Shaoxing Shaoxing Polyester Market Shocks Rise, Quote To Boost Production And Sales Rebounded
PTA market in East China in September 6th
The price is about 7450 yuan / ton, and the actual price of the market is about 7400 yuan / ton right. The mainstream quotation of MEG is about 6500 yuan / ton. By September 10th, the mainstream price of PTA is about 7450 yuan / ton, and the market price is about 7400 yuan / ton right, and the mainstream price of MEG is between 6500 yuan and 6550 yuan per ton.
In September 6th Jiangsu and Zhejiang semi light section cash acceptance mainstream quotation at 9100 yuan / ton, to September 10th, Jiangsu and Zhejiang area semi light section cash acceptance mainstream quotation in 9225 yuan / ton.
1. From September 4th to 6th, Jiangsu and Zhejiang
Xiao Xiao
Overall polyester Market Comment:
In September 3rd, the New York mercantile exchange light crude oil futures price in October closed at $74.60 / barrel, down 0.42 U.S. dollars / barrel compared with the previous day; London market Brent crude oil futures in Beihai closed at 76.67 U. S. dollars / barrel, down 0.26 U.S. dollars / barrel compared with the previous day.
From September 4th to 5th, double cease days, Jiangsu and Zhejiang
Polyester filament
The overall market is weak, the sales volume of the market is obviously lower than that of the previous few days, the production and marketing of spinning enterprises are flat, production and sales are obviously lower on Sunday, the production and sale of FDY silk is obviously low, the price of FDY yarn in the spinning enterprises has been reduced by a large margin on Sunday, and the price of DTY and POY has remained stable, but there are still some concessions in actual pactions.
Due to the influence of power restriction and peak avoidance factors, the downstream weaving mills and the bomb companies have a strong wait-and-see mentality, and the rate of start-up is not enough. They are more cautious in purchasing the polyester products.
In September 6th, the contradiction between Jiangsu and Zhejiang polyester market went forward, showing a trend of ups and downs. The price of POY silk is still up to a certain extent, but the local POY multi hole yarn price has a downward trend. The FDY silk has 100 to 200 yuan per ton or so, and the price of DTY silk basically stabilizes.
Because of the low rate of production and marketing of polyester factories in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces on the two-day weekend, some manufacturers began to reduce sales promotions, which affected the market of polyester and silk in Jiangsu and Zhejiang markets on the 6 day.
Among them: the 6 day Zhejiang market polyester market overall stability; Xiaoshan local mainstream factory 6 days quotations basically stable, but in the two-day weekend FDY part of the specifications reduced by 200 yuan / ton, other varieties quoted price basically stable, and Xiaoshan another big also remained stable; 6, Tongxiang polyester market is low, the mainstream manufacturers of FDY have 100 to 200 yuan / ton down, POY silk prices remain stable.
In Jiaxing and Wang Jiangjing market, the enquiry of polyester filament was very dull. The price declined steadily after the two-day weekend, but remained stable on Monday, but the volume was still insufficient.
On the 6 day, the polyester Market in Jiangsu market is still weakening. After a sharp decline in the weekend, the Shengze mainstream polyester factory FDY remained basically stable. On the 6 day, the DTY market in the Shengze market rose 100 yuan / ton; POY continued to stabilize; Shengze's other mainstream factory price remained unchanged, while the other factories had been spinning large factories, FDY fell 300 yuan / ton; the polyester Market in Taicang was slightly lower, and the local mainstream factory FDY generally lowered 100 to 200 yuan / ton, and the prices of other varieties remained basically stable.
September 6th upstream polyester raw material PTA marketing atmosphere is good, local enquiries are more, the spot market of the internal market slightly rose, the price rose slightly, now the eastern region PTA market quotation price rises to about 7450 yuan / ton, the actual negotiation price of 7400 yuan / ton, traders at low prices reluctant to sell.
From MEG to 6, the market atmosphere is general, the paction price is basically stable, and the delivery price is 6500 yuan / ton.
On the 6 day, Jiangsu and Zhejiang semi gloss chips were dominated by a steady trend. The mainstream market increased slightly, the mainstream quotation rose slightly, and the price center of gravity moved slightly upward. In the Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces, the half light section cash acceptance or the March acceptance mainstream quotation was around 9100 yuan / ton.
