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    Stable Supply And Demand In Urumqi Apparel Market

    2014/10/9 15:01:00 17

    UrumqiClothing MarketStable Supply And Demand

    The reporter saw in the uzumi amity mall that the clothing brands in the mall have been replaced by the new styles of autumn and winter, and they all played 15% off to 50 percent off promotions. A salesperson said, "autumn in Urumqi is very short. In order to attract consumers, new clothes in autumn will be sold at a discount."

    "Eleven" long holiday sales highlights are seasonal clothing, clothing for the elderly, interior decorations and children's clothing. Friendly shopping mall stakeholders said. In particular, the clothing of the elderly has been selling very well this year. Many families take the old people to the shopping mall during the holidays to buy clothes for the elderly.

    Reporters from other shopping malls in Urumqi also learned that the sales of clothing for the elderly increased this year, and some of the best sellers even sold to break codes.

    A middle-aged and elderly person clothing The manager at the counter said, "before" eleven ", it was not seen that the clothing of the elderly was so popular. It is estimated that this year is a Double Ninth Festival, and the family members are going out for a stroll. The children are filial piety and buy a new dress for the old man.

    In recent years, with people Ways of purchasing The sale of solid clothing stores is not satisfactory. When reporters visited "Urumqi" clothing market during the "eleven" period, they realized that whether they were clothing stores of individual clothing stores, clothing stores or large shopping malls, operators felt the difficulty of clothing sales in physical stores.

    The manager of a shopping mall told reporters: "now young people's shopping habits have been transferred to the Internet, so they can browse different styles of clothing of different brands without leaving home. Even if you see a good dress in a shopping mall, you use your mobile phone to take the product number and go home to buy it online. Over the past two years, online shopping is a very important factor that affects the sales of our stores. "

    But the manager is still confident that "although the current electricity supplier has brought a great impact on our traditional department stores, there are also drawbacks in online shopping, such as the lack of intuitive understanding of the clothing version and so on. Therefore, we now put forward higher requirements for salesmen, not only to sell clothes, but also to "collocation", to teach customers how to match, and how to wash fabrics. This face-to-face service is the advantage of our traditional department stores. "

    according to Autonomous Region Analysis of the relevant personages of textile industry office shows that the clothing prices of department stores in the past few years were too high, which created a "tall" impression on consumers. Now the rapid rise of online shops has brought unprecedented challenges to the physical shopping malls. The physical market is bound to enter the "new normal" with China's economic development. The clothing market also has a process of returning to reason and gradually returning to the acceptable price range of ordinary consumers.

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