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    Shopping Malls Wear Winter Clothes Into The Era Of Thousand Yuan &Nbsp; Young People Love Online Shopping.

    2011/12/2 9:07:00 26

    Shopping Malls Wear Thousands Of Dollars In Winter. Young People Love Online Shopping.

    In the debate and expectation of the first snow coming this year, Beijing is getting more and more cold. Buying winter clothes has become a pressing matter. But reporters found that because of winter clothing Price As the market continues to climb, many people abandon the traditional shopping channel and turn to the market. online shopping Or simply take last year's Old down jacket Take it out and refurbish it.



    Shopping malls winter prices rose 30%

    "A new down jacket costs more than 1800 yuan. This brand can be bought only 1200 yuan last year." White collar Xiao Liu sighed heartily when shopping, beautiful clothes could not afford to buy, and prices went up too fast. Like her, many white-collar workers feel that the price of winter clothes is too expensive.

    Reporters saw in the major shopping malls, this year the price of down garments, cotton clothes and other prices did rise substantially over last year, below 1000 yuan coat is very rare, it is always a four digit price, even a seemingly ordinary sweater also marked price of five hundred or six hundred yuan. Because the time of listing is not long, the discount intensity is very small, almost negligible. Some customers said with emotion that basically two pieces of down coats were paid for one month.

    The price of cotton clothing has risen by at least 20% compared with that of last year in the wholesale market of the zoo, known for its cheap, cheap and popular routes. Many of the businessmen who were prepared to come to Taobao were disappointed. Reporters in the Julong foreign trade clothing market has turned a circle, found that in recent years, tens of dollars a piece of winter clothing is very rare, but a bit thick, ran to two hundred or three hundred. In the wholesale clothing market in Muxiyuan, the wholesale price of jeans has increased by 5% over the same period last year, as the average price of fabrics made from jeans this year increased by 2 to 3 yuan per metre.

    The head of a shopping mall in Beijing told reporters that the price of winter clothing has generally risen by about 30% this year. It is understood that although the recent decline in cotton prices, but because of labor costs and channel costs are rising, causing winter clothing prices will not rise.

    Winter wear prices drive buyers online

    Because of the low cost of channels, online shopping has always had price advantages compared with physical shopping malls. Many people have abandoned the high price of physical shopping centers and instead choose online shopping. Jacket, new winter dress, down jacket, short boots... In the latest hot search list of search engine, the top ten search terms are all related to winter clothing! "Clothing has always been a popular search category, but the top ten occupying the popular search terms at any time have never happened before." "The situation is not simply a change of season, it can explain," he said.

    Search "down jacket" can be found that dozens of shopping website down clothing prices are almost 500 yuan up and down, cheap only two hundred or three hundred yuan, less than 1000 yuan, and some also support "buy send", from the designated purchase can get a certain amount of return. Sweaters, cotton clothes, boots and other winter clothing "standard" situation is generally similar. An Amoy net search shows that 100 yuan sweaters, about 300 yuan of cotton clothing and four hundred or five hundred boots are the mainstream prices of major e-commerce websites.


       Old people are keen on refurbishing old clothes.

    Young people choose online shopping, while the elderly choose "refurbishment" to cope with the rise in the price of the new winter clothing. Some clothes changing shops and down jacket refurbishment shops are booming. Last night near zero, a new down shop in Jiuxianqiao was still lit up, and the clerk was busy with his work. "Refurbishing, short to 100 to 150 yuan, long 150 to 200 yuan. It's much more cost-effective than buying new ones. " According to the salesperson, even the brand new down garment can not be customized more than 800 yuan, and it can be delivered within 10 days. The style can also be chosen by customers themselves.

    "My cashmere coat bought 800 yuan over 5 years ago. The material is very good, and the style is out of date now. It's really hard to throw it away." Yesterday afternoon, in a clothing store in Jianwai SOHO, an aunt was discussing with the shopkeeper how to make a cashmere coat with a gradually changing pattern. Aunt said that the fashionable style of cashmere coat was fat and big without waist. "But the material is very good, so I can't bear to put it down so that I can try it." According to the shopkeeper, madam Dong, it is troublesome to make such a coat refurbishment than to make a dress. It needs to be disassembled and reassembled, tailored according to the figure, and the charge is about three hundred or four hundred yuan. "Now business is particularly good. Clothes that are generally restructured are not really busy. They are all busy." Reporter Xiao Dan

    It's worth a try.

    "Network tailoring" prevails

    "I am not tall, but my belly is big, and I can plug in the big size clothes, but the sleeves and the hem are longer, so I can buy the trumpet, and the other place is right, and the belly piece is not buckled." Mr. Wang, a middle-aged man, said that buying clothes is a bitter drink. Now there is a new channel that may solve Mr. Wang's troubles, that is, "network tailors". Buyers only need to choose styles, fabrics and basic information through the mouse, so that they can have tailored personal costumes.

    "There are buyers, designers and tailor made clothing factories on the website, which is a one-stop service," a shop director of a network tailoring shop told reporters. Unlike the solid clothing custom shops that specialize in high-end dresses, the net custom-made clothing is simple and easy to design for the shortest time in 3 days. The complex style takes about a week. The price of the customized garments is much cheaper than that of the garments, and the operation is also very simple. This new way of buying is not only attracted by the special type of people who are difficult to buy clothes because of their physical shape, but also more and more fashion personalities are choosing this convenient and affordable way of consumption. Reporters also found that a self built Internet sales platform of a men's clothing brand also launched personalized image customization services, responsible person said, the service according to the members of the clothing scene needs, dressing season change and members of their own style and lifestyle, combined with the latest trend of fashion, for members of professional positioning design, and provide the scene and season popular clothing matching suggestions.

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