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Com.NET.CN Beijingshanggongshanggongpublishezhuanyishangchangjiushuojie20 Lots De Marchandises Non Qualifiées
Http: / / www.91se91.com / > les résultats du contr?le de la qualité des produits de la catégorie vêtements / a ont été exposés 20 fois pour des marchandises non qualifiées, hozzs, banlieue BALENO, sinoer, Babylone, etc.< p >
Dans le cadre du suivi de la qualité des produits de base en 2013, le Bureau municipal du commerce et de l 'industrie de Beijing a procédé à un contr?le de la qualité des produits de vêtements vendus sur le marché de la ville.Les résultats de la surveillance ont révélé des problèmes de qualité pour certains articles d 'habillement sur le marché, principalement en ce qui concerne la teneur en fibres des vêtements, la rigueur de la teinture, etc., qui ne satisfaisaient pas aux normes pertinentes.< p >
P > > Il est indiqué que le Bureau municipal du commerce et de l 'industrie de Beijing a ouvert une enquête sur les unités de distribution qui ont vendu des marchandises non qualifiées dans le cadre de cette surveillance, conformément à la législation et à la réglementation pertinentes.à l 'avenir, le contr?le de la qualité des produits de base dans le domaine des échanges continuera d' être renforcé et les mécanismes de contr?le de la qualité des produits de base et de retrait forcé des produits non qualifiés dans ce domaine seront pleinement mis en ?uvre, ce qui permettra de purifier l 'environnement de consommation sur Le marché de la capitale.< p >
Http: / / P.Style = "TEXT - align: Center" > strong > Liste de marchandises non qualifiées pour le contr?le de la qualité des marchandises dans le domaine de la circulation / strong < p >
< table = class = "font1215" border = "1" cellspacing = "0" bordercorlight = "\ \ 356 - 00000" bordercolordark = "\ \ 350 ff" cellpadding = "0" with = "500" align = "center" >
< td = with = "7%" style = "TEXT - align: Center" > strong > Commodity name / strong > TD
< td = with = "19%" style = "TEXT - align: Center" > strong > Nom de l 'unité de production < strong > td >
< td = with = "21%" style = "TEXT - align: Center" > strong > marque de commerce / strong > TD
< td = with = "17%" style = "TEXT - align: Center" > strong > type Specifications < strong > td >
< td = with = "17%" style = "TEXT - align: Center" > strong > date de production ou numéro de lot < strong > td >
< td = with = "16%" style = "TEXT - align: Center" > strong > projets non qualifiés < strong > td >
< tr >
< td = with = "7% > chemise < td >
"TD = with =" 19% "> Shangdao (Beijing) Commercial Trading Co.
? TD = with = "21% > The Beat King ?
< td = with = "17% > 180 / 96a180 / 108a180 / 104a < td >
< td = with = "17% > 301 - 6802 / td >
< td = with = "16% > Description d 'utilisation du produit, teneur en fibres / td >
< tr >
"TD = with =" 7% "> veste de sport / td
"TD = with =" 19% "> Beijing Beautiful costume Co.
< td = with = "21% > va! Va! Vom! > / td
< td = with = "17% > XL = 2XL = 3xl < td >
< td = with = "17% > B - 3119 - 1 < td >
< td = with = "16% > Description d 'utilisation du produit, teneur en fibres / td >
< tr >
< td = with = "7% > non spécifié < td >
"TD = with =" 19% "> Shangdao (Beijing) Commercial Trading Co.
? TD = with = "21% > The Beat King ?
< td = with = "17% > 3xl = l < td >
< td = with = "17% > 201 - 705 < td >
< td = with = "16% > Description d 'utilisation du produit, teneur en fibres / td >
< tr >
"TD = with =" 7% "> veste de sport / td
"TD = with =" 19% "> Beijing Beautiful costume Co.
< td = with = "21% > va! Va! Vom! > / td
< td = with = "17% > l = XL = 3xl / td >
< td = with = "17% > 12 - s3269 - 1 / td >
< td = with = "16% > teneur en fibres, résistance au frottement sec, résistance à l 'humidité et à la frottement de couleur < td >
< tr >
"TD = with =" 7% "> veste de loisir
Http: / / www.91se91.com / "vêtement / a < br / > Ltd.
