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    Shopping Guide Skills "Dragon Eight"

    2011/7/28 14:31:00 77

    Shopping Guide Skills "Dragon Eight"

    First class products + first class shopping guide = super class market; first class products + second class shopping guide = second rate market; second class products + first class shopping guide = first-class market; therefore, we can see that our guide groups play an important role in market success, if we have a number of first-class shopping guides, then we will achieve a first-class market.

    No matter how low the price of our goods is, we always object to the price.

    No matter how we smile, we greet each other with enthusiasm. Customers are always indifferent and unresponsive.

    No matter how we actively guide the purchase, customers always have doubts, and sales lose their profits.

    No matter how we improve the quality of service. Customers still have many unexpected demands on us.


    Customers are becoming more and more difficult to satisfy. The requirements of customers are becoming increasingly demanding. How should we say and how to do it?

    With the rapid development of Internet, people can buy the goods they want without leaving home. This has provided many conveniences for people's life, so that shopping through the Internet has been more and more accepted by people. But because of its own shortcomings, such as only seeing pictures, we can not see or touch objects, so that many people are online. Shopping At the same time, he felt a sense of insecurity and eventually gave up online shopping and chose to go to a store.

    Whenever approaching holidays, people often hear that they are going to visit somewhere tomorrow. In fact, the so-called "wandering" here is often "wandering" or "wandering" without purpose. But after all, the "spoils" are quite abundant, though not necessarily what they need now or in the future. After a lot of research, I find that 80% of female customers do not know what they need when they enter the store to buy goods. Their shopping behavior is blind and arbitrary. In fact, what they sometimes need is not the product itself, but a pleasant shopping experience. That is to say, no matter what the customer wants to buy. commodity As long as they enter the store, it is a chance for shopping guide. So how can we seize opportunities and facilitate sales?

    The process of shopping guide to purchase is a process of wits and wits. Renowned marketing expert Tan Xiaofang, with her profound theoretical foundation, combined with years of research and practical experience of wall training, tells us how to mobilize customer sentiment, how to win customers' trust, how to exert pressure on purchasing, and how to resolve crisis. Solve problems for you. Let you lead confidently and successfully. customer So that you and your store sales performance is advancing by leaps and bounds! {page_break}

    Although the shopping guide has different experience, age and sex in different stores, but all the guides are all responsible for selling products. So how can our guide salesmen improve their sales skills and increase their sales revenue? Today, Tan Xiaofang's most important task is to set up an article around the topic of salesperson selling skills. In general, there are 8 parts in the shopping guide selling skills, namely, the shopping guide skills "dragon eight":

    1. Healthy body and mind

    Psychologists have proved that first impressions are very important. Because of the particularity of sales promotion, customers can not have enough time to find out the inner beauty of shopping guide salesmen. Therefore, the first thing a salesperson should do is to have a healthy body and give customers a vivid impression. Only in this way can customers have the desire to communicate.

    2, clear objectives

    Successful business people need clear goals first. Clear goals usually include identifying customers who visit each day and finding out which class the customers belong to, that is, finding potential customers. The wrong location of the customer target group will lead the sales staff to waste a lot of time and get nothing.

    3. Customer development capability

    Excellent shopping guide salesmen have strong ability to develop customers. Only by finding the right customers can the salesperson be successful. Excellent salesperson can not only locate customers well, but also have strong ability to develop customers.

    4. Strong self-confidence.

    Self confidence is the essential feature of successful people, and successful salesperson is no exception. Only with strong self-confidence can the salesperson think he will succeed. Psychologists have come to the conclusion that what people think is often easy to follow. {page_break}

    5. Strong professional knowledge.

    Mr. Tan Xiaofang believes that the fifth key elements of sales success are strong professional knowledge. The excellent salesperson is more knowledgeable about the product than the average business person. In view of the same problem, the general business personnel may need to consult the information before they can answer. The successful salesperson can reply immediately and give a satisfactory answer in the shortest time.

    6. Identify customer needs.

    Quickly identifying customer needs is the sixth key element of sales success. Even for the same products, different customers' needs are different, and their demand for products is not the same. Excellent salesperson can quickly and accurately find out the purchase needs of different customers, so as to win the order.

    7, sales commentary skills

    Sales staff's excellent commentary skills are also key to success. Excellent business people are good at using the skills of briefing, giving concise and comprehensive information, providing accurate information to customers, and accurately answering the customers' questions and satisfying the customers' answers.

    8. Good at dealing with objections.

    Good long dealing with objections and transforming objections into the selling points of products are eighth key elements to win. Excellent salesperson is always ahead of the general sales person. Sales market competition is very strong, customers tend to have a variety of choices, which brings pressure to sales staff. Specifically, the contents of the shopping guide sales training are as follows. According to the existing enterprise training system and the actual situation of terminal stores, Tan Xiaofang's training should include the following contents:

    1, enterprise knowledge training.

    It includes enterprise background, development course, strategic target, business concept, cultural connotation, slogan and so on.

    2. Explain product knowledge.

    Including fabric knowledge, product type, product style, etc. It should be noted that in addition to some basic knowledge of products, trainers should complete a product referring to the introduction materials every time the new product is listed. Make clear the characteristics and selling points of products, so as to facilitate the study of shopping guide.

    3, display knowledge training.

    From the current development of the terminal market, the role of product display is more and more obvious. Display is a subject which is easy to understand but difficult to operate. Therefore, training personnel are required to seriously study and intensive cultivation.

    4. Inculcation of sales skills.

    This step directly affects the generation of performance. We should start with the analysis of customer personalities, explain the reception steps and coping skills one by one, and try to make the shopping guide deeply understand.

    5, the specification of service content.

    It mainly includes several stages of pre service, sale and after-sale services. For some details, especially the important issues such as how to deal with customer complaints, we must make detailed specifications.

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