In September 6th, the mainstream market of polyester in Xiaoshao district was basically stable, and the quotations of spinning factories basically stabilized. However, the overall market situation was mainly based on wait-and-see, and the procurement of downstream enterprises was more cautious, and the turnover was still limited.
In September 6th, sales of Xiaoshao FDY silk were still slant. The price trend was stable. Some spinning enterprises lowered the specifications of FDY silk on the two-day weekend. The quotation of FDY silk was barely stable on Monday, but there were still some concessions in actual pactions. Fine denier FDY yarn prices were stabilized, and the overall market situation was relatively wait-and-see.
On the 6 day, the market of Xiaoshao DTY silk was still on the watch. Manufacturers' quotations basically stabilized, the price trend stabilized, the spinning enterprises mainly shipped, DTY fine denier silk and DTY multi hole wire pactions were still general, and the downstream enterprises were more cautious in purchasing, and prices stabilized and consolidated.
On the 6 day, the marketing atmosphere of shaoshao POY silk is general, the overall market quotation is steady and consolidated, the price center is in a stalemate, production and marketing is still dull, the overall market is still waiting for a view, and the purchasing of downstream enterprises is more cautious. Among them, the POY wire quotation for weaving is stable, and the market is slightly dull, and the downstream procurement is still relatively cautious.
September 6th Shaw direct spinning 150DPOY/48F mainstream cash price of 10600 - 10700 yuan / ton, 300D POY /96F mainstream offer 9900 yuan / ton, 75D POY /36F mainstream offer 12300 yuan / ton.
In September 6th, the 150DDTY/48F mainstream of Shaw direct spinning factory quoted 12300 yuan to 12500 yuan per ton, and the mainstream price of 300DDTY/96F was 11700 yuan / ton.
In September 6th, Shaw direct spinning 150DFDY/96F main quotation price 11450 - 11500 yuan / ton, 150DFDY/85F big bright mainstream price 11800 yuan / ton, 150DFDY/96F big bright mainstream price 11750 yuan / ton.
In September 6th, because of labor day in the United States, the New York mercantile exchange closed, there was no crude oil quotation; the London market Brent crude oil futures in Beihai closed at $76.87 / barrel in October, up 0.20 US dollars / barrel compared with the previous day.
Two, September 7th, Jiangsu and Zhejiang Xiaoshao whole polyester Market Comment:
In September 7th, Jiangsu and Zhejiang polyester market continued to go forward with contradictions, showing a trend of ups and downs. The price of POY silk marketable specifications and varieties still has a certain range of inflation, rising at 50 to 100 yuan / ton, and some of the FDY silk prices are still high. Enterprises still have moderate falls, and the price of DTY silk has basically stabilized.
Among them: 7, the overall market of polyester in Zhejiang market is low; the price of Xiaoshan local mainstream factory has generally been reduced by 100 yuan / ton, and some other POY products in Xiaoshan's other big factories have also been reduced slightly.
On the 7 day, the polyester Market in Tongxiang market increased slightly. POY, a local mainstream manufacturer, had an increase of 100 yuan / ton.
7 day Jiangsu market polyester market stability; Shengze local mainstream spinning factory because of 6 days has not been adjusted, to 7, its FDY has 200 yuan / ton fall; Shengze another mainstream factory quotation stable, Shengze local slicing spinning enterprise prices continue to stabilize; 7 Taicang area polyester market trend toward stability, local mainstream factory Quotes basically stable, manufacturers reflect recently production and marketing can still, basically maintained at 60% to 70% or so.
In September 7th, the PTA market for raw polyester raw materials in the upper reaches of the market was slightly stable. Now the price of the PTA market in the East China region is about 7450 yuan / ton, but it is affected by the decline of futures, the buyer's enquiry is scarce, the market adjustment waits and sees mentality is thicker, the actual negotiation price is about 7400 - 7420 yuan / ton, and the actual offer is less.
From MEG to 7, the market trading atmosphere is stalemate, the paction price is basically stable, and the delivery price of the internal disk is around 6500 yuan / ton.
