Attention To Dinner Arrangements Details
The formulation and implementation of the plan is not perfect. When we integrate the plan quickly in our minds, we may overlook some important details.
Therefore, in order to improve the accuracy and effectiveness, we should also use the problem tree model to consider our plan after the scheme is determined. The practice is to subdivide all the involved aspects and possible problems and the matters that need to be carried out to the extent that they can not be reclassified. Then, according to their nature, they are categorized on the tree of question. Each branch represents one species or aspect, and each leaf represents a specific problem.
問題樹的建立能夠幫助我們準確地界定全部的細節和責任者,從而引起我們足夠的關注,這些細節包括: ?有多少人參加宴請?男女比例如何?誰決定? ?場地是否已落實?使用時間是否明確?誰負責? ?場地布置有否特殊要求?是否需要懸掛會標或裝飾?如需要,誰負責落實?有些什么要求?費用由誰支付?什么時間必須布置完畢?誰檢查確認? ?是否在所有餐桌上放置席位卡或裝飾品?如果有此必要,誰提供?誰負責? ?宴請的標準由誰制定?費用由誰承擔?怎樣支付?誰負責結賬? ?菜譜由誰選擇并確認?是否物有所值?是否合手對方的飲食習慣和口味?是否有什么忌諱?誰負責? ?酒水飲料是否落實?誰負責?是否有人需要特殊飲食和飲料甚至特別關照?誰負責? ?招待員是否全部安排落實?由誰安排?由誰負責管
理? ?需要播放一些與氣氛相合的音樂嗎?誰負責? ?是否需要一個主桌?怎么安排?其他坐席安排和席位卡是否需要?如需要由誰負責? ?是否安放簽到桌和簽到本,誰負責? ?由誰負責門口的接待工作?要求如何?程序如何? ?上司是否有特別的提示和要求,如發言稿? ?是否設衣物寄存處?寄存處與洗手間是否有專人負責? ?來賓的司機如何安排?由誰負責?車輛停放何處?司機接待標準多少? ?宴請過程中如發生意外由誰負責解決?譬如停電,譬如客人酒醉嘔吐,譬如菜肴或飲料打翻在地等等, 由誰予以處理? ?誰負責餐桌擺設及準備一切必要物品? ?重要客人分別由誰接待與陪同? ?宴請結束后由誰負責清場? 問題樹模型比較形象,凡已落實
The details can be tagged beside the result by color, making it clear and clear.
Of course, these details can also be written in the form of list. The first column includes each item or task, the second column includes the confirmation or completion of the task, the third column is the relevant remarks or prompts, the fourth column identifies the responsible person, and the fifth column should write the work that should be continued.
Whether it is a question tree or a list, its role is to let us know well and arrange properly.
We must envisage and foresee all potential or possible problems and prepare effective solutions before the problem occurs, and our responsibility is to ensure that the banquet is successfully carried out.
This way of preparation is also applicable to other activities.
When these details are properly dealt with, we should also give effective confirmation. That is to say, two days before the banquet, we will solve all the plans according to the plan, check the implementation and make adjustments and improvements to the temporary changes.
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