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    The "World Textile Capital" Has Been Comprehensively Deepened To The Outside World.

    2019/10/10 18:17:00 14

    The WorldTextileOpening To The Outside World

    The reporter learned from China Textile and urban construction management committee that the first three quarters of this year, China's textile city group realized 123 billion 488 million yuan, an increase of 10.48% over the previous year, of which the fabric market turnover was 82 billion 2 million yuan, an increase of 14.22% over the same period last year, and the turnover of the Qian Qing raw material market was 41 billion 486 million yuan, up 3.76% over the same period last year. At the same time, the volume of online trading reached 38 billion 752 million yuan, an increase of 31.71% over the same period last year. The "online and offline" trading volume of the Textile City amounted to 162 billion 240 million yuan.

    Facing the complex and changeable economic situation, China's light textile city can maintain steady growth, and the trend is red. This is mainly due to a series of transformation and upgrading measures around the construction goal of the "international textile capital" in the new era: constantly enhancing the transformation and upgrading efforts, continuing to expand the opening to the outside world, strengthening the leading role of fashion, and improving the main market function. The goal of "green and green" is ahead.

    The launching of the big data service platform for textile industry has inserted the wings of intelligent development for high-end textiles. The implementation of "monthly exhibition and daily fashion" has continuously promoted the popularity and reputation of the textile city of Keqiao; the promotion of the "Silk Road Combridge Bouman global" action plan has strengthened the integration and linkage with the global textile industry chain.

    The 2019 Second World cloth merchants conference, autumn Textile Fair, autumn fashion week and other heavy activities have just concluded, and the "Keqiao moment" will be opened again. The Expo attracted more than 50 buyers and purchasers from different countries and regions to visit and purchase. During the 3 days, 43849 spectators entered the field. Compared with the last autumn fair, the number of visitors increased by 9.1%, of which 8750 were overseas buyers. "Ke Wang textile" has a grey cloth supermarket in the grey market of China Textile City. It has participated in the exhibition of "doorstep" many times. The company official said, relying on participating in the exhibition promotion and constantly improving the quality of products, the company's customers all over the world. The first three quarters of this year, sales volume continued to rise, and full confidence in the future development.

    The wind rises and the sail rises. Today's textile city is bidding farewell to the "meager profit era" and usher in a new era of high quality development driven by scientific and technological innovation. Next, the light textile city will continue to focus on the goal of the "international textile capital" in the new era, further seize opportunities and upgrade benchmarks, accelerate the transformation and upgrading of the Textile City, and promote the development of the market in an international, fashion and intelligent direction.

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