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    How Many Cotton Farmers Intend To Continue Growing Cotton In The Yellow River Basin In 2016?

    2016/1/15 10:23:00 35

    Cotton And Cotton In The The Yellow River River Basin

    As the Spring Festival approaches, the gossip is also much more obvious.

    Many people believe that the the Yellow River River Basin in 2016

    Cotton yield

    It will be reduced by more than 30% on the basis of 2015.

    But the author thinks that cotton farmers, professional cotton farmers and some suitable cotton areas will still insist on planting cotton, so the cotton industry in the Yellow River River Basin will not fall.

    As for whether the cotton planting area of the Yellow River River Basin in 2016 is really reduced, we can only wait for the result quietly.

    Over the past few decades, there are many old cotton farmers like Zhao master in the the Yellow River River Valley. They recognized cotton, "good, and bad, and also planted". They are loyal fans of cotton.

    In 2015, the cotton production in Shandong, Hebei, Henan, Tianjin and other places in the the Yellow River basin has been greatly reduced, so how many cotton farmers intend to continue in 2016?

    Seed cotton

    Some old cotton farmers do not change their minds.

    Hebei Cangzhou cotton farmers Zhao master in 2015 cotton 3.7 acres, all is their own responsibility field.

    Master Zhao said he had more than 20 years' experience in planting cotton, but never expanded.

    This is the "one mu three points" of its own, which grows year after year and does not fall for a year.

    "This year we grow less cotton, but that does not mean that there is no market for cotton."

    Master Zhao said that he thought cotton could not be defeated, and that 20 years of wind and rain had come. What was this little thing in 2015?

    Some specialized households are also sticking to it.

    There is such a company in Zhengzhou, Henan, which integrates cotton breeding, planting and scientific research.

    The person in charge of the company said that in 2015, they had breeding and planting bases throughout the country, and their stalls were not small.

    "No cotton seed? What is cotton? Cotton is our root, our lifeline."

    The director said that in 2016, they will not only abandon cotton, but also increase their scientific research efforts to produce high-quality cotton seeds, especially to accelerate the experiment and popularization of machine picked cotton.

    Of course, not all specialized households are as tall as Henan company. There are many individual specialized households who lost a lot of cotton seeds in 2015, but some say they will stick to it.

    Mr. Yu said in Zhengzhou, Henan, that the cotton fell to the floor in 2015. He did not believe that there was a basement under the floor. All these years, he had suffered too much from cotton seeds.

    Other cotton growing areas will also grow cotton.

    In Eastern Hebei, northern Shandong, Shandong and other areas belong to saline alkali soil, suitable for cotton planting, and most of them can contract cotton planting, contracting costs are only 100-200 yuan / mu, and individual land does not even need contract fees.

    A cotton grower in Dongying, Shandong said that the contracted cost of local cotton seed cultivation is 200 yuan per mu. If we get cotton subsidy, we will save the contract fee.

    These preferential conditions have attracted many cotton farmers in the field to cultivate cotton.

    In addition, cotton growth was good in 2015. The average yield reached 400 Jin / mu, and the gross profit was 1200 yuan / Mu at the selling price of 3 yuan / Jin.

    In this way, both the contract fee and the irrigation fee are saved.

    "The eastern coastal area is suitable for growing cotton and is suitable for popularization of machine picked cotton."

    A market source said that the biggest difficulty of cotton planting in the mainland is that there are more workers. It is imperative to popularize cotton picking. These areas provide resources and experience for popularizing cotton picking.

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