Local Hot Spot: Shanxi Caijia Printing And Dyeing Co., Ltd. Has Made Remarkable Achievements In Technological Innovation
Since 2020, all staff of Caijia company have overcome the epidemic situation and made joint efforts. In the first three quarters, compared with the same period last year, the output value has increased by 13.8%, the quality has been steadily improved, and innovation and development have made certain achievements.
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On October 11-13, at the "2020 national energy conservation and environmental protection annual meeting of printing and dyeing industry" held in Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province, the "transformation scheme of mercerizing machine alkali leaching system" presided over by Chai Zhidong, the general manager of the company, was listed in the "14th batch of recommended directory of advanced technologies for energy conservation and emission reduction of China's printing and dyeing industry". Chai Zhidong, Zhang Boxun and Chai Peidong wrote the new scheme of mercerizing machine alkali absorption system, and Zhang Boxun wrote two papers on the secondary utilization of energy output from expanded evaporator, which were included in the proceedings of 2020 national energy conservation and environmental protection annual meeting of printing and dyeing industry.
The technology of "a concentration control device for light alkali recovery of mercerizing machine" successfully developed by deputy general manager Zhang Boxun has won the national patent (Patent No.: cn201922230020.9), and was authorized by the State Intellectual Property Office on September 8, 2020.
The above two technologies can significantly improve the quality of products.
Contributed by Liang Junwei
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