??? ???? ? ???? ???
?? CJ -170BD ????? ? ???????
?? ?? ???? ??
?? ??: CJ -170BD ??? ????
CJ -170BD ????? ? ????? ??
CJ -170BD automatic edge vertical diagonal cloth rolling machine
???? ??: 1.7m -2.8m, ?? ?? ??: 300MM ???? ??: 80m /??? ? ??: 1KW ?? ??: 20V /380V ?? ??: 2.4m -3.5m /1.15m
lololololololotth breadtth breadtth h lolololololololololololololoing clololotth breadreadth breadth breadtth breadtthththadreaddreadtttttttttttttth dowters, max clolololololololololololololololololololololololottttttthththththththththththrololottttttttthththththththththththththththththththththththththththththththrelililililili??
?? ??:
CJ -170BD? ????? ???? ??, ???, ?, ??, ??, ?? ??, ???, ?? ??, ??? ?? ??? ????.
CJ -170BD automatic edge cloth rolling machine suitable for various fabric, adhesive -bonded fabric, sponge foam, leather, paper, reflective materials, acteric, reinforced belt, conducive cloth and other materials.
?? ??:
(1) ??????? ???? ?? ? ??? ??? ? ?, ?? ????? ???? ??, ???? ??? ???? ???? ????.
(2) ?? ?? ?? ??? ???? ???, ???? ??? ?? ???? ????.
(3) ?? ??? ?? ?? ??, ?? ??? ?? ?? ??, ?? ?? ??
(4) ?????? 20??? 70??? ??? ? ??.
(5) ????? ????? ?? ? ???? ??? ?? ?? ???
? ???? CJ -170Z? ???? ??? ??? ??? ? ??? ??? ???? ?? ????.
(1) Use of elect ronic edge device, cloth and other materials looked the same edge after coiling, choose soft or hard according to the type of cloth.
(2) Equiped with the automatic control devic code meter, can accurately remember cloth length and automatic control.
(3) Roller sped can adjusted without distion, high efficiency, saving hum hum resource, it's convenient for single to operate.
(4) Tweed cloth can be 20 degree to 70degree in regree in regulation.
(5) Adoption of stinless steel cloth bucket, which never rust, avoid contamating cloth, this machine wchine with CJ -170Z automatic strip cutting machine, the fabric using rate could reach the highest.
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???? 362200
?? 0592 -311082
??? ?? www.chaojunjx.com
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