Shi Shi Shi Shi Hua Zhi Xu Zhuang You Xian Gong Si (Origin) / td
< td = with = "21% > hozzs < td >
< td = with = "17% > l = XXL < td >
< td = with = "17% > 33141311 < td >
< td = with = "16% > Description d 'utilisation du produit, teneur en fibres / td >
< tr >
"TD = with =" 7% "> blouse tricotée / td
"TD = with =" 19% "> Guangzhou Friendship Benny Road Clothing Co.
< td = with = "21% > BALENO / td >
< td = with = "17% > 165 / 88a / td >
< td = with = "17% > 88332901 < td >
< td = with = "16% > teneur en fibres < td >
< tr >
TD = with = "7% > pull
TD = with = "19% > Beijing binkai Clothing Co.
TD = with = "21%" > Jack Kania
< td = with = "17% > 170 / 92a175 / 96a180 / 100A < td >
< td = with = "17% > ys1362 < td >
< td = with = "16% > Description de l 'utilisation du produit < td >
< tr >
"TD = with =" 7% "> manteau
TD = with = "19% > Beijing farmira Clothing Co.
< td = with = "21% > alpha = femelle (famila) bitmap < td >
< td = with = "17% > 170 / 88a170 / 92c < td >
< td = with = "17% > 34ds00112 < td >
< td = with = "16% > teneur en fibres < td >
< tr >
< td = with = "7% > chemise < td >
TD = with = "19% > Beijing Metropolitan Wind Clothing Co.
< td = with = "21% > cecilecarine (cescre) > / td >
< td = with = "17% > 165 / 84A (40) 170 / 88a (42) >
< td = with = "17% > c012b - C002 / td >
< td = with = "16% > teneur en fibres < td >
< tr >
"TD = with =" 7% "> blouse
"TD = with =" 19% "> Beijing Smooth Trading Co.
< td = with = "21% > et bitmap / td >
< td = with = "17% > 170 / 92A = 175 / 96a / td >
< td = with = "17% > 13 - 280 < td >
< td = with = "16% > teneur en fibres < td >
< tr >
TD = with = "7% > jeans
"TD = with =" 19% "> Beijing Incremental Clothing Co.
"TD = with =" 21% "> sans couleur et sans go?t.
< td = with = "17% > 175 / 80a175 / 84B et 175 / 80A / 92A / td >
< td = with = "17% > 819n515 < td >
< td = with = "16% > Description d 'utilisation du produit, teneur en fibres / td >
< tr >
< td = with = "7% > pantalon féminin < td >
TD = with = "19% > kemenda Fashion Co.
"TD = with =" 21% "> bitmap / td
< td = with = "17% > 175 / 96a180 / 100A et 185 / 104a et 175 / 100A / td >
< td = with = "17% > 18e / td >
< td = with = "16% > teneur en fibres < td >
< tr >
"TD = with =" 7% "> manteau de mode
"TD = with =" 19% "> Jiayue condensation (Beijing) Clothing Co., Ltd.
"TD = with =" 21% "> gelée de mois < td >
< td = with = "17% > 175 / 96a = 165 / 88a / td >
< td = with = "17% > jy - 13 - 45 / td >
< td = with = "16% > Description d 'utilisation du produit, teneur en fibres, défaillance / td >
< tr >
< td = with = "7% > menu, vêtement serré / td >
"TD = with =" 19% "> Jiayue condensation (Beijing) Clothing Co., Ltd.
"TD = with =" 21% "> gelée de mois < td >
< td = with = "17% > 170 / 92a175 / 96a = 160 / 84A / td >
< td = with = "17% > jy - 14 - 21 / td >
"TD = with =" 16% "> coup de boule
< tr >
TD = with = "7% > pantalon de loisir
"TD = with =" 19% "> landermore (Beijing) Clothing Co.
