? ?? < p >
't check personal devices during a meeting attended by your boss or anyone else who can make her disaproval your problem'? <<<<
‘p ’? ?? ? ??? ?? ??? ???? ??. ?? ???? ?? ? ? ?? ??? ??? ? ?? ??? ??? ? ?? ??? ??? ??.
?? < p >
's cubicle, holding a dise a disembodied headied headiediedied headiedied.'s cumeone's cubile, holdle, holding a conversation a s a diedied headied.'
‘p ’? ?? ??? ?? ??? ??? ???? ?? ?? ??? ? ?? ??? ?? ?? ??? ???? ??.
?? < p >
't use a speakerphone unless you're in your office and holding a meeting attend by someone remone. Alert the person you're speaking with others a re preset, and close the door.'
'p'? ??? ??? ???? ?? ?? ??? ??? ? ? ?? ????? ??? ?? ??.
??? ?? ? ?? ???, ?? ??? ??? ???.
????? ?? ??? ??? ?? ????.
?? < p >
'p '4. When answering the phone, state your name and place of business.'
??? ??? ? ??? ??? ??? ?? ?? ???.
?? < p >
'p '5. When leaving voice mails, state your name, place of business, and number. Succcinctly say why you're calling. Repeat step one, say goodbye..'
??? ?????? ?? ? ?? ?? ??, ??, ???.
?? ??? ??? ??? ????.
???, ??? ??, ??, ??, ??.
?? < p >
6. Whoever arrives at a door first holds it for the next person, no matter the gender of either >
‘p ’? ?? ??? ?? ??? ?? ?? ??? ??? ?? ???, ?? ?? ??? ???.
?? < p >
't microwave stinky foods in the shared lunchroom '-'t micrown'
‘p ’? ?????? ?????? ??? ??? ??.
?? < p >
'p '8. When introducing people, name the person of greater status first: Mrs. CEO, I'd like you to meet the mail guy, Ron.''
‘p ’? ??? ??? ? ?? ??? ??? ?? ??? ????.
?? ?? "?? ???, ?? ???, ???? ??? ???? ???."
?? < p >
'p.'9. If you leave your cell phone at your desk, turn it off. Particularly if your ringtone is'Who Let the Dogs Out?'-'
? ?? ?? ????? ??? ??? ?? ??.
?? ???? ???? ‘?? ?? ????? ’? ? (???? ???? ’ ???? ?????.
?? < p >
‘p ’10. Don ‘t say ‘Pardon me.’ Say ‘I beg your pardon.’ The first is a command, the secommand, a request.’
'?? ??? ???'?? ????? ???.
??? ???? ??? ????.
?? < p >