Attention Of E-Commerce: Investment Rules Of Tmall'S Double 11 In 2020 Officially Announced
As the annual global shopping carnival season, tmall double 11 has been officially announced in 2020.
According to the official introduction of tmall, the registration entrance of the game will be opened in the spot registration stage of double 11, and the merchants of double 11 activity can sign up independently, and the products of the game will get the personalized resources of the whole link of the game. In order to better fit the theme of the event, the platform will focus on inviting some kinds of activity merchants to sign up.
This year's tmall double 11 activities are divided into two waves. The first wave is "tmall double 11 rush to buy first", and the second wave is "tmall double 11 global Carnival day". From now on to September 24, businesses can participate in the registration, and the commodity declaration is divided into two bands.
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