"TD = with =" 21% "/ td
< td = with = "17% > 170 / 80A (31) 170 / 82A (32) >
< td = with = "17% > External kz12b007 - 1 < br / >
Ic?ne cm12b007 - 1 / td
< td = with = "16% > Description d 'utilisation du produit, teneur en fibres, résistance à l' humidité de frottement de couleur / td >
< tr >
"TD = with =" 7% "> pull - over à manches longues / td
"TD = with =" 19% "> landermore (Beijing) Clothing Co.
"TD = with =" 21% "/ td
< td = with = "17% > 170 / 88a (46) 185 / 100A (52) 175 / 92A (48) / td >
< td = with = "17% > dzz13 - 1 - B - 7215 < br / >
(t - 3221)
< td = with = "16% > Description d 'utilisation du produit, teneur en fibres / td >
< tr >
< td = with = "7% > t - shirts à manches longues / td >
"TD = with =" 19% "> landermore (Beijing) Clothing Co.
"TD = with =" 21% "/ td
< td = with = "17% > 185 / 100A (52) 180 / 96a (50) 190 / 104A (54) >
< td = with = "17% > ctx13 - q02451 < td >
< td = with = "16% > teneur en fibres < td >
< tr >
< td = with = "7% > chemise < td >
"TD = with =" 19% "> hinur Men 's Garment Co., Ltd.
< td = with = "21% > sinoer < td >
< td = with = "17% > 170 / 92A = 180 / 100b / td >
< td = with = "17% > c269mt11 - 1 - 22 < td >
< td = with = "16% > teneur en fibres < td >
< tr >
< td = with = "7% > pantalon simple < td >
TD = with = "19% > Beijing Babylone Fashion Co.
< td = with = "21% > Babylone < td >
< td = with = "17% > 170 / 76a (XL) / td >
< td = with = "17% > bc2363109 / td >
TD = avec = "16% > résistance au lavage à sec / td
< tr >
< td = with = "7% > robe < td >
TD = with = "19% > Beijing Babylone Fashion Co.
< td = with = "21% > Jacqueline = arzel / td >
< td = with = "17% > 165 / 84 A (m) / td >
< td = with = "17% > ja2352010 < td >
TD = with = "16% > lancer / td
< tr >
< tbody >
< table >
< p >
Dans le cadre du suivi de la qualité des produits de base en 2013, le Bureau municipal du commerce et de l 'industrie de Beijing a procédé à un contr?le de la qualité des produits de vêtements vendus sur le marché de la ville.Les résultats de la surveillance ont révélé des problèmes de qualité pour certains articles d 'habillement sur le marché, principalement en ce qui concerne la teneur en fibres des vêtements, la rigueur de la teinture, etc., qui ne satisfaisaient pas aux normes pertinentes.< p >
P > > Il est indiqué que le Bureau municipal du commerce et de l 'industrie de Beijing a ouvert une enquête sur les unités de distribution qui ont vendu des marchandises non qualifiées dans le cadre de cette surveillance, conformément à la législation et à la réglementation pertinentes.à l 'avenir, le contr?le de la qualité des produits de base dans le domaine des échanges continuera d' être renforcé et les mécanismes de contr?le de la qualité des produits de base et de retrait forcé des produits non qualifiés dans ce domaine seront pleinement mis en ?uvre, ce qui permettra de purifier l 'environnement de consommation sur Le marché de la capitale.< p >
Http: / / P.Style = "TEXT - align: Center" > strong > Liste de marchandises non qualifiées pour le contr?le de la qualité des marchandises dans le domaine de la circulation / strong < p >
< table = class = "font1215" border = "1" cellspacing = "0" bordercorlight = "\ \ 356 - 00000" bordercolordark = "\ \ 350 ff" cellpadding = "0" with = "500" align = "center" >
< td = with = "7%" style = "TEXT - align: Center" > strong > Commodity name / strong > TD
< td = with = "19%" style = "TEXT - align: Center" > strong > Nom de l 'unité de production < strong > td >
< td = with = "21%" style = "TEXT - align: Center" > strong > marque de commerce / strong > TD
< td = with = "17%" style = "TEXT - align: Center" > strong > type Specifications < strong > td >
< td = with = "17%" style = "TEXT - align: Center" > strong > date de production ou numéro de lot < strong > td >
< td = with = "16%" style = "TEXT - align: Center" > strong > projets non qualifiés < strong > td >
< tr >
< td = with = "7% > chemise < td >
"TD = with =" 19% "> Shangdao (Beijing) Commercial Trading Co.
