07 Autumn And Winter Hairstyle 3 Trends

Color, streamlined linear scissors and fluffy tight moderate curls are 3 of the 07 autumn and winter hairstyles.
In the past, big wavy light curly hair was no longer a fashionable pet, and straight hair styling also showed a multi-level convergence.
Hers commented on the trend elements for you, and found the hair style suitable for you with you.

Color trend 1: chocolate VS cold golden brown.
Warm coloured Caramel chocolate and coloured golden brown collocation can make the faint brown color of the hair flowing in a faint chocolate color.
Front bangs end, left and right sides as far as possible with light brown, the top is chocolate color, the perfect match of two colors, let the hair have more sense of hierarchy.
適合的頭發長度:中長直發。若選擇整齊的劉海兒會更為適合。 適合人群:皮膚較白、顴骨略高的女性。 護色方法:長度適中的頭發保養是關鍵,染發后建議每周做一次發膜。 |
Color trend two: dark brown VS very light brown.
Intense dark brown and metallic light brown are the two major colors of this year's most popular futuristic style.
適合的頭發長度:推薦到腰部的長發做這個造型,這樣,兩種色彩可以從臉頰處順著長發慢慢衍生到腰部。 適合人群:皮膚發黃、身材高挑的女性,長臉、下巴較寬的臉型都適合。 護色方法:因為頭發的長度較常,建議除了使用發膜之外用護色的洗護產品。 |
Color trend three: gold bronze brown VS dark brown.
The combination of these two colors will make the hair brighter and more dynamic.
適合的頭發長度:短發、直發。 適合人群:個子稍矮、臉型較圓、皮膚稍微有些黑的女性。 護色方法:選一些有增亮效果的定型產品,會讓頭型大為出彩。 |

Straight hair chapter:
Straight hair has always occupied the classic position. Whether it emphasizes the geometric shape of the tailoring or the beauty of the lines at the top level, it is evident in this season's straight hair trend.
Straight hair trend: Chaos
Simple and vigorous hair style, the length of the hair is very large.
適合人群:適合發色淺、發量少的女性,發色太深層次感不明顯,不建議該發型。 色彩選擇:絢麗橙色的運用,是秀發最具質感的包裝。淺色調的黃、亞麻、金棕都可以嘗試。 打理方法:每月為頭發補色一次,堅持用固色的洗護發品。 |
Straight hair trend two: simple and uninhibited
Geometric modeling combined with varied rhythms and long contrasting pruning methods have made the classic BOB styling. It emphasizes that the sea is full and full of retro elements.
適合人群:額頭不夠漂亮的女性可以選擇這款發型來塑造漂亮的發型。此款發型整體上會有一點俏皮,有一點慵懶的感覺。它非常適合從事時尚相關領域的女性。 色彩選擇:顏色上很自然的亞麻色和大地色是最適合不過的了,它能讓整個人都變得很溫和、很簡潔。 打理方法:此款發型,順直是關鍵。適當用一些直板工具,讓頭發保持柔順。 |
Straight hair trend three: glitzy luxury
At the level of exaggerated geometric modeling, the modeling becomes more avant-garde, modern, this bold processing cleverly blurred the boundaries between high profile and low key.
適合人群:前衛、時尚、愛出風頭的女性。 色彩選擇:時尚要用大膽的色彩和結構來詮釋。這個季節發型也玩起了絢麗奢華的游戲,將那些似曾相識的造型演繹出全新的風貌,尤其是紅色黑色的強烈對比。 打理方法:可以選擇一些營養精華素,頭發稍長需要不斷為頭發補充營養。 |

Curly hair:
In this season, there is still an emphasis on luxury and sexuality in the wind wave, and the exotic atmosphere is also in full bloom.
Curly hair trend: Scandinavian customs
Slightly curled hair, with soft and smooth lines, let the bundled hair be light and comfortable, and at the same time add a dream feeling.
適合人群:性格非常溫柔、平時喜歡淑女打扮的女性。 色彩選擇:以冷色系為主的金色和亞麻色貫穿整個主題,淺金色和銀白色凸顯浪漫的色彩,以飽滿的質感和柔和的色澤,散發著低調的哲理味道。 打理方法:可以選用一些護發著哩讓發卷更明顯,讓整體的感覺柔和整潔,沒有復雜的修飾。 |
Curly hair trend two: sexy charm
The charm of deep and mysterious charm, such as elaborately carved lacquer luster, finely decorated luxurious large volumes, lines exquisite and feminine.
適合人群:這款發型很適合30歲左右的女性,典雅中不失風韻。 色彩選擇:可以選擇一些深沉而濃郁的神秘色彩,比如黑色、深棕、深紫紅色、藍灰色等,與夜融為一體,又散發著如烏木漆器的奢華光澤。 打理方法:想要發型一直保持性感,需要隨時裝備亮發產品,所以一些讓頭發定型柔亮的產品是不錯的選擇。 |
Curly hair trend three: luxury in the countryside
Breaking the traditional concept of harmony and refinement, distributing the charm of primitive nature, similar to the dynamic texture of fur and feathers, without the rough look of carving, using leather color to create a high fashion sense of fashion.
適合人群:熱衷時尚,同時又喜歡民族風的女性。 色彩選擇:喜歡鄉土奢華的人可以選擇從金色到棕色的溫暖色系,如神秘的古銅色高貴的琥珀色、古樸的木材色以及健康的蜜糖 |
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