On the 7 day, Jiangsu and Zhejiang semi light chip market is still available, the mainstream market has risen slightly, the mainstream quotation has risen slightly, the price center of gravity has moved slightly upward, and the mainstream quotation of the semi light section cash acceptance or the March acceptance in Jiangsu and Zhejiang area is around 9150 yuan / ton.
In September 7th, the mainstream market of polyester in Xiaoshao district was basically stable, and the quotations of spinning factories basically stabilized. However, the overall market situation was mainly based on wait-and-see, and the procurement of downstream enterprises was more cautious, and the turnover was still limited.
In September 7th, Xiaoshao FDY silk sales were still weak, the price trend was stable and soft, FDY quotation was barely stable, but there were still concessions in actual pactions. Fine FDY yarn prices were stabilized and collate, and the overall market situation was mainly based on wait-and-see, and downstream enterprises were more cautious in purchasing.
On the 7 day, the market of Xiaoshao DTY silk was still on the watch. Manufacturers' quotations basically stabilized, the price trend stabilized, the spinning enterprises mainly shipped, DTY fine denier silk and DTY multi hole wire pactions were still general, and the downstream enterprises were more cautious in purchasing, and prices stabilized and consolidated.
7, Xiaoshao POY silk marketing atmosphere is acceptable, the overall market quotation steady consolidation, the price center of gravity stalemate, sporadic and strong, downstream enterprises procurement more cautious; weaving POY silk quotation steady consolidation, the market is slightly dull, production and marketing is still plain, the overall market is still looking, downstream procurement is still relatively cautious.
In September 7th Shaw direct spinning 150DPOY/48F mainstream cash price of 10700 yuan / ton, 300D POY /96F mainstream offer 9900 to 10000 yuan / ton, 75D POY /36F mainstream offer 12300 yuan / ton.
In September 7th, the 150DDTY/48F mainstream of Shaw direct spinning factory quoted 12300 yuan to 12500 yuan per ton, and the mainstream price of 300DDTY/96F was 11700 yuan / ton.
In September 7th, Shaw direct spinning 150DFDY/96F main quotation price 11400 - 11500 yuan / ton, 150DFDY/85F big bright mainstream price 11750 yuan / ton, 150DFDY/96F big bright mainstream price 11750 yuan / ton.
In September 7th, the New York mercantile exchange light crude oil futures price in October closed at $74.09 / barrel, down 0.51 U.S. dollars / barrel compared with the previous day; London market Brent crude oil futures in Beihai closed at 77.74 U. S. dollars / barrel, up 0.87 U.S. dollars / barrel compared with the previous day.
Three, September 8th, Jiangsu and Zhejiang Xiaoshao whole polyester Market Comment:
In September 8th, the Jiangsu and Zhejiang polyester market continued to show a trend of rising and falling. Some of the manufacturers of POY silk sold a certain price range of marketable specifications, and the price rose by 50 to 100 yuan / ton, but the price of FDY silk was still high. The price of DTY was still moderate, and the price of silk was basically stabilized.
On the 8 day, polyester and silk were stable and small in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces. Most of the spinning factories showed more flat prices, and marketing was still dominated by wait-and-see.
Among them: the 8 day Zhejiang market polyester market overall stable; Xiaoshan local mainstream factory POY silk quotation generally raised 150 yuan / ton, FDY and DTY silk price remained stable, Xiaoshan local other factory quotes remained stable, local manufacturers reflect recently POY and DTY silk demand is better, compared with FDY silk is still a little weak.
On the 8 day, the quotations of mainstream polyester factories in Tongxiang remained stable.
The 8 day Jiangsu market polyester market continued to maintain stability; Shengze mainstream polyester factory quotes remained stable, local chip spinning enterprises quotations have continued to stabilize, polyester manufacturers reflect 7 production and sales are good, generally around 80 to 100%.
The price of polyester in Taicang is stable, and the manufacturer can basically produce 7 days of production and marketing.
In September 8th, the PTA market of polyester raw materials in the upstream market was generally in a general atmosphere. Now the price of the PTA market in East China is about 7450 yuan / ton.
From MEG to 8, the market trading atmosphere is still deadlocked, the paction price is basically stable, and the delivery price of the internal disk is around 6500 yuan / ton.
