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    Hainan Shoe Industry: Take The "Internet +" Dongfeng To Build Its Own Brand

    2015/8/16 18:35:00 16

    Hainan Footwear IndustryInternet +Independent Brand

    Though it started late,

    South China Sea

    The electricity providers are catching up and have made some breakthroughs.

    Last year, on Saturday, the proportion of shoes business electricity business revenue accounted for the company's business income has increased to 13.67%; camels and other well-known brand headquarters also entered the water last year, only "double 11" on the day to complete sales of 420 million yuan.

    The footwear industry in the South China Sea has formed a mature and mature industrial chain. There are as many as more than 2000 enterprises in the whole industrial chain. However, with the decrease of dividends from population and land,

    Transformation and upgrading

    It is no longer a slogan, but an imminent problem.

    The survival and development, pformation and upgrading of the traditional footwear industry are all about keeping the production and marketing chain smooth.

    With the advent of the Internet + era, the electricity supplier as an innovation in sales mode has become one of the directions of breakthroughs.


    Online retailers

    No geographical restrictions, no physical shop display restrictions, there are more innovative ways of marketing, for example, can be integrated into the game, red envelopes or public chips.

    In addition, we can make use of big data and plan products better according to consumers' preferences. "

    Xiao Yisheng, manager of camel's public relations department, said that the proportion of sales under the company's online and offline sales is 3:7, and this year's sales increase by about 20%-30% compared with last year.

    "The electricity supplier is the general trend, now enters the fast lane, you also have to go up, does not have to be able to go up."

    Lun Yongqian, President of the footwear industry association of Nanhai, said that in the business sector, there are still independent brands that do well. "Independent brand is the most basic thing. Otherwise, how can others trust you and compete with others?"

    In Lin Jianyi's view, the South China Sea shoe industry is not short of technology. "We only have technology and no brand, not to be remembered. We need to make independent brands in pformation, otherwise we will be trapped in our lifeblood."

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    The South China Sea shoe industry is now opening a new life cycle.

    At present, the total size of the shoe industry in the South China Sea accounts for about 1/5 of Guangdong's total, while the Guangdong shoe industry accounts for more than half of the total output of the country.

    Under the pressure of the current shoe sales in the national shoe market and the weakening of various traditional dividends, how to achieve "Phoenix Nirvana" in the reshuffle of the shoe companies in the South China Sea has once again become the dominant force in the market and has become the focus of attention.

    In the era of industrial 4 and the "Internet +" draught, the South China Sea shoe industry is making full use of its strength to innovate and start business, and has launched a series of attempts, such as cooperating with the fashion design community in Italy, exploring personalized customization, and creating regional collective brands.

    In the 60s and 70s of last century, the world's shoe making centers were developed in Europe and the United States and other developed countries. In 80s, they moved to countries and regions with relatively low manufacturing costs such as Japan, Taiwan, Korea and so on. In 90s, they moved to coastal areas such as Guangdong, Zhejiang and Wenzhou, where production costs were lower.

    Since 2004, the domestic shoe industry has also seen the trend of "shifting East shoes to the west".

    Since 2007, the world footwear industry has begun to shift to countries with lower labour costs, such as Vietnam and India.

    Lin Jianyi said recently that the association visited enterprises and found that the production of this year was generally down by about 30% compared with the same period last year, and the decline of the finished footwear enterprises was serious.

    The increase of manpower cost has become the biggest burden of enterprises.

    "The factory is sandwiched cake, workers wages rise, social welfare treatment has been required, the price of guest orders is declining.

    Since the beginning of this year, the wages of workers have increased by 200 yuan, and the average wage has risen to 4000 yuan.

    Gan Shaozhou, chairman of Foshan synchronized shoe industry technology Co., Ltd., counted out an account for reporters. According to the company's over 100 employees, the monthly wage increase has increased by more than 20 thousand yuan this year, and the company has more than 240 thousand yuan a year.

    The company's sales last year were less than 20 million.

    Despite rising wages, there is still a big gap in high-end talent.

    "Even if I get a monthly salary of 20 thousand yuan, many people prefer to stay in Shenzhen with a monthly salary of only 15 thousand yuan.

    Two or three Tsinghua doctors were recruited before they left.

    They feel that in the two or three tier cities, there will be little room for future development. "

    Guo Huazhong said that the problem of talent is the biggest problem at present.

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