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    Five Major Problems To Be Solved In Binzhou Textile Industry

    2014/5/22 9:43:00 38


    < p > China < a target= "_blank" href= "http://www.91se91.com/" > textile < /a > see Shandong, Shandong textile see Binzhou.

    Although Binzhou is located in a corner of Shandong Province, it has not yet opened the passenger railway yet, but it is the birthplace of China's cotton textile industry, the capital of China's cotton textile industry and the home textile manufacturing base of China.

    < /p >

    Less than P, what is more surprising is that in the less private Shandong Province, Binzhou is rich in giant private cotton textile enterprises, such as the world's largest cotton textile enterprise, Wei Qiao, Asia's largest towel enterprise, Yaguang group and China's largest shuttle dyeing and dyeing enterprise.

    Binzhou's textile industry is not only a barometer of China's textile market, but also an important part of the world's cotton textile market.

    < /p >

    In 2014, the export oriented Binzhou textile industry survived the international financial crisis and is steadily recovering.

    Zhou Hong, President of Binzhou Textile Industry Association of Shandong Province, said that the textile industry in Binzhou and even China still needs to break through five constraints: raw material price, labor cost, quota system, taxation and product structure.

    < /p >

    < p > < strong > the biggest problem is the supply of raw materials < /strong > < /p >.

    < p > reporter: at present, what is the status quo of the textile industry of < a href= "http://www.91se91.com/news/index_p.asp" > Binzhou < /a >? < /p >

    < p > Zhou Hong: Binzhou has a long history of cotton planting and weaving. After many years of development, Binzhou's textile industry has now formed a huge industrial system.

    < /p >

    < p > there are more than 800 textile enterprises in Binzhou, nearly 400 enterprises above Designated Size, all of which are private joint-stock enterprises, of which 3 are listed companies.

    There are 16 enterprises selling over 100 million yuan, and more than 350 thousand textile workers in the city.

    Some leading enterprises occupy an important position in the world textile industry.

    < /p >

    < p > reporter: with the worldwide economic slowdown, what is the export situation of Binzhou's textile products? < /p >

    < p > Zhou Hong: from 2005 to 2008, the export volume has been showing an upward trend, reaching about 1000000000 US dollars, but after the financial crisis in 2009, exports declined briefly. From 2011 to now, the industry is in recovery stage, and exports are relatively stable.

    < /p >

    < p > the main export places of Binzhou textiles are the United States, the European Union, Hongkong, Japan and South Korea, which are more concentrated. In the future, they hope to expand the export market.

    In recent years, we have found that the export of deep-processing products has increased rapidly, while the export volume of primary products has declined and profit margins are very low.

    < /p >

    < p > reporter: what constraints do you see in Binzhou's textile industry at present? < /p >

    < p > Zhou Hong: the biggest problem is the supply of raw materials.

    The annual cotton consumption in Binzhou is about 1 million 500 thousand tons, while the local cotton production is less than 200 thousand tons, and cotton resources are in short supply.

    But with the addition of new cotton and other imported cotton, Xinjiang cotton can basically guarantee the normal production demand.

    < /p >

    < p > but the price inversion has a greater impact, and domestic cotton prices are higher than that of the international market.

    Take the United States as an example, the latest data is that the price of cotton per ton in the United States is 12 thousand or 13 thousand yuan, and China's price is as high as 20 thousand yuan / ton.

    Cotton prices in developing countries such as India and Pakistan are lower and cheaper than 1/3 in China.

    Since the end of 2012, China's cotton price index has basically maintained at 19000 yuan -20000 yuan per ton.

    At the same time, in order to protect the interests of cotton farmers, the state stores and stores cotton at high prices.

    < /p >

    < p > cotton accounts for 70% of the total cost of the textile industry, and the profit margin of the textile industry does not exceed 5%. Therefore, the slight fluctuation of cotton prices has great impact on the textile enterprises.

    < /p >

    < p > reporter: since the price of cotton in the international market is lower, why not import raw materials? < /p >

    < p > Zhou Hong: cotton import quota is limited.

    At present, domestic cotton is far from meeting the needs of production and needs a large number of imported cotton.

    However, the annual total quota of imported cotton quotas increased by a small margin and the distribution of enterprises decreased.

    < /p >

    < p > the quota of imported cotton has always been a special commodity controlled by the state. The cotton imported over the quota will be charged a high tariff of 40%.

    For small businesses that do not easily get cotton import quotas, they can only get quotas by purchasing quotas, with an additional payment of 3000-4000 yuan per ton quota, which has led to an increase in the cost of enterprises.

    < /p >

    < p > reporter: what are the constraints of tax policy? < /p >

    < p > Zhou Hong: in cotton textile enterprises' current value added tax deduction, the purchase tax rate of cotton is 13%, and the final product's sales tax rate is 17%.

    < /p >

    < p > < strong > product structure needs to be adjusted < /strong > < /p >.

    < p > reporter: does the exchange rate affect the textile industry? < /p >

    < p > Zhou Hong: the appreciation of RMB has great influence on the profit margin of enterprises.

    Cotton textile generally adopts the direct pricing method, and the exchange rate of RMB will rise, which will reduce the income of textile enterprises after converting into RMB.

    At the same time, the appreciation of the renminbi will also affect the orders of the enterprises.

    < /p >

    < p > reporter: I have seen the long term recruitment of enterprises such as Wei Qiao and so on. Is there enough labor supply at present? < /p >

    < p > Zhou Hong: the workers are not only the Pearl River Delta and the Yangtze River Delta, but also the "recruitment difficulties" and "keeping people difficult" seems to be a national problem.

    The textile industry is a traditional labor-intensive industry.

    < /p >

    < p > Wei Qiao business has done better in retaining people. The wages of textile workers are nearly 4000 yuan, higher than the average level in Binzhou. Workers with long working lives can also buy houses at below market prices and have subsidies on daily expenses such as water, electricity and gas.

    < /p >

    < p > however, although the income of the textile industry is fairly good in Binzhou, the labor intensity of this type of work is large, the time is long, the environment is rather difficult, and some people are unwilling to do so.

    < /p >

    On the contrary, India, Pakistan and other countries not only have an advantage in cotton prices, but also low labor costs, which will exert enormous pressure on the export of Chinese cotton textile products. P

    < /p >

    < p > reporter: what are the links that need to be improved in Binzhou's textile industry? < /p >

    < p > Zhou Hong: Binzhou's cotton textile industry is dominated by primary products with low added value and low profit margins.

    Although there are decorations, bedding, < a target= "_blank" href= "http://www.91se91.com/" > clothing "/a", towels, knitwear, but a smaller proportion.

    There are still structural contradictions in the industrial chain.

    In the future, enterprises should pay more attention to design, research and development, sales and other aspects, and increase their proportion in downstream products.

    < /p >

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