L'Automne 2009 La Semaine De La Mode De Calendrier (Version Anglaise)
La semaine de la mode de l'automne 2009 ont été prêts à grande ouverture!
C'est la semaine de la mode de l'automne 2009 des informations de table d'agencement de Los Angeles, Californie Apparel News (Please note, semaine events are subject to change).
L'automne 2009 la semaine de la mode de calendrier (1)
12 March
Petro Zillia tronc Show and Party
House of Petro Zillia
Los Angeles
6 - 9 p.m.
Cost: N / A; event is invitation-only
Pour information: www.petrozillia.com
13 mars
Sur Radec presentation
Roseark Street
N. Crescent Heights - Blvd.
Los Angeles
2 - 5 P.M.
Cost: N / A; event is - only
For information: Nick @ idolradec.Com
Gen Art Presents - collections from Society for National dress grai and Raquel alegra
Los Angeles Theater
Los Angeles
7 P.M.
Cost: $35 $
For information: www.Genart.ORG
March 14
David Alexander
Boxeight fashion week at the Los Angeles Theater
Los Angeles
5 P.M.
Cost: visit www.Boxeight.Com for "tickets"
For www.Boxeight.Com
Boxeight fashion week at the Los Angeles Theater
Los Angeles
6 P.M.
Cost: visit www.Boxeight.Com for "tickets"
For www.Boxeight.Com
Future Heretics
BOXeight, semaine at the Los Angeles théatre
Los Angeles
7 heures.
Cost: visit www.boxeight.com for billets pour
Pour information: www.boxeight.com
BOXeight, semaine at the Los Angeles théatre
Los Angeles
8 heures.
Cost: visit www.boxeight.com for billets pour
Pour information: www.boxeight.com
BOXeight, semaine at the Los Angeles théatre
Los Angeles
10 heures.
Cost: visit www.boxeight.com for billets pour
Pour information: www.boxeight.com
UNIF and Cardboard Robot
BOXeight, semaine at the Los Angeles théatre
Los Angeles
11 heures.
Cost: visit www.boxeight.com for billets pour
Pour information: www.boxeight.com
March 15
Mike Vensel
BOXeight, semaine at the Los Angeles théatre
Los Angeles
3 heures.
Cost: visit www.boxeight.com for billets pour
Pour information: www.boxeight.com
Haylay Starr
BOXeight, semaine at the Los Angeles théatre
Los Angeles
4 heures.
Cost: visit www.boxeight.com for billets pour
Pour information: www.boxeight.com
The Batallion
BOXeight, semaine at the Los Angeles théatre
Los Angeles
5 P.M.
Cost: visit www.Boxeight.Com for "tickets"
For www.Boxeight.Com
Boxeight fashion week at the Los Angeles Theater
Los Angeles
6 P.M.
Cost: visit www.Boxeight.Com for "tickets"
For www.Boxeight.Com
Yotam Solomon
Boxeight fashion week at the Los Angeles Theater
Los Angeles
7 P.M.
Cost: N / A; event is - only
For information: Event @ yotamsolomon.Com ou www.Yotamsolomon.Com
Whitley kros Fall 2009 installation
Los Angeles
7 - 10 P.M.
Cost: N / A; event is - only
For information: Whitley @ whitleykros.Com
Boxeight fashion week at the Los Angeles Theater
Los Angeles
8 P.M.
Cost: visit www.Boxeight.Com for "tickets"
For information: www.Sjobeckmalibu.Com
Boxeight fashion week at the Los Angeles Theater
Los Angeles
9 P.M.
Cost: visit www.Boxeight.Com for "tickets"
For www.Boxeight.Com
Boxeight fashion week at the Los Angeles Theater
Los Angeles
10 P.M.
Cost: visit www.Boxeight.Com for "tickets"
Pour information: www.boxeight.com
March 17
Rachel M. Broussard presents Supastar clothing and R. Michel 'le couture
Out of Asia galerie
3249 s. La cienega Blvd.
Culver City, calif.
8 h 30 heures.
Cost: $10 at the door with rsvp; $20 without rsvp
Pour information: supastarworld@hotmail.com or www.supastarworld.com
March 19
Du kevan Hall at the colleagues' Annual luncheon to Benefit the Children 's Institute
Beverly Wilshire saisons Hotel
Beverly Hills
Cost: N / A; event is invitation-only
For information: (310) 474-5377 or www.kevanhalldesigns.com
L'automne 2009 la semaine de la mode de calendrier (3)
Em & Co plus chic Little Devil style house present Re-Fashion: Runway
Em & Co.
7940 W 3rd St.
Los Angeles
7 - 11 heures.
Cost: N / A; event is invitation-only
Pour information: rsvp@emandco.com (323) 782-8155 or www.emandco.com
March 20
CoLA at de manière WEEK
Fashion District venue is TBA
7h30 P.M.
Cost: N / A; event is - only
For information: www.Colafw.Com
Cola at Fashion Week
Fashion District venue is TBA
9 P.M.
Cost: N / A; event is - only
For information: www.Colafw.Com
B. Son
Cola at Fashion Week
Fashion District venue is TBA
10 h 30 heures.
Cost: N / A; event is invitation-only
Pour information: www.colafw.com
Andrew Christian
10 heures.
Cost: N / A; event is invitation-only
Pour information: rsvp@andrewchristian.com or www.andrewchristian.com
March 21
CoLA de manière WEEK
Fashion District venue is TBA
7h30 P.M.
Cost: N / A; event is - only
For information: www.Colafw.Com
Brian Lichtenberg
Cola Fashion Week
Fashion District venue is TBA
9 P.M.
Cost: N / A; event is - only
For information:
Responsable: Xu Qiyun
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