In the party and government officials, there are eight kinds of problems that highlight the style of work. Be satisfied with knowing a little bit, trying to stop at a glance, making excuses not to study or perfunctory. There are two outstanding cadres who are separated from the masses. For example, bureaucracy, floating style, ignorance of the actual conditions of production and life of the masses, blind decisions, people wasting money, not fully listening to the people's voice and public opinion, not being interested in the wishes of the masses, indifferent to the masses' lives, being unmoved with the masses' hardships, formalism, falsification, exaggerating the burden of the masses, increasing the burden on the masses, simple methods, rough working style, competing with the people, fighting against the interests of the masses, and so on. Three, some of them are aloof from the reality. They implement meetings with the meeting, implement documents by documents, and some are keen on roadside projects, gift projects, and image projects, which are hard and costly. Four, hedonism and money worship have grown in our team; there are plenty of ostentatious, extravagant, extravagant, and the fine style of hard struggle and thrift has been forgotten in some leading cadres. Five, some leading cadres only care about themselves regardless of the overall situation. They only ignore groups and ignore the particularity of their work. They hope that the overall interests will be subordinate to their local interests, thus causing damage to the whole situation. Six, some leading cadres do not listen to opinions from all sides and rely on their brains to make decisions. Some are used to go all alone and act as a substitute. Some ignore the principles and procedures of organization, arbitrarily decide on important matters and override them; others are overbearing, overbearing in style, and engage in "one word," and even retaliate against comrades who have different opinions. Seven, with power, forget yourself and do whatever you want. Use power as a tool for individuals or small groups to seek personal gain. Eight, the life style and the life interest are indifferent and unrespectable. Some leading cadres degenerate, and step by step into the mire of violating laws and disciplines. They often start from eating, drinking and playing, and many of them have the right to deal with it.