? TD = with = "21% > The Beat King ?
< td = with = "17% > 180 / 96a180 / 108a180 / 104a < td >
< td = with = "17% > 301 - 6802 / td >
< td = with = "16% > Description d 'utilisation du produit, teneur en fibres / td >
< tr >
"TD = with =" 7% "> veste de sport / td
"TD = with =" 19% "> Beijing Beautiful costume Co.
< td = with = "21% > va! Va! Vom! > / td
< td = with = "17% > XL = 2XL = 3xl < td >
< td = with = "17% > B - 3119 - 1 < td >
< td = with = "16% > Description d 'utilisation du produit, teneur en fibres / td >
< tr >
< td = with = "7% > non spécifié < td >
"TD = with =" 19% "> Shangdao (Beijing) Commercial Trading Co.
? TD = with = "21% > The Beat King ?
< td = with = "17% > 3xl = l < td >
< td = with = "17% > 201 - 705 < td >
< td = with = "16% > Description d 'utilisation du produit, teneur en fibres / td >
< tr >
"TD = with =" 7% "> veste de sport / td
"TD = with =" 19% "> Beijing Beautiful costume Co.
< td = with = "21% > va! Va! Vom! > / td
< td = with = "17% > l = XL = 3xl / td >
< td = with = "17% > 12 - s3269 - 1 / td >
< td = with = "16% > teneur en fibres, résistance au frottement sec, résistance à l 'humidité et à la frottement de couleur < td >
< tr >
"TD = with =" 7% "> veste de loisir
Http: / / www.91se91.com / "vêtement / a < br / > Ltd.
Shi Shi Shi Shi Hua Zhi Xu Zhuang You Xian Gong Si (Origin) / td
< td = with = "21% > hozzs < td >
< td = with = "17% > l = XXL < td >
< td = with = "17% > 33141311 < td >
< td = with = "16% > Description d 'utilisation du produit, teneur en fibres / td >
< tr >
"TD = with =" 7% "> blouse tricotée / td
"TD = with =" 19% "> Guangzhou Friendship Benny Road Clothing Co.
< td = with = "21% > BALENO / td >
< td = with = "17% > 165 / 88a / td >
< td = with = "17% > 88332901 < td >
< td = with = "16% > teneur en fibres < td >
< tr >
TD = with = "7% > pull
TD = with = "19% > Beijing binkai Clothing Co.
TD = with = "21%" > Jack Kania
< td = with = "17% > 170 / 92a175 / 96a180 / 100A < td >
< td = with = "17% > ys1362 < td >
< td = with = "16% > Description de l 'utilisation du produit < td >
< tr >
"TD = with =" 7% "> manteau
TD = with = "19% > Beijing farmira Clothing Co.
< td = with = "21% > alpha = femelle (famila) bitmap < td >
< td = with = "17% > 170 / 88a170 / 92c < td >
< td = with = "17% > 34ds00112 < td >
< td = with = "16% > teneur en fibres < td >
< tr >
< td = with = "7% > chemise < td >
TD = with = "19% > Beijing Metropolitan Wind Clothing Co.
< td = with = "21% > cecilecarine (cescre) > / td >
< td = with = "17% > 165 / 84A (40) 170 / 88a (42) >
< td = with = "17% > c012b - C002 / td >
< td = with = "16% > teneur en fibres < td >
< tr >
"TD = with =" 7% "> blouse
"TD = with =" 19% "> Beijing Smooth Trading Co.
< td = with = "21% > et bitmap / td >
< td = with = "17% > 170 / 92A = 175 / 96a / td >
< td = with = "17% > 13 - 280 < td >
< td = with = "16% > teneur en fibres < td >
< tr >
TD = with = "7% > jeans
"TD = with =" 19% "> Beijing Incremental Clothing Co.