On the 8 day, Jiangsu and Zhejiang semi light chip market is still available, the mainstream market has risen slightly, the mainstream quotation has risen slightly, the price center of gravity has moved slightly upward, and the mainstream quotation of Jiangsu and Zhejiang semi light chip cash acceptance or acceptance in March is about 9200 yuan / ton, but the local rally is postponed and the price is strong.
In September 8th, the mainstream market of polyester in Xiaoshao district was basically stable, and the quotations of spinning factories basically stabilized. However, the overall market situation was mainly based on wait-and-see.
In September 8th, Xiaoshao FDY silk sales were still weak, the price trend was stable and soft, FDY quotation was barely stable, but there were still concessions in actual pactions. Fine FDY yarn prices were stabilized and collate, and the overall market situation was mainly based on wait-and-see, and downstream enterprises were more cautious in purchasing.
On the 8 day, the market of Xiaoshao DTY silk was still on the watch. Manufacturers' quotations basically stabilized, the price trend stabilized, the spinning enterprises mainly shipped, DTY fine denier silk and DTY multi hole wire pactions were still general, and the downstream enterprises were more cautious in purchasing, and prices stabilized and consolidated.
On the 8 day, Xiaoshao POY silk marketing atmosphere is acceptable, the overall market quotation is firm and firm, the price center of gravity is firm and steady, and the purchasing of downstream enterprises is more cautious. Among them, the POY wire quotation for weaving is stable and consolidation, the market is still light, the production and marketing is still plain, the overall market is still waiting for a look, and the downstream procurement is still relatively cautious.
September 8th Shaw direct spinning 150DPOY/48F mainstream cash price of 10700 - 10800 yuan / ton, 300D POY /96F mainstream offer 9900 - 10000 yuan / ton, 75D POY /36F mainstream offer 12300 yuan / ton.
In September 8th, the 150DDTY/48F mainstream of Shaw direct spinning factory quoted 12300 yuan to 12500 yuan per ton, and the 300DDTY/96F mainstream quoted 11600 - 11700 yuan / ton.
In September 8th, Shaw direct spinning 150DFDY/96F main quotation price 11350 - 11500 yuan / ton, 150DFDY/85F big bright mainstream price 11700 yuan / ton, 150DFDY/96F big bright mainstream price 11750 yuan / ton.
In September 8th, the New York mercantile exchange light crude oil futures price in October closed at 74.67 U.S. dollars / barrel, up 0.58 U.S. dollars / barrel compared with the previous day; London market Brent crude oil futures in Beihai closed at 78.17 U. S. dollars / barrel, up 0.43 U.S. dollars / barrel compared with the previous day.
Four, September 9th, Jiangsu and Zhejiang Xiaoshao whole polyester Market Comment:
Affected by the rise in international crude oil prices overnight, the Jiangsu and Zhejiang polyester market showed a partial upward trend in September 9th, and the price center of gravity increased partially. The price of some of the POY manufacturers' marketable specifications and varieties still rose to a certain extent, rising at about 50 yuan to 100 yuan per ton, and the price of FDY silk was in a stalemate. The DTY silk spinning factory started tentative price increase, or 100 yuan / ton.
The production and sales of polyester factories in Jiangsu and Zhejiang markets have obviously recovered, and many manufacturers can do Ping or super. On the 9 day, the polyester Market in Jiangsu and Zhejiang markets still showed a steady upward trend.
Among them: 9, Zhejiang market polyester market overall stable; Xiaoshan local mainstream factory polyester quotation stable, the company's 8 day production and sales of about 140%, FDY also can barely flat.
On the 9 day, Tongxiang's local mainstream polyester factory POY black silk 150D rose 200 yuan / ton, 300D black silk rose 100 yuan / ton, other specifications POY (black silk, cationic, semi gloss, You Guang) all rose 50 yuan / ton, other varieties quotation remained stable, production and sales in September 108 to 110%.
9, the Jiangsu market polyester market slightly increased; Jiangsu Shengze mainstream polyester factory quotes rose slightly, FDY, POY remained stable, DTY rose 100 yuan / ton, Shengze all local textile enterprises quotations have also continued to stabilize, Shengze has been spinning large factories DTY, FDY remained stable, spinning enterprises reflect 8 days production and sales are good, generally 80 to 100%.
