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    Four Steps Of Etiquette In Business Negotiation

    2008/12/24 17:09:00 41902


    business negotiation


    (1) - Preparation for negotiations

    Before business negotiations, first of all, be sure.


    A person must have the same status as his negotiator.

    Negotiators should have a good overall quality. They should dress up their appearance before negotiation, and be neat, formal and dignified.

    Men should shave their beard, wear a suit and tie.

    Ladies wear

    It should not be too sexy to wear high heels.

    Decorate the negotiation hall, adopt rectangular or oval negotiation table, the right hand seat or the opposite seat should be respected.

    Before negotiation, we should make full preparations for the theme, content and agenda of the negotiations, and make plans, goals and negotiation strategies.


    At the beginning of the negotiations, the first impression of the two sides of the negotiations is very important. They should create a friendly and relaxed atmosphere of good negotiation as much as possible.

    When you introduce yourself, be generous and not arrogant.

    Those who have been introduced should stand up and smile, and be polite.

    Ask the other person to be polite, such as "ask the name of the name" and so on.

    If you have a business card, you need both hands to deliver.

    After the introduction, you can choose the topics of common interest.

    A little greeting, in order to communicate feelings, create a mild atmosphere.

    The posture at the beginning of the negotiation also plays an important role in holding the negotiation atmosphere. When looking at the other side, the eyes should stay in the triangle area of the front of the opponent, so that the other party will feel concerned and feel sincere.

    The palm is better than the dash. The gesture is natural, so it is not appropriate to make gestures so as not to cause frivolity.

    Do not cross your arms on your chest, which is very arrogant.

    At the beginning of the negotiations, the important task is to find out the details of the other side, so listen carefully to the other side's conversation, carefully observe each other's facial expressions and respond appropriately, so that they can understand each other's intentions and show respect and politeness.


    This is the substantive stage of negotiations, mainly in terms of quotations, inquiries, consultations, settling contradictions and dealing with the cold market.

    Quotation must be clear and accurate, abide by the credit and not deceive the other side.

    In the negotiations, the quotation must not be changed. If the other party accepts the price, it will no longer be changed.

    Enquiries -- prepare the questions in advance, choose a harmonious atmosphere, and be open and honest.

    We should avoid inquiring when the atmosphere is cold or tense, and we should not excesses or ask questions constantly, so as not to cause the other party to be disgusted or even angry.

    However, we should strive not to allow for principled problems.

    When the other person answers questions, he should not interrupt at will.

    Negotiation - bargaining is a matter of interest to both sides. It is easy to be impolite because of impatience. Therefore, we should pay more attention to maintaining our demeanour. We should be calm, seek common ground and allow for small differences.

    The speech should be polite and polite.

    To resolve contradictions, we must be patient and calm, and not be angry or even insult each other because of conflicts.

    Deal with the cold field - at this point, the main side should be flexible to handle the topic and temporarily relax the topic.

    If there is really nothing to say, then the machine should be determined to suspend the negotiations and rest after a little rest.

    The main party should take the initiative to raise the topic and not let the cold market last too long.


    At the signing ceremony, all participants in the negotiations should attend the meeting and join hands to shake hands.

    Both sides should set up personnel to sign the contract, separate them on the side of the signatories of their respective representatives, and the rest will stand behind their respective representatives.

    The assisting staff should assist the signatory to open the text and indicate the location of the signature with his finger.

    The representatives of both sides sign on their own texts, and then they are exchanged with the assistants, and the representatives sign on the other side's texts.

    After signing the agreement, both sides should stand up at the same time, exchange texts, and shake hands with each other to congratulate the cooperation.

    Other attendants should express their joy and congratulations with warm applause.

    Editor: vivi

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