Counterfeit Brand Bags Flooded The Vietnamese Market And Were Widely Harbored.
Recently, a large number of fake brand backpacks and all kinds of bags have been flooded with Vietnamese markets. Among them, counterfeit well-known brands include Nike (Nike), Adidas (Adidas), and Leaves King. The existence of counterfeit brands has a negative effect on both genuine retailers and consumers.
These fake brand bags not only have no labels and warranty certificates, but also their prices and designs are varied. All kinds of fake brand bags can be seen in a shopping mall in Hu Zhiming.
For example, a famous Italy. brand The Gucci (Gucci) logo is priced at 650000 Dong Dong (about 31 dollars), and the large handbag marked with the famous French brand crocodile (Lacoste) is priced at 750000 Dong Dong (about $36).
A Vietnam Handbag The manufacturer told reporters that most of the products sold on the Internet are counterfeit products or defective products, or they are of unknown origin. Poor quality products are often referred to as Vietnamese exports or genuine products, making consumers unaware of the truth.
Vietnam? Luggage and bags Nguyen Tri Kien, director of Miti, said that counterfeit products not only harmed the brand of genuine products, but also affected the sales and market share of local producers in Vietnam. Vietnamese consumers have no chance to use authentic products, because they can not distinguish between counterfeit goods and genuine goods.
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According to the British media Undercurrent News reported last Friday, Prada, Prada, Dior (Dior), Nike (Nike), Puma (Puma) and other well-known international enterprises have bought fish skin. As a sustainable alternative resource, the value of fish skin is generally taken seriously.
The Atlantic Leather, which is based in Iceland, has been producing fish skin products for 20 years. Recently, the sales of fish skin have increased. International famous brands such as Prada, Nike and Dior have more and more interest in the skin of Leather.
Swedish designer Hanna Altmann said that the price of fish skin is not much different from that of other animal skins, but the advantage is that customers can buy a small quantity of fish skin rather than buying a cowhide as a whole.
As a by-product of fisheries, fish skin can be used sustainably and is also a good solution for the fishery itself. The growth rate of fish skin demand is much faster than that of supply, which makes the price rise sharply.
In addition to bringing benefits to promote sustainable development, the Cecile Brugere of Stockholm Environmental Institute, Sweden, says it can also create employment opportunities in existing processing areas.
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