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    The First Double Faced Leather Suede Market In China

    2014/7/2 14:36:00 10


    Recently, Jinjiang City Hongrun shoes Ltd. has successfully developed super real leather. It is reported that the product is the first double-sided sup in China. Leatherwear The product has the characteristics of smooth surface, color more vivid than traditional leather, strong workability and high utilization rate of products. It has been recognized by many shoe manufacturers during the trial promotion stage.

    Hong Zhicong, chairman of Jinjiang Hongrun shoes material Co., Ltd. introduced, "super real leather is the leather product with high technology content which is produced by the company according to the market." We know from the market that the traditional velvet leather is of different levels. Only one side can be used, and the utilization rate is low. In response to the demand for frugality in the market, the company has jointly developed research and development with footwear research institutes to produce products based on market demand. quality Even better than two skin. "

    On the other hand, the innovative product has the characteristics of high environmental protection, high cleanliness and high air permeability compared with the ordinary suede leather products. It does not contain toluene, butanone, MEK, TOL, DMF and other organic solvents from raw materials to processing. "Environmental performance is fully in line with EU ROHS directive requirements, is truly a green product."

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