China Light And Textile City: Sales Of Polyester And Cotton Fabrics Are Still Smooth In Autumn
During the National Day mid autumn holiday, the transaction volume of traditional market in China Textile City decreased, but polyester and cotton fabrics continued to sell well in autumn, and the spot market volume of autumn T / C polyester and cotton fabrics was still relatively large. In the light textile city cotton market, there are still many varieties of T / C polyester cotton in autumn, spot transaction and order sending are still active, and the sales of yarn dyed fabric in autumn continues to go smoothly. Autumn T / C polyester cotton layout department of a variety of interactive, local sales smooth. The creative pattern fabric wins by the new, and the added value of the product is still improved. In autumn, local orders of T / C polyester cotton continued to increase, and the delivery of yarn dyed fabrics in autumn continued to increase.
Single batch dyeing of polyester / cotton fabric was carried out in 32c / T, and the dyeing process of polyester / cotton fabric was continuously increased. With T / C polyester cotton 65 / 35 yarn, 80 / 20 yarn 32S × 32S, 130 × 70 full process dyeing polyester cotton fine twill cloth, 148cm fabric Bureau Department delivered goods in mid market, Liaoning Haicheng Xiliu market shipment volume increased correspondingly, Shandong Jimo still had small and medium-sized batch shipment, Jiangxi Nanchang, Hunan Shaoyang, Jiangsu Danyang, Yangzhou, Zhejiang Wenzhou, Yiwu, Shanghai and Tianjin Bulk delivery.
T / C polyester / cotton 65 / 35 yarn, 70 / 30 yarn, 80 / 20 yarn, 21s × 21s, 124 × 69 machine dyed double-sided polyester card, pad dyed double-sided polyester card fabric with 150cm door width, some large-scale outlets still have small and medium-sized batch delivery, Fujian Shishi, Jiangsu Yangzhou, Liaoning Haicheng Xiliu market, Shandong Jimo, Zhejiang Hangzhou still have small and medium-sized batch delivery.
With T / C polyester cotton 65 / 35 yarn, 80 / 20 yarn 32S × 32S, 130 × 70 full process dyeing polyester cotton fine twill cloth door width 148cm, the small and medium-sized batch delivery of fabric Bureau Department in Liaoning Haicheng Xiliu market increased correspondingly, Shandong Jimo still had small and medium-sized batch shipment, Jiangxi Nanchang, Hunan Shaoyang and Jiangsu Danyang, Yangzhou, Zhejiang Wenzhou and Yiwu in Zhejiang, Shanghai and Tianjin also had medium and small batch deliveries Small batch delivery.
We also have the flat fabric of Tianjin 218cm / 24s, 218cm / 168cm / 168c. T / C polyester cotton 65 / 35 yarn, 80 / 20 yarn, 20s × 20s, 108 × 58 full process dyeing polyester cotton yarn card door width 148cm, fabric Bureau Department City small and medium-sized batch delivery, Shandong Jimo, Liaoning Haicheng Xiliu market, Jiangsu Changshu and Zhejiang Yiwu local stores still have small and medium-sized batch delivery, especially Shandong Jimo, Liaoning Haicheng Xiliu market.
The number of orders of T / C machine dyeing Khaki Bureau increased, and the local transaction volume of 150cm fabric increased. T / C45 / 55 yarn 32S × 32S, 96 × 56, t / C65 / 35 yarn 14s × 14s, 83 × 51, t / C45 / 55 yarn 21s × 21s, 108 × 58, t / C50 / 50 yarn 21s × 21s, 108 × 58, t / C50 / 50 yarn 21s × 21s, 108 × 58 Light blue, special black and other colors of fabrics in local markets, there are still small and medium-sized batch delivery. T / C65 / 35 yarn 21s × 21s, 124 × 69 double-sided khaki, t / C70 / 30 yarn 22s × 22s, 124 × 69 double-sided Khaki with door width of 150cm can be delivered in small and medium-sized batches.
T / C65 / 35 yarn 21s / 2 × 10s, 72 × 40 gauge pad dyed Zhufan door width 150cm fabric, Liaoning Haicheng Xiliu market, Jiangxi Nanchang, Shandong Jimo, Jiangsu Yangzhou and Zhejiang Hangzhou Jiubao are still in small and medium-sized batches. Small batch dyeing and partial dyeing of cotton fabric with small batch dyeing of small cotton in Shandong Province, Changzhu City, Shandong Province, Zhejiang Province, Zhejiang Province Shipment.
In autumn, partial orders of T / C T / C thickened type gauze cards increased. For t / C polyester cotton 65 / 35 yarn, 80 / 20 yarn 20s × 16S, 128 × 60 thickened pad dyeing, machine dyeing, dark blue, dark grey, light gray, Tibetan blue and other color fabrics, the delivery of some large-scale stores increased, and the shipment of Xiliu market in Haicheng, Liaoning continued to increase. T / C polyester cotton 65 / 35 yarn, 80 / 20 yarn 21s × 21s, 88 × 64 pad dyeing, machine dyed plain cloth part of the large-scale business delivery increased, Liaoning Haicheng Xiliu market, Tianjin and other places small batch multi batch delivery increased. T / C T / C 65 / 35 yarn, 80 / 20 yarn, 21s / 2 × 10s, 72 × 40 pad dyed canvas increased in part of the large-scale business, and the small batch and multi batch delivery of Liaoning Haicheng Xiliu market increased.
Some large-scale business outlets or have printing, embroidery and other processing enterprises, and the physical fabric industry of front shop and back factory style. The new autumn patterned fabrics developed by the company occupy the market advantage, and the order taking and sending have also increased in recent days.
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