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    What Is The Brand That Lets Consumers Perceive You And Remember You?

    2015/10/22 16:41:00 36

    Children'S ShoesShoesClothes

    In this era of information explosion, what is the brand that lets consumers perceive you and remember you? In this impetuous age, does a brand bear the consideration of slow pace of intensive farming? CAMKIDS "2015 China"

    Children's shoes

    "Excellent brand", it uses the concept of "walking with love" to connect with each other, and with perseverance and bit of effort and fragment culture, a warm and vivid picture is found in the minds of consumers.

       Hong Qinming, deputy general manager of Jinjiang Mingwei shoes and Garments Co., Ltd.

    Hong Qinming, deputy general manager of Jinjiang Mingwei shoes and Garments Co., Ltd.

    In June 15th, at the Beijing forum of the leather industry brand conference and the 2015 China real leather logo / bags / children's shoes top prize presentation ceremony, we interviewed the brand operator of CAMKIDS, Jinjiang, Ming Wei.

    Shoes and clothing

    Hong Qinming, deputy general manager of the limited company, hung Tong's unique views on shaping brand culture and marketing strategies in the Internet era, let us feel the charm and demeanor of the new generation of Chinese shoe brands.

    Turn the brand culture of "walking with love" into brand DNA

    Reporter: in the situation of relatively low market in recent years, the sales of CAMKIDS online and offline have achieved good results. Can you share with us the successful experience of brand building?

    Hong Qinming: there are many factors in the success of any enterprise. First of all, we want to thank the founder of the brand, chairman Zhang, for the success of brand positioning.

    Over the past two years, the outdoor topics of parents have been constantly warming up. Our brand of less outdoor brands can be said to be born and ready.

    In addition, our team attaches great importance to brand and products. Product development has always been the chairman of the board. He is the chief designer of our brand.


    Shoes, accessories, each product research and development plan, he personally asked.

    Every year, he takes the R & D team around the world to visit the market and absorb advanced design concepts.

    The third point is about the brand's genes and culture. What we have been doing is embedding the brand culture of the enterprise into the minds of consumers. We hope that the brand culture of "walking with love" will become DNA of the brand, and flow into the body of consumers like blood.

    Our brand culture is "walking with love". The specific landing is to protect children's safety. The promotion from design to product is centered around this core.


    For example, our products have many patents, but they are all done around this point. Now we have launched the popular GPS positioning products and so on in 2012. We also have seven hole lighting shoes, that is, the products that are luminous at night are also launched before.

    Our anti-skid patents have nearly 20 years of patent time, as well as outdoor functions such as waterproofing, wind protection, moisture permeability, anti abrasion and so on. These are all about how to protect children's outgoing safety, so that children can experience nature better under all kinds of complex and harsh external conditions.

    From the perspective of brand promotion, a lot of brand promotion activities are carried out every year. For example, what is being done is to take the children out, encourage parents to take their children out of doors, let children experience more communication and communication with nature, instead of restricting children to tutoring or learning. In fact, taking part in more outdoor activities is conducive to the development of children's intelligence and mental ability.

    In the fourth quarter of warm winter action, from the perspective of pure public welfare, families were encouraged to donate their children's 80% new coats to the poorer mountainous areas that needed more. Through this activity, we hope that the love of vulnerable groups in society can be passed on to the next generation, and can be pmitted to more places, allowing more people and places to understand this love and let it pass on.

    We also did a lot of public welfare activities, such as last week in Changchun, an autistic child care activities, also subsidized the need for dreams of college students involved in Sichuan Tibet bank and so on.

    We hope that this fragmented culture can be stitched into a very beautiful pattern after 10 or 20 years.

    Therefore, from the brand positioning to late promotion, and interaction with consumers, these are accumulated bit by bit, so that we can achieve certain results in children's shoes market.

    Every store is a media, every product is a good article.

    Reporter: the brand of children's shoes is already very common in the electricity supplier. Each brand has different positioning and strategy in Tmall or other electronic business platforms. How do you locate and operate the brand?

    Hong Qinming: first of all, it depends on where you are positioning the platform. If your position is profitable, you must operate in a profitable way. If your position is to clean the stock, you must operate in the way of stock cleaning.

    So how do we locate Tmall? There are at least two functions, one is the promotion of online brands, Tmall has 80 million active users a day, it is the best portals, and the advertising input of all portals is still less focused on Tmall, and it is very precise.

    Therefore, we have done a lot of online and offline promotion activities, how to let online customers flow into the offline, so that offline customers can participate in the online activities, such as the activities we took to bring children out, we also launched at Tmall stores and Jingdong stores.

    The way we move is to take your children out to play, take a picture of the store, or the public address of WeChat as a successful activity, and send you a hat or stationery as a gift.

    The second step is that we choose 100 families' photos in all the successful families and put them on the official website uniformly, and vote online. The last three families get free trips to Hainan, Xiamen or Dalian 7 days.

    Based on this positioning, we will not clean up large quantities of stocks or fight price war, but we must achieve the same price on line and offline.

    The second is to let more users to experience our products, because our shops can not be opened to all parts of the country, but the tentacles of the Internet can be extended far, so every year we will put the best products on the line, the best products will also be placed online, and then redesign the goods according to the online customer needs and feedback, and finally put the inventory on line, but the amount is very small, and will be less and less.


    So I think if you lose the positioning of Tmall platform, or give it too much expectation, you may not be satisfied.

    Our sales in Tmall are also general in terms of reports, but if we take into account the value of brand promotion, we will still win.

    In fact, in the era of Internet plus, the way consumers accept information and brand has changed greatly.

    In the past era, we had little information to contact, but now it is an era of information explosion. If you are as advertised as before, it will be very bad if you spread the net in a big way.

    It's hard for you to let others see you, remember you and consume you.

    Therefore, we have made clear two directions from the beginning. The first way is: every shop is our own media. Every product is a good soft text. This is our location for the store.

    Therefore, our shelves and shelves are the most expensive among our peers. Upgrading is the fastest, because good products and good products rely more on word of mouth.

    The second is to interact with consumers more closely, so that consumers can try product experience, after sale experience and use experience, let him like your products to like your brand, and constantly increase contact with products.

    For today's more impetuous society, what we are doing may be slow, but accumulated bit by bit.

    Maintain a leading attitude and responsibility, go ahead and do a good job in the Chinese market.

    Reporter: CAMKIDS won the honorary title of "2015 Chinese children's shoes brand". How do you feel and what is the vision for the future?

    Hong Qinming: youth is stronger than China.

    We have been concerned about the efforts of Chinese teenagers.

    We have been correcting our own positioning. At the very beginning, we are targeting 8-18 years old, mainly young outdoors. We extend the age to 5 by 2012. By 2016, we may drag the age down to 1 years old. The top may only be 15 years old. The product will be divided into three segments, from 1-3 years old, 3-8 years old to 8-15 years old.

    In 2016, there will also be some outdoor extensions in some yards. Now we are converting camels into "CAMPKIDS" trademarks, so we will rely on international resources.

    For example, we will work together with Man Wai to develop and design the extended products such as the American captain 3: civil war.

    Before we locate the market, China has not put forward the concept of outdoors for young people, so we will remain ahead of our duties and responsibilities.

    China's market is very large. We still need to concentrate on the market and dig deeply.

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