The price of polyester in Taicang is relatively stable. The mainstream POY of the local mainstream factory rose by 50 yuan / ton, and other varieties remained stable.
In September 9th, the market for raw polyester PTA in the upstream market was partly acceptable. Now, the price of the PTA market in the eastern region of China is about 7500 yuan / ton, and the offer price has risen by 50 yuan / ton, but the market mentality has been weakened and the wait-and-see mentality is stronger.
From MEG to 9, the market trading atmosphere remained stalemate, and the paction price rose slightly. In the MEG Jiangsu and Zhejiang market, the delivery price was about 6550 yuan / ton.
The trend of polyester raw materials in the near future is relatively good. On the 9 day, Jiangsu and Zhejiang semi light chip market is still available, the mainstream market is rising slightly, the mainstream quotation is basically stable, the price center of gravity is basically strong, and the mainstream quotation of semi light chip cash acceptance or acceptance in March is 9200 yuan / ton left and right.
In September 9th, the mainstream market of polyester in Xiaoshao district was basically stable, and the quotations of spinning factories basically stabilized. However, the overall market situation was dominated by wait-and-see, and the purchasing of downstream enterprises was more cautious.
In September 9th, Xiaoshao FDY silk sales in general, the price trend slightly stabilized, FDY silk quotation is barely stable; fine denier FDY silk price steady finishing, the overall market is relatively wait-and-see mainly, downstream enterprise procurement is still cautious.
On the 9 day, the market of Xiaoshao DTY silk was still on the watch. Manufacturers' quotations basically stabilized and the price trend stabilized. The spinning enterprises were mainly shipped, and the production and sales of polyester factories picked up locally. The turnover of DTY fine denier silk and DTY multi hole wire was still general.
On the 9 day, Xiaoshao POY silk marketing atmosphere is acceptable, the overall market quotation is firm and firm, the price center of gravity is firm, the downstream enterprises are more cautious in purchasing, but spinning enterprises are still able to pick up goods, and production and sales have picked up locally. The weaving price of POY wire is steady and the market is still general. The overall production and sales are still general.
In September 9th Shaw direct spinning 150DPOY/48F mainstream cash price of 10800 yuan / ton, 300D POY /96F mainstream offer 10000 yuan / ton, 75D POY /36F mainstream offer 12300 yuan / ton.
In September 9th, the 150DDTY/48F mainstream of Shaw direct spinning factory quoted 12300 yuan to 12500 yuan per ton, and the 300DDTY/96F mainstream quoted 11600 - 11700 yuan / ton.
In September 9th, Shaw direct spinning 150DFDY/96F main quotation price 11350 - 11500 yuan / ton, 150DFDY/85F big bright mainstream price 11700 yuan / ton, 150DFDY/96F big bright mainstream price 11750 yuan / ton.
In September 9th, the New York mercantile exchange light crude oil futures price in October closed at $74.25 / barrel, down 0.42 U.S. dollars / barrel compared with the previous day; London market Brent crude oil futures in Beihai closed at 77.47 U. S. dollars / barrel, down 0.70 U.S. dollars / barrel compared with the previous day.
Five, September 10th, Jiangsu and Zhejiang Xiaoshao whole polyester Market Comment:
In September 10th, Jiangsu and Zhejiang polyester market showed an upward trend, and the price center of gravity was generally promoted. The price of the marketable specifications and varieties of spinning factories showed a trend of a certain increase, rising at 100 to 200 yuan / ton, and the trading atmosphere was relatively good.
In recent years, the production and sales of polyester factories in Jiangsu and Zhejiang markets have obviously picked up. Many manufacturers can do Ping or super. On the 10 day, the polyester Market in Jiangsu and Zhejiang markets still showed a steady upward trend.
Among them: the 10 day Zhejiang market polyester market performance is more active, a few days ago the performance of the cold and cheerless, the polyester market overall slightly higher; Xiaoshan local mainstream factory FDY rose 100 - 200 yuan / ton, other products quoted price is stable, the company 9 days overall production and sales in 170 - 180%, FDY production and sales of about 140%, more than 150D specifications shipped more, DTY production and sales reached 200%.