"TD = with =" 21% "> sans couleur et sans go?t.
< td = with = "17% > 175 / 80a175 / 84B et 175 / 80A / 92A / td >
< td = with = "17% > 819n515 < td >
< td = with = "16% > Description d 'utilisation du produit, teneur en fibres / td >
< tr >
< td = with = "7% > pantalon féminin < td >
TD = with = "19% > kemenda Fashion Co.
"TD = with =" 21% "> bitmap / td
< td = with = "17% > 175 / 96a180 / 100A et 185 / 104a et 175 / 100A / td >
< td = with = "17% > 18e / td >
< td = with = "16% > teneur en fibres < td >
< tr >
"TD = with =" 7% "> manteau de mode
"TD = with =" 19% "> Jiayue condensation (Beijing) Clothing Co., Ltd.
"TD = with =" 21% "> gelée de mois < td >
< td = with = "17% > 175 / 96a = 165 / 88a / td >
< td = with = "17% > jy - 13 - 45 / td >
< td = with = "16% > Description d 'utilisation du produit, teneur en fibres, défaillance / td >
< tr >
< td = with = "7% > menu, vêtement serré / td >
"TD = with =" 19% "> Jiayue condensation (Beijing) Clothing Co., Ltd.
"TD = with =" 21% "> gelée de mois < td >
< td = with = "17% > 170 / 92a175 / 96a = 160 / 84A / td >
< td = with = "17% > jy - 14 - 21 / td >
"TD = with =" 16% "> coup de boule
< tr >
TD = with = "7% > pantalon de loisir
"TD = with =" 19% "> landermore (Beijing) Clothing Co.
"TD = with =" 21% "/ td
< td = with = "17% > 170 / 80A (31) 170 / 82A (32) >
< td = with = "17% > External kz12b007 - 1 < br / >
Ic?ne cm12b007 - 1 / td
< td = with = "16% > Description d 'utilisation du produit, teneur en fibres, résistance à l' humidité de frottement de couleur / td >
< tr >
"TD = with =" 7% "> pull - over à manches longues / td
"TD = with =" 19% "> landermore (Beijing) Clothing Co.
"TD = with =" 21% "/ td
< td = with = "17% > 170 / 88a (46) 185 / 100A (52) 175 / 92A (48) / td >
< td = with = "17% > dzz13 - 1 - B - 7215 < br / >
(t - 3221)
< td = with = "16% > Description d 'utilisation du produit, teneur en fibres / td >
< tr >
< td = with = "7% > t - shirts à manches longues / td >
"TD = with =" 19% "> landermore (Beijing) Clothing Co.
"TD = with =" 21% "/ td
< td = with = "17% > 185 / 100A (52) 180 / 96a (50) 190 / 104A (54) >
< td = with = "17% > ctx13 - q02451 < td >
< td = with = "16% > teneur en fibres < td >
< tr >
< td = with = "7% > chemise < td >
"TD = with =" 19% "> hinur Men 's Garment Co., Ltd.
< td = with = "21% > sinoer < td >
< td = with = "17% > 170 / 92A = 180 / 100b / td >
< td = with = "17% > c269mt11 - 1 - 22 < td >
< td = with = "16% > teneur en fibres < td >
< tr >
< td = with = "7% > pantalon simple < td >
TD = with = "19% > Beijing Babylone Fashion Co.
< td = with = "21% > Babylone < td >
< td = with = "17% > 170 / 76a (XL) / td >
< td = with = "17% > bc2363109 / td >
TD = avec = "16% > résistance au lavage à sec / td
< tr >
< td = with = "7% > robe < td >
TD = with = "19% > Beijing Babylone Fashion Co.
< td = with = "21% > Jacqueline = arzel / td >
< td = with = "17% > 165 / 84 A (m) / td >
< td = with = "17% > ja2352010 < td >
TD = with = "16% > lancer / td
< tr >
< tbody >
< table >
< p >
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