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    How Much Is Smart Printing And Dyeing?

    2019/7/5 17:39:00 0

    Intelligent Printing And Dyeing

    Embracing the industrial Internet has become a common trend among the government and printing and dyeing enterprises. Some printing and dyeing enterprises have stepped ahead, upgrading the traditional industries by means of industrial Internet and intelligent manufacturing.

    As a pilot unit in the industrial area, Zhejiang province's traditional textile manufacturing industry upgrading and printing and dyeing industry transformation and upgrading, Keqiao district has a high proportion of profits and taxes in traditional industries, and it is difficult to upgrade textile printing and dyeing. Promoting intelligent manufacturing and industrial Internet construction is particularly important for Keqiao's industrial transformation and upgrading.

    At present, the government, industry and enterprises are so concerned about intelligent manufacturing, which is unprecedented. What are the signals of frequent initiatives? What is the trend of the development of Keqiao's printing and dyeing industry? Without doubt, after printing and dyeing industry in Keqiao, the printing and dyeing industry network and intelligent manufacturing have become the direction of Keqiao printing and dyeing enterprises to actively embrace.

    After gathering and upgrading, printing and dyeing boss meets new troubles.

    A single piece of white cloth can be operated by computer and robotic arm from the beginning of the warehouse. Into the Keqiao printing and dyeing gathering area, printing and dyeing automation production can be seen everywhere, and even has reached the international advanced level.

    Investing hundreds of millions of yuan, powerful enterprises have introduced Germany, Korea, Japan and other world-class automation equipment, and the general enterprises are also one of the most automated equipment in China. After printing and dyeing in Keqiao, the printing and dyeing enterprises stepped onto the stage of advanced manufacturing.

    The data show that the printing and dyeing enterprises in Keqiao district have increased to more than 60% of the international advanced automation equipment from the original equipment with high energy consumption, high pollution and high consumption of materials, and the innovation ability of enterprises has been significantly improved, and the quality and efficiency of the whole industry has continued to rise.

    "However, from the perspective of the huge output of advanced equipment, the profit is somewhat helpless." A boss in Keqiao who has been dyeing and printing for more than 20 years says that the investment is large and the profit is small.

    How to make a good horse run fast must be fitted with a good saddle. The boss took the time to spare time, and went to Xinchang with Keqiao dyeing and Printing Association for 4 consecutive visits to visit Xinchang's traditional industries for intelligent manufacturing.

    "Similarly, traditional industries, such as Xinchang bearing and other traditional industries, have successfully transformed into intelligent manufacturing enterprises. The secret is to add information-based intelligent projects to equipment technology. The overall production cost and labor force have decreased greatly, and the quality of products and the efficiency of equipment have been greatly improved. This experience is worthy of reference for our printing and dyeing industry and enterprises." The entrepreneur concluded his visit after many visits.

    Maximize efficiency of equipment

    Some printing and dyeing enterprises are eager to try.

    "The industrial Internet is getting closer and closer to our industrial production, but there must be three stages, namely, the automation equipment stage, the information management stage and the intelligent production stage, and the advanced equipment can maximize the benefits." Zhang Xiaoming, the national "1000 person plan" special expert and director of the textile industry datacenter center of China Textile City Group, has been studying Keqiao textile printing and dyeing big data, and has been tracking the development trend of Keqiao printing and dyeing enterprise industrial Internet for a long time. He said that at present, they are pilot projects in 3 printing and dyeing enterprises, relying on the industrial Internet means to explore a one-time success rate of 100% items of dyeing cylinder, hoping to let more entrepreneurs taste the sweetness and embrace the industrial Internet better.

    For enterprises, to achieve the industrial Internet for their own development, to achieve this step requires large-scale and strong foundation. In Keqiao, some powerful and capable printing and dyeing enterprises have been put into the stage of information management, and some even invested huge sums in building intelligent production.

    Stepping into the industrial Internet

    How far is the gap between printing and dyeing in Keqiao?

    At present, it is the general trend to promote the industrial Internet and intelligence. Whoever takes the initiative will take the initiative. Whoever will take the initiative first will benefit first; whoever will take the lead will occupy the commanding heights. "At present, some printing and dyeing enterprises in Keqiao district have made plans for information construction in advance, and have made a series of valuable explorations and attempts, and achieved positive results." According to the relevant person in charge of the Keqiao economic and Trade Bureau, however, compared with counterparts in Guangdong and Shandong, the transformation of Keqiao's printing and dyeing enterprises is relatively late, with relatively weak foundation, slow progress and low overall level. Especially with the operation of printing and dyeing gathering enterprises, the contradiction between the upgrading of hardware equipment and the serious lag of informatization has become increasingly prominent, which has become a major obstacle to the transformation and upgrading of industries.

      There are three main reasons for this:

    One is the idea. Entrepreneurs are willing to invest in hardware, but they are generally weak in consciousness, lack of determination and lack of enthusiasm for soft inputs such as informatization construction. Most of them are in wait and see stage. At the same time, front-line employees and senior managers of enterprises are opposed to new things.

    The two is industry characteristics. Most of the printing and dyeing enterprises in Keqiao district are small and medium-sized enterprises, mainly based on order processing, with diverse product categories, different production materials, complex technical equipment, variable process parameters, and lack of professional personnel. It is difficult to achieve breakthroughs by relying on the strength of individual enterprises.

    The three is the development atmosphere. Due to various factors, the industry lacks a number of truly information-based leading enterprises at present. The level of informatization between enterprises is uneven, and there is no rational echelon of enterprise informatization construction.

    Industrial network platform for Keqiao printing and dyeing to enhance "pave the way"

    Large enterprises sing opera and small and medium-sized enterprises are surrounded. This is an embarrassing situation in the process of intelligent enterprises in many areas. Keqiao printing and dyeing enterprises are typical.

    If we want to become rich, we should first build roads and intelligent manufacturing, first build platforms, and first we will pave the way. In recent years, around the transformation and upgrading of the textile, dyeing and manufacturing industry and upgrading of provincial pilot projects, the industrial network platform in Keqiao has begun to take shape. The 1+N industrial Internet platform has been built with emphasis on the textile and dyeing industry.

    "1" is in the textile printing and dyeing industry chain collaboration platform, there are light textile city group Keqiao textile industry big data service platform.

    At the end of the textile design, there are "tile culture" textile fabric design service and copyright protection cloud platform; at the end of the creative supply side, there is "Arun mall" textile and dyeing and printing industry procurement and supply business platform; at the end of intelligent manufacturing, the textile industry collaborative manufacturing service cloud platform with "thinking intelligence" is designed to open up the cloud integration of textile and dyeing industry from raw materials, equipment, design, manufacture to market, transaction and service. "N" is in production, design,

    Printing and dyeing enterprises have decided to take the road of intelligence. However, the integration of traditional industries into new technologies such as intelligent manufacturing, industrial Internet and so on is not achieved overnight. It needs a complete and systematic industrial ecology. It needs the concerted efforts of the government, industry and enterprises, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises.

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