On the 10 day, POY, a local mainstream polyester factory in Tongxiang, rose 100 yuan / ton on the whole, DTY rose 50 to 100 yuan / ton, of which DTY150D and below specifications rose 100 yuan / ton, 150D rose 50 yuan / ton, FDY production and sales basically flat in September, POY production and sales 120%, DTY production and marketing reached 110%.
Jiangsu area has passed a few days after the scenery, to 10, the overall situation is slightly stable; Jiangsu Shengze area polyester market stability, the local big factory 10 days polyester quotation stable, Shengze local has been spinning big factory only light silk acceptance began to discount, other products quotes more stable; Shengze all textile enterprises quotation continues to stabilize, Shengze local mainstream factory POY only 50 - 100 yuan / ton rise, conventional POY rose 100 yuan / ton, other specifications rose 50 yuan / ton, FDY all line stable.
In September 10th, the PTA market in the upstream polyester raw material market was rather light. The price of the PTA market in the East China region was about 7450 yuan / ton, and the offer price dropped by 50 yuan / ton, but the buyer's enquiry in the market was still light. The mainstream negotiation price was around 7400 yuan / ton, and the market was scarce. It was affected by the falling of international oil price and the decline of PTA futures.
From MEG to 10, the market trading atmosphere remained stalemate, and the paction price was basically deadlocked. In the MEG Jiangsu and Zhejiang market, the delivery price was about 6500 - 6550 yuan / ton.
The trend of polyester raw materials in the near future is relatively good. On the 10 day, Jiangsu and Zhejiang semi light chip market is still available, the mainstream market has increased slightly, the mainstream quotation has been pushed up slightly, and the price center of gravity has gradually shifted upward. In the Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces, the half light section cash acceptance or the March acceptance mainstream quotation is around 9225 yuan / ton.
In September 10th, the mainstream market of polyester in Xiaoshao district was basically stable, and the local market rose slightly. The quotations of spinning factories basically stabilized and slightly increased; but the overall market situation was dominated by wait-and-see, and the purchasing of downstream enterprises was more cautious.
September 10th shaossau FDY silk sales slightly better, the price trend in a stable partial upward trend, FDY wire quotation is basically stable, partial elevation; fine denier FDY silk price stabilization, the overall market market relative to watch the main, downstream enterprise procurement still cautious.
10 Xiaoshao DTY silk market slightly improved, manufacturers quotations basically stabilized, local small rise, the price trend stabilized, local small increase, spinning enterprises mainly shipped, polyester production and sales picked up locally; DTY fine denier silk and DTY multi hole wire pactions are still general, the lower reaches of the enterprise procurement more cautious, price stability and consolidation.
On the 10 day, the marketing atmosphere of Xiaoshao POY silk was good, the overall market quotation was steady and strong, and the local market rose slightly; the price center of gravity was strong and partly increased; the purchasing of the downstream enterprises was more cautious, but the spinning enterprises were still able to take the goods, and the production and sales picked up locally. The weaving price of POY silk was stable, the market situation was still general, the overall production and marketing remained general, the production and sales of polyester factories picked up locally, the overall market remained on the sidelines, and the downstream procurement was still relatively cautious.
September 10th Shaw direct spinning 150DPOY/48F mainstream cash price of 10800 - 10900 yuan / ton, 300D POY /96F mainstream offer 10100 yuan / ton, 75D POY /36F mainstream offer 12300 yuan / ton.
In September 10th, the 150DDTY/48F mainstream of Shaw direct spinning factory quoted 12400 yuan to 12500 yuan per ton, and the 300DDTY/96F mainstream quoted 11600 - 11700 yuan / ton.
In September 10th, Shaw direct spinning 150DFDY/96F main quotation price 11350 - 11550 yuan / ton, 150DFDY/85F big bright mainstream price 11700 yuan / ton, 150DFDY/96F big bright mainstream price 11750 yuan / ton.
In September 10th, the New York mercantile exchange light crude oil futures price in October closed at 76.45 U.S. dollars / barrel, up 2.20 U.S. dollars / barrel compared with the previous day; London market Brent crude oil futures in Beihai closed at 78.16 U. S. dollars / barrel, up 0.69 U.S. dollars / barrel compared with the previous day.
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