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    SOE Reform: The Number Of Supporting Documents May Exceed Expectations.

    2015/10/5 16:16:00 33

    State Owned Enterprises ReformSupporting DocumentsEconomic Policies

    The guiding opinions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on deepening the reform of state-owned enterprises are promulgated (hereinafter referred to as "guiding opinions"), and the long-awaited top-level design plan of state-owned enterprises has been "boots landing", and the restructuring of state-owned enterprises has started a new round of speed increase and efficiency.

    Unlike the goals of the last round of reform, this round of reform will involve more institutional and institutional problems, and will also involve complicated and existing interests. The guiding opinions clearly point out that the goal of "achieving the phased results in key areas in 2020, basically completing the reform of state-owned enterprises and cultivating a large number of backbone enterprises with international competitiveness" is time and task.

    Since 2013, a series of questions have been solved, such as the following questions: how to solve the problems, how to solve the problems in supporting policies, what kind of state-owned enterprises to be built in the future, how to establish coordination mechanisms among ministries, what actions to be taken in the consolidation of central enterprises, how to handle historical packages such as factory run society, and how to solve the problem of market pay and brain drain.

    It can be expected that the supporting documents will continue to be selectively open. The first batch should focus on the classification of state-owned enterprises, employee stock ownership and so on.

    The basic policy has been clear, the key is in implementation, success or failure is also being implemented.

    Li Keqiang also emphasized the importance and urgency of the reform of state-owned enterprises many times.

    "Guidance" is biased in principle and programmatic, and the details of subsequent supporting documents will be deployed.

    One person involved in the drafting of the document said that the SASAC, together with the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of personnel and social affairs, spent two years to draw up a number of supporting documents, and many central enterprises also participated in the discussion.

    In September 24th, the State Council issued the "opinions on the development of mixed ownership economy in state owned enterprises". An important supporting document was published and the reform accelerated further.

    Reporters learned that finalized

    Supporting documents

    The number may exceed the expectations of the outside world. In addition to salary reform, integration of state-owned enterprises and the loss of state assets, it will also deploy in the fields of corporate social responsibility, Party building, modern enterprise system, electricity sector reform, oil and gas reform, and northeast state enterprise reform.

    The last round of the reform of state-owned enterprises lasted for decades. During this period, disputes continued. Some even believed that the new reform would weaken the status of state-owned enterprises, and put state-owned enterprises and private enterprises on the opposite side. Until the issuance of the "guiding opinions", many prejudices would be broken down one by one.

    According to the "guidance", state-owned enterprises and private enterprises complement each other. We must adhere to the important position of state-owned enterprises in the development of the country and insist on making the state-owned enterprises bigger and stronger.

    The guiding opinions comprehensively and detailedly delineated the direction and key points of the whole reform. Analysts believe that the following key supporting policies need to be answered clearly.

    First, how to make state-owned enterprises truly become independent market players.

    All circles look forward to adhering to the separation of government from enterprises, separation of government and capital, separation of ownership from management rights, insisting on the unification of rights, obligations and responsibilities, and persisting in the solution of the combination of incentive mechanism and constraint mechanism.

    The detailed rules are expected to be detailed in the documents on regulating the corporate governance structure of state-owned enterprises.

    The two is how to strengthen the supervision of state-owned assets by means of capital management.

    Experts expect that, in view of this, it is expected to introduce documents on the pformation of state-owned assets supervision mode. On the one hand, it requests the SASAC to pform from management enterprises into management capital, establish power list and list of responsibilities, "two lists", and at the same time achieve "three homing", which should be placed in enterprises by matters of independent decision-making of enterprises, and will extend to sub enterprises' management matters in principle.

    On the other hand, the reform of state-owned capital is authorized.

    Management system

    We will reorganize and form a state-owned capital investment and operation company.

    Moreover, we should optimize the capital structure and optimize the direction and scope of state-owned capital investment.

    At present, the SASAC has owned three new state owned companies, including new China holding, state open investment and China Cheng Tong. Some of them will be gradually restructured and new companies will be formed.

    Moreover, the state-owned assets of operation will be centralized and unified, and a state-owned capital management budget system covering all state-owned enterprises and hierarchical management will be established.

    Three, how to prevent the loss of state assets and curb corruption.

    Among them, according to the "three line of defense" proposed by the guidance, strengthening the "two categories of accountability", and the detailed rules on strengthening and improving the supervision of state-owned assets and preventing the loss of state assets, the supervision function of the SASAC has been strengthened unprecedentedly.

    The four is how to stimulate vitality through reform.

    In this regard, salary is needed.


    The corresponding policies are put forward in many aspects, such as employee stock ownership, functional classification and positioning.

    For example, in accordance with the law, we should implement the statutory property rights and management autonomy of enterprises, promote the deep integration of state-owned enterprises and the market, establish a hierarchical system of leadership classification, market selection of business level, differential remuneration, etc.

    All kinds of managerial personnel should be encouraged to open recruitment and competition.

    Another problem is to deal well with the relationship between the reform of state-owned enterprises and the public.

    According to the "guidance" and the Ministry of finance, by 2020, the ratio of state assets income to public finance will be raised to 30%, more for protecting and improving people's livelihood, and pferring some state-owned capital to enrich the social security fund, so that the public will benefit directly.

    Moreover, public participation in supervision and reform will also be enhanced.

    Not only will the employees' representatives be added to the board of directors of the state-owned enterprises, but also the market recruitment system of staff performance appraisal and classified classification will be implemented.

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