research trip" to go deep into the front line of the industry, visit enterprises, brands, clusters, markets, etc., and learn how to find the breakthrough of new quality productivity, deepen and consolidate it, and promote high-quality development of the industry.

       In June this year, the five-star red flag carried by Chang'e-6 probe was successfully launched on the back of the moon, which attracted the attention of the world and made Taihe New Material the focus of the industry again. The intermediate aramid fiber used in this "fabric version" five-star red flag is produced by Taihe Xincai.
       After more than 30 years of accumulation, Taihe New Material has grown into the leading company of spandex and aramid fiber, and then filled the gap in the field of intelligent electronic fabric industry. Taihe New Material has become the leading enterprise in the international high-performance fiber industry, and is accelerating to become the trend leader in the new material industry.
       Recently, during the 2024 China Chemical Fiber Science and Technology Conference in the beautiful coastal city of Yantai, Du Yuchun, Vice President of Taihe New Materials, told reporters about the company's innovative practices in recent years. He summed up the secret of Taihe New Material's development as "innovation". Taihe New Material has always adhered to the development strategy of "talent led, innovation driven", and has integrated innovation into its blood. At present, the state advocates taking the road of high-quality development and developing new quality productivity. Du Yuchun said that with the mission of "innovation leading a better life", the company has a clear direction for the next step of cultivating new quality productivity.
       Innovation as the rudder to achieve leapfrog breakthroughs
       Throughout the growth history of Taihe New Material, it is also the innovative growth history of China's spandex and aramid fiber industries. The related industries have grown from scratch and steadily ranked in the forefront of the industry, behind which is the long-term contribution to key technologies.
       As the first spandex production enterprise in China, Taihe New Material took the lead in introducing international advanced technology and built the first spandex production line in China at the beginning of its establishment. Later, on the basis of fully digesting and absorbing the technology introduced in the earlier stage, it independently developed the domestic technology of spandex. Since then, independent innovation has become the gene for the development and growth of Taihe New Materials, and also the consensus of Taihe people.
       This year is the 20th year that Taihe New Material has taken the lead in realizing the industrialization of meta aramid fiber in China and breaking the international monopoly. This 20 years is also a microcosm of China's high-performance fiber industry from following, running side by side to leading. In this process, Taihe New Material gradually became the first high-tech enterprise in China to realize the full range and large-scale production of aramid general products, realizing the historic leap of China's aramid fiber from laboratory to industrialization, and solving the problem of key technology bottlenecks.
       At present, the production capacity of Taihe New Material products is among the world's top, and its application scope covers safety protection, information technology, aerospace, rail transit and other fields. It is the world's first to launch a number of global leading products such as bio based aramid and regenerated aramid. In 2023, it has successively achieved seven breakthroughs in projects such as lithium battery separator and fiber lithium battery. It has successfully cultivated and expanded the development of new quality productivity, marking that the company has taken a solid step on the path of transformation, upgrading and high-quality development.
       Grasp the new air outlet and lay out the new track
       At present, the country is advocating to accelerate the development of new quality productivity. Sun Ruizhe, president of the China Textile Industry Federation, once pointed out that the development of new quality productivity can find the right cut, do a good job in innovation, deepen and refine, and lead from one point to another when enterprises go to sea, artificial intelligence, new Chinese aesthetics, future industries, and ESG practice.
       Obviously, Taihe New Material has grasped the breaking point of these new outlets, put forward the innovation slogan of "innovation through the cycle", established four business groups, namely, advanced textile business group, safety protection and information technology business group, new energy business group and chemical industry business group, focusing on intelligent wear, green manufacturing, bio based materials, information communication, new energy vehicles Six new tracks of green chemical industry will be further laid out. Du Yuchun said that accelerating the cultivation and development of new quality productivity is to strengthen technological innovation, develop new businesses and create new momentum for development while doing a good job in traditional products and maintaining competitive products.
       For example, in the intelligent wearable track, Taihe Xincai has built Lettermei ? (LITME ?) The smart fiber project has filled the gap in the field of smart electronic fabric industry in China, and has achieved a breakthrough in the fiber lithium battery project, which has important practical significance in promoting the popularization and application of smart wearable devices in China, driving the intelligent transformation and upgrading of related industries, activating potential consumer markets and other aspects.
       At the green manufacturing track, Taihe New Material is the first in the world to launch the water-saving green printing and dyeing technology Ecody ?, This technology takes natural biomass as raw material, endows textiles with the performance of fast dyeing under salt free and normal temperature conditions, which is ecologically friendly, low-carbon and clean, and can realize 100% recycling of water resources, which can completely change the status quo of high energy consumption and high pollution in the traditional printing and dyeing industry.
       In the new energy materials track, Taihe New Materials has laid out new materials such as aramid paper, aramid separator, semi-solid battery separator, etc. At present, its aramid materials have been used in 15 parts of new energy vehicles, which can provide excellent solutions for the safety and lightweight of automotive systems. This year, its SAFEBM ? The pilot production line of aramid coated diaphragm production workshop has been running normally, and the products can be used in 3C batteries and power batteries.
       In addition, the company's overseas layout has also made progress. On April 14 this year, the Taihe New Materials Germany Representative Office was officially inaugurated in Minster, north of North Rhine Westphalia. Du Yuchun introduced that the company's development focus in the past two or three years is to lay out overseas. At present, it is accelerating the training of local sales personnel. The next step will be to realize the internationalization of the factory. He hopes to promote the advanced products of Taihe New Material to the world and build an international brand.
       Innovate the development model and cultivate new quality productivity
       Although remarkable achievements have been made in all aspects, Taihe Xincai still has deep thoughts on the future. "Today, Taihe New Material has entered a" no man's land ". At present, we should not only do our best to research and develop products, but also guide the market to apply them." Du Yuchun introduced that, for this reason, the company has also taken many measures to promote the company to a new level with disruptive innovation.
       In terms of technology development, Taihe New Material is coping with the new challenges after entering the "no man's land" through the "trinity" of enterprises, universities and markets. For example, it has established close cooperation with Fudan University, Dalian University of Technology, Lanhua Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hebei University of Technology, Ningxia University, Tianjin University of Technology, etc. to jointly build joint laboratories and work together.
       In terms of system reform, Taihe Xincai has continuously explored and optimized the enterprise system and mechanism, established a series of systems such as professional manager system, excess profit sharing system, built an investment platform for enterprise employees, carried out equity incentives, and split and listed subsidiaries and other capital operations. "Through such reform, Taihe New Material hopes to fully mobilize the enthusiasm of employees to participate in the business construction of the enterprise and shape the development values of co creation, sharing and sharing." Combined with such institutional reform, Taihe New Material has formed a "three-dimensional growth" mechanism model around the four major industrial clusters and based on market demand to develop materials and technologies.
       In terms of digital development, Taihe New Material has built a unified digital management platform to achieve full business coverage and collaborative development. In July this year, the company's "Harmony Fusion" SAP-ERP project was successfully launched, which opened up five end-to-end business processes from order to collection, purchase to payment, production to cost, organization to labor, and business to analysis, and effectively supported the global layout and rapid development of Taihe New Materials with digital operation.
       Today, Taihe New Material is transforming from a material supplier to a system solution supplier, actively accumulating advanced materials, material recycling, green manufacturing and flexible intelligent manufacturing technologies, and committed to providing better service experience and more competitive solutions for end users and partners by using new quality productivity.
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