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    Some Tips For Running A Clothing Store

    2015/10/20 16:48:00 18


    To operate


    Stores, each clothing store owner has a set of methods and skills.

    However, the competition in the clothing industry is fierce now. Once the methods and techniques are deviant, it is likely that the clothing store will suffer heavy losses or even be eliminated.

    Therefore, the clothing store owner should learn some clothing store's business secrets to ensure the successful operation of the clothing store.

    Next, Xiaobian shares with you some tips on how to run a clothing store. I hope you can learn the information you need and use it in the clothing store.

    First, pay attention to store clothing and publicity.

    If the shop location is not on the busy street, the people passing by do not have the need to purchase clothes. Then the clothing layout of the shop is very important. The door can be hung with a unique and unique collocation, the purpose is to attract people to see.

    The brand breaks the code, the shopping mall monopoly draws off the cabinet and so on the mark to be able to awaken to hang out.

    In a word, as long as you can attract customers to the method in the store, you can try it.

    Two. Contrast method.

    No matter what the psychological feeling of price or beauty is, it is known after comparison.

    Therefore, we should compare and sell the main garments. When the customers choose the clothes to sell, they will put the clothes with high quality and high price next to them, so that the customers can compare them with themselves.

    For example, selling silk fabrics, putting silk fabrics on the next side, and telling the customers how to distinguish that feeling is completely different from the feeling after wearing.

    Even if the price is higher, people are willing to spend more money on it.

    Three. Leaders in the crowd.

    A large number of low-priced goods can bring popularity. Chinese people love to follow suit. Most people can't make up their minds. There are always one or two natural leaders in a group of people. Their words are especially influential, so they should stimulate their speeches more. Once they are enthusiastic and commenting on this is a real brand, those who are reasonably priced and know the goods will speed up the judgement of the people around them.

    For such customers, if they do not see the water in the mountains, they can bring a lot of customers to you, and they will also sell you a lot.

    Four, develop clothing knowledge and collocation knowledge

    Shopkeepers should know something about clothing knowledge and collocation, and show them how they can distinguish clothing from their customers.


    , staining,


    The difference between good clothes and bad clothes, how to match them, etc.

    The more customers know about clothes, the more willing they are to buy your clothes.

    Through the above four methods, the clothing store can successfully create the selling point, and at the same time, increase the customer's return rate.

    Over time, business will be very prosperous.

    Clothing owners can make a reference in the process of running clothing stores.

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