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    World Service Network: The Competition Of Homogenized Products Is Transferred To The New Battlefield Of Brand Culture. Garment People Tell Me That You Are Ready

    2020/12/26 20:05:00 5

    World Service

    Industry observation: how to integrate online and offline development of brand clothing enterprises in 5g era (practical guidance)

    Definition of brand clothing and analysis of its market situation

    Clothing brand, reference your enterprise to do an influential brand to start.

    Philip Kotler said that "enterprises must actively create and nourish the market". "Excellent enterprises meet demand; outstanding enterprises create market". Today we are talking about clothing brand enterprises, starting from the definition of brand. We need to popularize the following brand concept to our entrepreneurs, and provide a clear thinking for us to systematically describe the development concept of brand clothing enterprises.

    Then, what is a brand? A brand is a trademark composed of a company's name and products or services. It can be different from the logo of competitors and constitute the intangible assets of a company's unique market image. It contains two levels of meaning: one is the name of the product and the unique logo; the other is representing the added value of the product, such as the benefit points of function and psychology. Through the attribute, value, corporate culture, personalization and user elements and the results of market activities, the image recognition and quality cognition are formed, and the customer loyalty is shown through these. Generally speaking, it is an intangible asset, and its value is far more meaningful than your fixed assets.

    The brand of an enterprise must have a story. Its core significance is to establish a brand as the core, through the creation, consolidation and development of the brand, the story will be story, and the era background, cultural connotation and management concept related to the brand will be displayed in depth.

    At present, China's clothing brand enterprises are entering a new round of shuffling process. Once excellent and well-known clothing brands are falling and disappearing, such as BUSEN, Fuguiniao, Daphne, urban beauty... At the same time, some insolvent clothing, shoes and hats brands are emerging. With the step-by-step standardization of the capital market, the market is accepting the baptism of the times and the impact of consumers' cognition. How many clothing brand enterprises are still in the nude tour, and the clothing brands that can still hold on after the epidemic are great enterprises that can stay in the market, and are also the leaders of Chinese clothing brands with potential in the future.

    After 30 years of market research, we pay more attention to the real enterprises that are going through the real economy and are steadfast in the market. From the capital market to promote the use of IPO to obtain capital of clothing, shoes and hats textile enterprises are not in the scope of our discussion today.

    In fact, clothing brands have been developing in the process of constant self subversion and iteration. Every crisis is an opportunity for new brands to grow and stand out. From the impact of e-commerce to the start of trade war, the emergence of new crown epidemic is followed. At the moment, do you feel overwhelmed and at a loss? All of a sudden, all of a sudden, make all the clothing people at a loss. In particular, after the Spring Festival in 2020, the whole country is in a state of great popularity. The association, the government, the mayor, the county magistrate and the town head all show their magic power and rush into the live broadcast platform. Many people, in unknown circumstances, embark on the road of following the trend. However, the hot and noisy months have passed. Let's review and summarize, who won? It's the platform that makes a lot of money. It can be said that the doctor is in a hurry. Our clothing people are sick, but when did they start to get sick? Maybe it was when the Internet sprung up. And an epidemic in 2020 is just an accelerator for garment enterprises to treat "diseases" with Internet technology.

    We analyze the current stage of clothing brand enterprises are taking the road, now almost every enterprise has e-commerce and live broadcast. But we can't learn and follow the fashion as they did. Why? Because over the years, you are in a dilemma because of the huge operation system of your agents, dealers and exclusive stores. There is no way out if you don't live on e-commerce, and you can't face off-line brothers and sisters when you go up. At the moment, you may come up with such a solution. A brand, organize a team of people, together on Taobao, tmall, Jingdong and other platforms. At the moment, you are like a clock with enough wind up. On the one hand, you buy flow, on the other hand, you are trying to produce and deliver goods. The sales performance is very good, but the inventory pressure is great. However, you also forget that your offline excellent resources are changing with the direction of your business. It's time for them to eliminate you. For example, for a clothing brand that has been operating for 20 years, its offline sales channel terminal will not be less than 1500. Let's not talk about exclusive stores and agents for the time being, let's talk about the terminal channel. It will take about 15 years to develop and build with a total of 1500 terminals. We usually calculate the total value of these resources by 1 million yuan consumed by a terminal every year, and 1500 times 1 million to calculate its intangible assets. In this way, the output value of each year is a huge amount. So how to protect these assets? If our clothing brand enterprises want to sell on the cable and keep the offline customers, they must give full play to the original huge resources to complete their own sustainable development. (there are some clothing enterprises that do not have such a scale of clothing brands and some clothing enterprises that do not have a fixed sales terminal. We will not explain this topic for the time being. We have another topic about Internet solutions for wholesale merchants).

    Speaking of this, we can clearly see the importance of e-commerce. If we want to engage in e-commerce, we also have to face huge offline wealth (we call this wealth). What should we do? Popularize the Internet application knowledge layer and your previous business experience here. First of all, I would like to say that the application of Internet technology started, which means that your business model in the past has been subverted or even zero. Any operation needs cost. Please pay the general manager, operation director, marketing manager, etc. But in the face of today's situation, even if you give them double wages, it will not change the predicament. Because the times have changed, our consumer habits have changed. At this moment, your business thinking should be turned to Internet thinking. The operating cost should be to establish your own system platform based on informatization and digitization. These are the investment costs of your own flagship store. Set up a new marketing team, recruit artists, computer professionals, engineers who operate data and analyze the role of operation director. And the original high-cost offline team needs to be readjusted and continue to employ excellent talents who follow your pace. They are more familiar with offline customers than your new it members. Trust the data analysis engineer, and speak with data. Surely some people will say that we can't go to e-commerce and there is no need to go to e-commerce, but you will find that your customer base must be declining, because he has his own new choice online.

    Let's analyze why it is said that live broadcasting platforms such as tmall and Jingdong can't save your enterprise, because you are not fully prepared. I used to describe him as a smoker. The more you smoke, the more you pay, the more you lose. In the end, you get nothing. They're enterprises, analyzing you with data models. I once asked some enterprises that have done well in similar platforms. I asked him, do you know who your consumers are? He said that they are millions of fans. He did not know that he was working for the platform. Imagine if one day, you don't pay, or you violate the other party's bottom line, and the other party closes the platform, what else do you have?

    The solution to the integration of online and offline traditional enterprises is actually very simple, but our clothing enterprises do not have a correct understanding and understanding of the development of Internet technology. It's just a new tool. It originated in the United States and was introduced into China for only 20 years. At the moment, you are in the tide of China's reform and opening up market, but you can't have the best of both worlds. There must be gains and losses. At the moment, the Chinese market is undergoing an unprecedented fission and subversion. In the process of transformation,..........

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    ? ? ? Why do many textile and garment enterprises choose to become VIP members of the world service network? Because the cooperation purpose of the world service network is to cooperate once and be friends for life. Recalling that from 2008 to now, many excellent brand enterprises in the field of industry have entered into the world service network. As time goes by, some of them have become the industry leaders, and some of them have lost their voice. However, as the portal platform of the industry, the world service network has become the industry's portal platform We have been continuously recording the growth track of these enterprises, the glorious period of these enterprises, and the growth path of a brand. Here we believe that as an entrepreneur, you must hope to have a continuous and uninterrupted record of your business journey. Of course, as a platform of enabling and positive energy of national brands, worldservice is always willing to grow together with you and witness the glory of our brand. We sincerely welcome you to join the world service network family. We are willing to add more to your brand. I believe that you with foresight will not miss this achievement train of brand culture construction!

    See what world service can do for you! To learn more, please download our

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